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Hamburger Mom

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Posts posted by Hamburger Mom

  1. This experience is such a roller coaster. My son was at LMU for an admitted student day yesterday and LOVED it.  Then he returned to the hotel to open a Northwestern rejection (it was his top school). And then (lol) he was surprised by a USC acceptance (for theatre!). 

    Of course, now he has a tour of USC starting in a few hours while he still in LA.  Whew! It's overwhelming for everyone.

    I'm not sure how much homeschooling helps/hurts his applications, but I felt like without test scores and LOR for UCLA, we were not surprised with a rejection.  It seems as if he's doing better with schools that have more opportunities (essays, videos, etc) for him to stand out. 

    FYI--my husband and son were both very impressed with the honors program at LMU.  DS also received a merit scholarship from them.

    • Like 8
  2. Three more rejections today.  I called the college board again to see if someone more helpful could provide me with schools using test-only codes in my area.  He could not.  At least, a few people got back to me.  I agree that the tests will probably end up being online again anyway, so I wish they would just let us register directly. 

    Feel free to message me any schools in the Midwest that take out-of-district kids.  🙂

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  3. Add my family to the "still looking" group! 🙂 Is there a list of private schools or places accepting homeschoolers this year? We just moved to the Louisville, KY area and aren't having any luck finding a place for my son to take his exams.  I'm willing to pay more or travel, at this point.  I have searched the college board lists, but then when I contact the schools, they either aren't getting back to me or are saying no.  I asked in the local homeschool FB group, but no one had suggestions.  Are there any "informal" lists online? 


  4. Hi! I haven't BTDT yet, but I'm in the same boat.  In fact, I also have a DS8 and DD5, and this will be their first year in a B&M school. We are working on writing names on papers--they rarely do this at home.  Also, I'm having them practice sharpening pencils. :) 


    As far as our schedule goes, we are cutting back on outside activities--at least in the fall.  My DS8 had two weeks of day camp this summer, so he got used to bringing his lunch (and not forgetting to bring his lunch bag home). 


    Oh, and we reviewed (for DD5) things like our address, phone numbers, etc.  


    Good luck!

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