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Posts posted by msec123

  1. The best way to connect Spanish to your daily life is to spend time around native speakers. If any of your friends speak Spanish, convince them to speak it with you for at least half of each time you hang out together. If you eat at a Mexican restaurant, try to order in Spanish.  Any time an opportunity to speak Spanish presents itself GRAB IT! You need to practice what you learn and talking is always the best way to do that. Once you can hold a basic conversation, find a Spanish-speaking meetup group or club so that you can pursue one of your hobbies in Spanish. This could be anything from a dance class to a choir to an astronomy club.

    This is also the secret to retaining what you have learned. As Luca puts it, “My parents had some good Spanish friends who came to eat at our place once a week, so I was able to practice with them. If you have the opportunity to speak many languages on a daily basis, then you won’t forget them.†This applies if you are juggling 10+ languages or if you are simply trying to keep a second language locked in your memory. The more you use it the less likely you are to forget it.

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  2. You can start as young as you want, you just need to play on your child's skills at their given age. If your child is under 4 then use images. Don't worry about their ability to retain any information, just get them used to the shapes of the letters.Spend time drawing the letters and having your child go over the letters with their own crayon. If you do too many different shapes, then your child will never remember any patterns. So stick with one noun, like water and draw it everywhere until they start to recognize it.


    Few Strategies for Controlling ADHD Without Medication:


    • Behavior therapy and medication: Parents learn how to give instructions that boost the child’s self-esteem and self-control using reward systems, structure, and time outs.


    Parent management training: PMT helps parents learn how to handle their children’s behavior, often with positive reinforcement and carefully conditioned punishments for bad behavior.


    Self-verbalization: A child vocalizes his or her plans and decisions in order to control behavior and understand consequences.


    Contingency management: This is an intensive version of behavior therapy, where a child learns behavior modification through rewards and loss of privileges.


    Education about ADHD: Knowing more about any condition is always one of the best ways to better approach and treat symptoms.


    Physical exercise with and without relaxation training: Regular exercise helps the brain release chemicals like dopamine, which boosts attention.


    Working memory training: This approach helps children with ADHD by training the memory system to retain and utilize information for longer periods of times and with more efficiency, which is often one of the main problems with children with ADHD.


  4. Avoid Potential Allergens

    Diets that restrict possible allergens may help improve behavior in some children with ADHD.It’s best to check with an allergy doctor if you suspect your child has allergies. But you can experiment by avoiding these foods:

    • chemical additives/preservatives like BHT and BHA
    • milk and eggs
    • chocolate
    • foods containing “salicylates†like berries, chili powder, apples and cider, grapes, oranges, peaches, plums, prunes, and tomatoes
  5. The first strategy is exercise.

    Before beginning your lesson, ask your students to stand and join you for two-minutes of light exercise. You can do jumping jacks, knee bends, twists, stretches, or your favorite yoga poses. Anything that spikes the heart rate will do.

    Studies show that exercise can boost brain function, improve mood, and increase learning. I’ve found that it clears mental clutter and provides the energy boost students need to be at their best.

    Once they sit back down, your students will be refreshed, rebooted, and ready for learning. Use exercise breaks throughout the day and you’ll notice a difference in your students’ attentiveness and performance.

    The second strategy is curiosity

    This strategy uses curiosity, which all students have in abundance, to entice them to follow along. And it’s as easy as it gets. Easy, though, doesn’t mean less effective. You can use this strategy several times a day, and it will never lose its attention-attracting luster.

    The curiosity strategy starts with a promise. The teacher asks students to pay close attention, to mentally engage throughout the early stages of the lesson because, if they do, there will be a payoff at the end.

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  6. The most essential thing is a natural fit between your child and the teacher. Set up a meeting between your child and a prospective teacher. Don't do all the talking. Let your child speak for herself. After that ask your child these questions:

    • How did you feel when you were working with her?
    • Was there anything she did that made you uncomfortable or confused? 
    • Would you like to see her again?
  7. Here's some advice for trying to find the school that works for you..


    1.Start with who you are and why you are going.

    You need to examine yourself and your reasons for going to college before you start your search. Why, really, are you going? What are your abilities and strengths? What are your weaknesses? What do you want out of life — something tangible or intangible?


    2.A name-brand college will not guarantee your success.

    Think about the people in your life who are happy and successful and find out where they went to college. Ask the same about famous people. You will likely find that success in life has less to do with the choice of college than with the experiences and opportunities encountered while in college, coupled with personal qualities and traits.


    3.Dont be scared by the stories.

    If you only pay attention to the headlines, you might start to believe that no one is getting in anywhere! The truth is that the majority of the colleges and universities in this country admit more students than they reject. If you're worried about your chances of getting admitted — and you're willing to investigate beyond the very narrow band of highly selective colleges — you'll find that you have many options that will lead to a great fit for you.


    4.The most important factor in choosing a college is fit.

    Choosing a college because your friends are going there or because of where it ranks on a list does not take into account who you are and who you will become. College is a match to be made, not a prize to be won. Finding a good fit requires time and thoughtfulness.


  8. There are many similarities between English and Spanish. Any one can learn simultaneously.First of all, both languages use the Roman alphabet. That knowledge helps build a phonemic and phonological foundation.Most of the words in English have a related word in Spanish. With similar sound, appearance, and meaning. And learning to read and write uses the same basic processes (phonemic awareness, decoding, fluency, comprehension, writing mechanics).

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