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Mary H

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Posts posted by Mary H

  1. I know exactly what you are going through. My ds went through that same thing and took the test and everything and he has to wait until November to go in. I pray that your son makes at least a 55 on the ASVAB test and makes the wise choice of what he wants to do in training. I pray that he does not want to be on the Front line of Iraqu (sp). I am also praying for you mom. :grouphug::patriot: Let us know how it goes ok?


    Mary H

  2. Your Welcome and that is ok about my mom she went home to be with the Lord in 1996. She did not lose any weight though, she stayed her weight. When she was diagnosed, she had to stay in the hospital quite a long time because of this. The tumer was so big that she had to have cemo and the such. She did not die then just later after she got out and went to a convelesnt home. I will keep you in my thoughts. Hope they can find out what is wrong!!:grouphug:


    Mary H

  3. My mom had this except on her face and neck. I know that is not where yours is but she had Hodigyns(sp) and they did not know until she had to go to the hospital because she could not breathe. Some of the signs are constantly itching and the such. I can remember that in my high school years, her itch becaume so hard for her to deal with that she scrated her face raw. Please get it looked at and maybe ask for a blood test. I don't want to scare you, and this is probably isn't it, but do ask or go to your Dr.



    Mary H

  4. Me:

    Homemaker, Christian, Republician, Love Dancing for the Lord, Worshiping Him



    Pastor, Nurse LPN, Christian, Republican, Talking to people about God, Loved homeschooling until he found out that they aren't learning as much as they should. ( my mistake). Also he is 12 years older than me. Has a Masters Degree in Theology and going for his Doctoret (sp)


    Mary H

  5. I know what your going through. I also had a miscariage at 11 weeks. Twice. I remember a lady telling me that Jesus is watching over your child in heaven. I have 2 daughters up there and 1 son. I look forward to the day that I can go to heaven and see them. Prayers for you durring this time. I am crying with you too!!


    God Bless!!


    Mary H

  6. My dh's has turned into phnemonia (sp)and he is still working :( and ds 11 turned into bronccotist (sp). DS 9 has the real bad cold; cough that hasn't affected his asthma (PTL); fever, hedache,sore throat, stuffy nose, lost voice, and other ds 18 is having cough, stuffy nose, lost voice, and low fever. I am only having fever (low) small headache and a little phlem. Thank God I don't get very sick when they do. We don't have any throwing up or anything like that PTL. Hope everybody else feel better in a little while!!


    Mary H

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