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Posts posted by Blessedx9

  1. Hi!  I haven't been on these boards for a while but we are making some changes in our hs and I was wondering if FLL has a placement test.  My kiddos haven't had a ton of formal grammar and I am looking at FLL but I don't know where they should begin.  Thanks for any help!!



  2. That's ok.  Thanks for taking the time to share your experience with it. :)  I like the resources that it uses, (I even own most of them already) except that I don't know very much about MOH, other than a lot of people love it.  I love that it schedules everything for you.  In this busy season of my life, I really think something more open-and-go is best for us.  I also like that it has discussion questions, copywork, notebooking pages, etc. included as I've been wanting to add in those elements and just felt that I didn't have time.  Hopefully, someone will chime in that has used it as is?  

  3. Thanks for your reply!  I have 5 to teach this year:  ds 15, dd 11, dd 9, ds 7, and dd 6.  I do love the way the faith is integrated as well.  That's the main thing that I love about it :)  It's the flexibility that bothers me, maybe.  I actually own both TOG and CWH (blush) and have never been able to get either off the ground.  I did buy the lesson plans for CWH, but Idk.  Maybe I'm just too darn picky!  I want flexibility AND structure  :lol: .  I know, it doesn't work that way, lol.  I'm thinking at this point in my life, maybe I need more structure, since there is so much that is going on on the sidelines of life.  Maybe I could use CWH later, after this phase of life is over.  (I watch my 3 grandkids 3 days a week, plus I have a 4 yo dd, so my days are pretty full even before hsing comes into play :) ).  Thanks again for your insights; I will definitely keep them in mind.   :thumbup:

  4. Hi!  I just found Illuminations yesterday and honestly, it looks to be just what I have been pining for!  Anyone have any experience with it?  What do you like/dislike about it?  Any info is helpful!  TIA :)




    ETA:  The only problem that I have is that it is not Catholic :(  Are there any Catholics on here that use MOH?  What do you do to make it work?  

  5. Oh, thank you for your reply!  That is exactly what I was thinking!  I am having her start the diagnostic tests today to see where she would place, so we will go from there.  I already own flashcards from Abeka, do you think those would suffice?  I will check out the reference chart right now.  Thanks again!!


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  6. We switched to R&S this year (started with 2nd for my dd, she knew most of it, so we bumped her up to 3rd), but my dd is having a bit of an issue with the non-workbook format.  It is taking her FOREVER to write out the problems each day and she HATES it!  Not a physical problem, I don't think, (her penmanship is very good!) just a personality thing.  I'm seriously considering switching AGAIN to CLE since they seem to be pretty similar.  Are they pretty similar?  Or am I thinking that because they are both written my Mennonite companies?  I would LOVE and welcome any feedback!!!   TIA!!!



  7. Thanks for the advice, ladies! I've looked at both the OPGTR and The Reading Lesson as well as read the link to K. Webster's Speller to teach reading, but I think I really need something more scripted, more "open and go", especially b/c I'm teaching 6 kiddos this year.   I think, based on that, I have it narrowed it down to CLE's Learning to Read and AAR level 1.  My kiddos love workbook type pages so they both fit the bill for that, as well as, being pretty much open and go. Anyone have any input on these, for example, what did you love about them, what did you hate, etc would be very helpful! 



  8. I am so confused about the different phonics programs out there.  Now, this isn't my first time teaching phonics (it's actually my 3rd and 4th children) but I just can't decide what to use this time. 


    For background info, I am teaching my 8, 6 and 5 yo's to read.  (I previously subscribed to the better late than early school of thought but am now changing my mind a bit.)  I used 100 EL with my last 2, but I honestly can't stand the thought of using it again!  I have looked at a lot of different programs and I have gotten confused by the different options.  I am really hoping that maybe someone can give me some input. 


    We tried the new PAL from IEW and while we really liked it, it was taking forever to get through each day!  I'm teaching 6 dc this year, plus keeping up with my toddler, as well as, my 3 grandchildren a couple of days a week and I just don't have that kind of time!  I've looked at AAR, since we are going to use AAS but it's so expensive to buy everything needed for the 3 kiddos.  I found a book called Simply Phonics by Laurie Hicks and it looks pretty good.  I also have Happy Phonics but it's a little TOO unscripted for me.  I've looked at OPGTR online as well.  I want something that kind of combines things a bit.  My dd's love workbook pages, but my ds doesn't as much.  They love playing game, but I can't have too many, because of the time factor.  I would love something that isn't too expensive, but that part is somewhat negotiable :) 


    Also an issue is the length of time it takes for the different programs. For example, 100 EL is a pretty short-term program (3-4 months), while AAR is a 4 year program (at least that's the way I understand it.) Why are some so drawn out? I'm not looking for instant results, or a short-term commitment, per se, but 4 years to teach reading? Does it really take that long to teach the sounds and blends? I'm just wondering what I'm missing here, kwim? 


    Sorry to ramble on so, but I'm really at a loss here!  I've been hsing for 13 years now and this is really bothering me that I can't get this figured out and move on :cursing:   ANY help and advice will be most appreciated :hurray: !!!

  9. I just want to say thank you to all who have replied.  I'm sorry that I haven't been on here more, but I want you to know that I have been reading every post with interest.  I have checked out many of the curricula mentioned, but I have a few more to look at.  


    I don't think RightStart is a good fit for us, especially right now.  I forgot to mention that I am teaching 5 right now, with 1 high schooler besides.  Plus a preschooler, and I keep my grandson at least 1 day a week.  I am really looking at Singapore Essential and also at R&S 1, just going slower to fit her pace.  Anyway, I really appreciate you ladies taking the time to help :)  It really means alot!

  10.      Hello!  I would love some recommendations for my 5yo dd for K math :)   I did not like Saxon, but am willing to look at most other curricula.  I am switching the older ones to R & S so I would most likely switch my 5yo too.  Anyone have anything that they love?  Especially if it meshes well with R & S later?  


          Also, I have looked at the preschool ABC series that is on the Milestone Books website and I really think it would be too easy for her.  That's why I decided not to do Saxon K, it was boring her to tears b/c she could already do almost everything in at least the 1st half of the book.  (I didn't really look through the whole thing.)  


         Anyway, I would love to have some recommendations to research!   TIA!!



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