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Posts posted by iwjeanie

  1. I have the 5-7 for my 5 yr old DS. This seems to be a good fit for him. My 12 yr old DD is in the 9-11. This is her first year homeschooling and she has some dyslexia issues so I thought the reading would be more at her level. Some things seem easy, but I tweak everything I do, so I adjust for her. It does a wonderful job of presenting the material (however, they need to do some proofreading). I also like that there's not much teacher prep time. I think doing a K and 3rd grader is too far apart, however, if you taught to the 3rd grader and the K listened in (while adding phonics and age appropriate projects) it could work. It may be more work for you though in the long run :) All of their units are stand alone, so you can just order one concept to make sure you have the right level.

  2. Morality comes from an understanding and respect for mankind and above that for living creatures in general. I know many atheists who are strong supporters of animal rights, human rights, and environmental preservation. It’s an innate preservation of species and respect for the earth that gives me my morality, rather than a book.

  3. We do 15 days a month. At the beginning of the month I sit down with the kids and go over activities and decide what days we are doing "school". I've been doing it this way since last fall and so far it's going good. When we finish something, we just move on to the next level. I do keep track of long term goals (what I what to accomplish every 6 months or so) to make sure we stay on track.

  4. For what grade are you using this program? I am currently looking for secular science program and would love to hear more about it.

    Thanks. Be well



    Miriam, right now my 15dd is using it for history, science, and creative writing. He also does free journals so you can try the program out http://www.connectthethoughts.net/journal.php

    My 12dd does the journals as a fun supplement to her regular studies. I want to start my 5ds this fall on the starter curriculum. I think this curriculum engages the kids and really gets them thinking. I have been very happy with it so far. We are just finishing up our first semester with this program.

  5. My 9th grade DD will be coming home from PS after this semester. I have no clue what to do! We home schooled last year but I looked at it like, it was a year....I can't mess her up too bad :-) We had a lot of fun and she learned a lot, which is why she wants to come home. I don't know why I am so nervous about this... If anyone has any advice, book recommendations, or curriculum recommendations (secular) it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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