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Posts posted by kaylin.booker

  1. Hey y'all, I really appreciate all your comments. I think it's important we read one another's comments with a grain of salt. Perhaps the *shrugs* are because they don't want to be judged for not going to playgroups. It really depends on how you read it :). All my friends obviously are mumsgroup/playgroup people, but most of the other women in my family are stay home people. It's a personality thing and all options are beneficial and good :).


    I have shied away from asking the women in my family because I don't want them to think I'm judging them, when really I just wonder how it's done (staying home a lot). So many of you have answered that question for me! Thank you!


    I do think we are going to switch camps a bit and have less day time commitments. Maybe keep to the one playgroup a week with my best friends. I also looked into after school activities for the big guy yesterday. We live in a very small country town in Australia. I can't seem to find any other homeschool moms. But we will only be here for 8 more months and then we are moving to Houston where it'll be peachy :)


    Thank you all for sharing your experiences!



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  2. Thanks guys, it's nice to see everyone's experiences with this stage! And it's nice to be given permission to not take my youngest ones out to play with friends as much as my older was able too. I love the idea of the three of them being each other's best friends. I think I will just have to sit down and shift focus from morning playgroups to an afternoon activity here and there.



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  3. Oh my goodness lol. I am a social addict. I could never ever ever have been someone who hung around all day with just my kid and even when I had two. Now that I have three, staying home sounds nice. But I can't even fathom not seeing my friends at least every other day. I get a little too chatty at checkout if I don't have social interaction! I can't imagine why anyone would discourage play groups! I love my friends and I love seeing my kids make friends. :)



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  4. We live somewhere where most kids are in preschool at age 4. It's not required but expected. I don't know any other homeschooling moms, so even though we are barely starting to homeschool, it's already weird at all our normal playgroups. He's the only one there his age. My 2 year old isn't very social naturally, and the baby obviously doesn't know the difference. I need some advice on what to do now. Did your younger children not get to do playgroups as much as your oldest did since he/she had to start homeschooling? Or did they come along too and do school work/play with the babies? Should we just switch gears to after school activities for letting them all make friends? It seems unfair to the littles. Maybe not the 2 year old but my baby has shown more signs of being super social like my oldest- so am I depriving her of those fun years? I mean, she'll also grow up with two big brothers to play with which my oldest didn't have. I'm obviously confused! Someone shine some light on this for me please!!



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  5. In 10 days I will turn 30. Maybe I'm being melodramatic about it, but it feels like a big deal. I'm not SAD, but I do feel nostalgic and gooey and a little scared perhaps. As it's on my mind so much, I'd love to read about what others of you did to mark your 30th year, how you handled it emotionally, and any other insights or nuggets of wisdom you might have for me. Thank you!


    P.S. I love my life and my husband and my three kids. I'm a Christian and currently in one of those excited about Jesus stages where I feel like I'm heading in a good direction spiritually. I've been incredibly blessed over the years and haven't a thing to complain about. Thirty wonderful years, thanks be to God :)



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  6. I appreciate all the honest responses. The positive and not so positive. It's a risk isn't it? Will it be a girl or a boy should be the least of your questions. Will it be healthy? Will it be an easy baby or a difficult one? Will it sleep well or not? Will it learn quickly or difficultly? Will it like to eat food or will it be picky? Spewer? Colicky? It's the greatest lottery really!



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  7. I have three kids. A BIG part of me wants just one more. I would, however have to convince my husband. He's not completely on board with the idea. Ok so he's not on board at all (yet). Also, I'm still having hesitations about whether or not I can handle three kids and another awful pregnancy. So I'm here to ask about another concern I have. Is homeschooling four a lot harder than homeschooling three? I feel like people say having a fourth is no big deal. You're just adding another one to the zoo. But perhaps it is a big deal for homeschoolers. Thoughts?



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  8. My son will be 5 in November. We will be reading reading reading aloud from puffin classic books like Peter Pan and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, etc. We will also be reading heaps of picture story books in the subject areas of art, American history, roman history, the jesus story book bible, psalms, parables, and poetry. I plan to make a flora and fauna scrapbook from our nature walks referencing our Australian specimen identification books. We'll be listening to one classical composer a month for an hour or more a day, and playing with math manipulatives to practice adding and subtracting numbers to 10, counting by 2s and 10s and basic fractions. We are going to work through the phonics lessons in the ordinary parents guide and reading Bob books. And using the Zaner-Bloser handwriting book. I also plan to begin teaching him french vocab as I can throughout the year.



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  9. TexCanAus, 


    I'm close to Spring as well. I have a 3.5 year old boy  :001_smile:. Maybe we can meet up when you return!


    That would be great!  Our house is in spring trails.  Are y'all close to there?  I feel like Houston is so big and there's so much traffic that even being in the same suburb can be a huge distance!  Also, this is TexCanAus.  I'm having difficulty figuring this forum out for some reason and now I have two screen names! 

  10. Chop and throw in to flavor black beans as they cook. You gotta get thick pork chops or they will be dry. Don't rule out meat though. Once I learned to cook meat properly my life got so much easier! Sorry if this posts twice. My ap keeps double posting.



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