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Jill from MS

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Posts posted by Jill from MS

  1. We are using HSLDA Online Academy this year and will use both WHA and HSLDA for next year. As you have probably heard, HSLDA Online Academy is now offering both Chemistry and Biology, as well as many business courses, in addition to all their English, Social Studies, Math, and Foreign Language courses. It appears that Chemistry will be using BJU's 4th Edition Chemistry while Biology will use Dr. Wile's Exploring Creation with Biology.


    Regarding AP World History and English 2 (World Lit.) which my ds has been taking, here are some comments I recently posted in a P'M to someone concerned about the 10-15 hour time commitment recommended by HSLDA for the AP course:


    In AP World History, my son says he spends approximately 30 minutes per night reading the textbook. He is a 'summary guy' and a fast reader, but I would have to say that it has not been an overwhelming class for him, nor has it taken 10-15 hrs. per week. However, I would say he does spend quite a bit of time on Saturdays writing essays for his HSLDA classes. Many times during the year he has to write three essays in a two-hour window and he is usually racing to finish. But it has been very good for him and he is learning how to manage time in somewhat stressful situations. He is also learning how to carefully follow the prompt. He has been deducted major points at times for straying from including all aspects of the prompt, even when the essays themselves have been quite well-written. These are valuable lessons and I am thrilled that he is learning them now while still in high school!


    As for the English 2 class, he often spends part of Saturday morning finishing up an essay or taking a test since assignments are due at midnight. During the week he studies vocabulary and takes frequent short quizzes. He also often has short grammar exercises to complete.


    For both classes, he often has additional lectures to listen to online during the week besides the live class component. And he has blogging assignments involving interacting with the other students on various questions and prompts during the week; these activities contribute to a weekly participation grade. For reading, you can look at the book lists for each class to get an idea of the reading assignments, but I must admit that the English 2 class adds a surprising number of additional articles to print out and read during the year as well.


    All in all, I have been very pleased with both classes and we will be continuing with HSLDA Online Academy for my son's senior year.


    Meanwhile, though, we are trying a different track for my dd who will be in 10th grade next year, and will be using mostly WHA which meets twice a week for 90 min. sessions each time (in comparison to HSLDA which meets once a week for either 60 or 90 minutes). I want to use more of the 'classical' approach for her and have her try the Great Conversation 1 & 4 which will cover English, History, & Bible; as well as taking Logic 2, Physics 1 w/Honors (she is currently taking Bio.), etc.


    I am thrilled that we have so many choices out there for homeschooling the high school years!!! Oh, and if anyone is interested in signing up for an HSLDA Online Academy course as a newbie to their programs, p'm me for a special code to get $30 off!!





  2. Hello,


    Last year was our first year to homeschool. My 15 yo son who is pretty self-motivated took Latin  1a & 1b with Lukeion last year and did well. He does not enjoy Latin, though and feels Spanish would be a better use of his time. We have decided (a few weeks late)  to do Classical Conversations this year- he is in Challenge 2. They use Henle 2 in this class but the tutor said that students may use a different Latin book if they prefer.


    My question is:

    Is Henle 2 is an appropriate step for a student who has completed the first 19 chapters of Wheelocks? I do not want him to be too far behind or ahead and want to choose something suitable.


    Thank you for any advice you may have!


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