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The other Kimberly

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Posts posted by The other Kimberly

  1. My 14 year old is in need of some intensive work on his language skills this summer. Spelling, punctuation, grammar, and especially some reading comprehension. This is due in part to the fact that his older brother is gifted in these areas, so I assumed he'd come along eventually but he just hasn't. I want to focus on these areas this summer.


    Ideas? I'll take any and all feedback.

  2. Ditto the above comments. The most memorable Nature Study Outings were times we just put ourselves in nature in an unhurried manner. A hike, a zoo, a trail, a pond. Whatever. Something would catch someone's attention and it would take on a life of its own. I have enjoyed nature journaling on my own but to make my sons do it would have squeezed joy out of some great moments.

  3. Who here really plans their year? Me

    Do you plan the whole year or in chunks? A loose overall plan - we debate so most of our spring is involved in travel and debate practice, research, tournaments, etc...

    Do you make all the copies of stuff you'll need at one time? Only tests for Math and science.

    Do you buy any supplies you'll need before your year? I re-stock basic items and purchase lab kits for science

    How do you decide what you will cover? I look at curriculums and accept or reject the goals they set and add my own if needed.

    Do you do a goal type thing? Loosely. We are in High School now so I do need to have goals - subject goals.

    Do you use a planner, paper, online? I've tried it all. Right now I am using a notebook.

  4. Try:

    Guerber Books which have been edited by Christine Miller at Nothing New Press

    Marshall books found at Yesterday's Classics

    Picturesque Tale of Progress by Olive Beaupre Miller (buy used as they are out of print and FANTASTIC!)

    Old books by John Lord called Beacon Lights of History - excellent!

    Biographies by Jacob Abbott - also at Yesterday's Classics

    I love any book by Eva March Tappan. Some available at Yesterday's classics and many available used on ebay.


    In general, I have to agree with your hubby. :iagree: Historical fiction should be judiciously chosen and sparingly used. There are so many great books available that aren't textbooks, you could school for 12 years w/o historical fiction or texts!

  5. I've been homeschooling for 12 years and I have switched curriculums constantly over that 12 years. Somehow, my kids have ended up well educated in spite of my mania in search of the perfect. I think its hard because I am trying to balance being a wife, mother, homemaker, person, and teacher all in one. I think I am finally learning that simple has always been best for my boys as well as the best and only way to still have a life in all of the other areas. Truly, I believe you could pick (almost) any curriculum and end up with well educated kids. In fact, I have often thought that a math text and a library card are all you need for K-6! Never been brave enough to try it, but I am reasonably sure that it would result in much joy and lots of learning with little anxiety. I worry about how all of the HS Mom curriculum angst may have actually harmed my efforts throughout the years. I am actually in the freeing process right now of selling off 1/2 of my reasonably large home library. Feels so good to let go and say that my sons may never read this book and that's fine with me!

  6. Gotta cast a vote for the library. I have been devouring Agatha Christie audios and have listened to about 12 complete books in the last month. I listen while I cook, clean, brush my teeth, drive, wait, etc... I put them all on hold at the library. Also, you can search for free literature from itunes. I get classic short stories, old time radio classics, and complete novels like Jane Eyre, Tale of Two Cities, etc... There are also many audiobooks for sale through itunes.

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