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Posts posted by heather124

  1. We have an awesome laser printer, however, for math mammoth, I had Office Depot print them when they would offer a 25% off coupon in the paper.  It worked out to be about $20 printing double sided for each section (ie 4a, 4b) for 2 boys.  So for about $10 to not have my printer and ink and they 3hole punched it for me, it was perfect!  Just an idea....

  2. New to homeschooling this year, but I decided my boys needed to know countries & their capitols, major rivers &  mountain ranges of each, along with important landmarks (Big Ben etc.)


    We are using blank maps and filling them in.  We have only done North America (along with 50 states) & Europe.  We are now starting Asia. 


    Being new to HSing and not knowing all resources out there, we just threw this back to basic plan.  Not the prettiest or most fun, but it is working.

  3. New to Homeschooling  this year with 4th grade advanced mathy kids. Our experience with MM has been that we get through 1 to 1/5  lessons per day (depending on how many problems I have them do).  They enjoy math and ask for it on weekends and during the winter break.  In that regard we were able to complete 4A and B by 2nd week in January.  I also had them do the end of year test so I knew for sure that they were ready to move on.  We are doing 5a now and have our 1st chapter review (& test) tomorrow.  Looking ahead, we should finish 5A by end of school year and maybe get some of 5b done, but I don't imagine we will finish both.  Therefor I cant imagine doing 4, 5 & 6 all in one year. I could see you doing 1.5 to 2 years maybe.  I think there is value though in doing different math too, so we fit in Zaccaro's Becoming a Problem Solving Genius and Challenge Math.. 


    Best of Luck!  

  4. New to homeschool this year, and new to the classical method of education as a whole, so I'm in no way knowledgeable about the subject.  However,I downloaded Susan Wise Bauer's mp3 lecture on writing in the middle grades (loved it by the way) and she clearly believes diagraming is a very important tool for helping children fix or find what is wrong in their sentences.  She advices to continue with a grammar/writing program that offers it through the middle grades.  Not sure if she believes so during the high school years though.



  5. I can completely relate.  We just began homeschooling my 9yo twins this year and more often than not I'm panicking about what we are (or aren't) doing.  And don't even get me started on my newest hobby (obsession) of researching EVERY SINGLE curriculum, workbook, pinterest activity, teachers-pay-teachers offerings out there.  Lets just say I spend more hours looking than I do teaching.


    No advice, but you aren't alone.

  6. I'm a new homeschool this year, but have been reading aloud to my children their entire lives.  I have twin 9 yo boys and they love read alouds.  This year I'm doing them during lunch time, while they eat, I read and after lunch while they play indoor basketball, or make loom bands whatever.  Their hands are busy, but their minds are absorbing the story. 


    Maybe reading aloud while he is doing some quiet activity may help both of you.

  7. For what its worth, we just began to homeschool this year with our 9 year old, 4th grade boys.  Coming from public school with little formal grammar, they have done wonderfully in with FLL 4.  It is easy to use and understand with the instructor guide.  The chanting, clapping, repeating definitions, I think most children will 'get' it.  You can go at your own pace too.


    Good Luck!

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