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Posts posted by Unmeltable

  1. I can't help but notice her homeschooling sounds . . . past tense. 


    I had a veteran teacher (30+ years) tell me 15 minutes of one on one instruction equals about 3-4 hours classroom instruction. You can probably vouch for this from your own experience (I know I can). 


    Think of all the time wasted in a traditional school--waiting in line, moving from classroom to classroom, waiting for the teacher to explain to others something you already understand . . .

  2. My son was unsuccessful with two reading programs (including 100 Easy Lessons) before being very successful with Mimio Headsprout Early Reading:




    It was so simple and intuitive and did all the heavy lifting of teaching--I would just review with him a little by letting him read me the books. I think the difference was, the computer is infinitely patient--if he doesn't get it, it just backs up a little until he does. He feels independent and "grown up", the program is constantly adjusting to meet his needs. Really I recommend it to anyone. 


    I think with a struggling reader having eyes checked and so forth can't hurt. Just to eliminate the possibility.




  3. Congratulations on the addition to your family! What an exciting time!


    I always recommend, if you haven't read it, Parenting the Hurt Child. I think it's such lifesaver with older child adoption.


    I think beginning schooling and language learning can go hand in hand. For example, if you're learning to count with objects, you're working on English and beginning math. Really, all kindergarten math is basically vocabulary. Also colors, shapes, maybe setting the table and folding clothes. Reading beautiful books together. I think you'll have lots to work on for a few months while she picks up English. By then she'll be ready for 1st grade when "real" academics start.  


    I'm so happy for her and you!

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