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Posts posted by chaite

  1. Hi everyone,


    I'm still in the process of deciding how to teach my 9 yr. old. We are starting homeschool in the fall (he's finishing up 3rd grade now). My son has attention issues (ADHD but very mild on the H). He LOVES anything having to do with a computer, tv, ipad, etc. We limit his time on them as it is, but allow a bit here and there. There are some great online sources of learning and he is definitely drawn to these. I have some hesitations because I don't want him to become focused/dependent entirely on online learning. He doesn't like reading that much - he loves comic books, graphic novels, audio books and being read to. He also loves doing projects and building things.


    Given all this information, do you know if there are any negatives to letting him do some of his learning online? I'm thinking BrainPop and Time4Learning. Other suggestions would be welcome.


    Personally speaking, I was also an ADHD learner, and I always said that if someone would have put history to a song that I could learn and sing, then I would have had no trouble in school! So I realize that I didn't like reading either - my brain couldn't slow down for me to process the information. I learned better watching something in addition to having it in front of me on a sheet of paper.


    Also, do you know of any good project based learning? Activites, crafts, etc? He really loves these sorts of things.


    Thank you so much!

  2. Hi everyone,


    We are starting homeschooling after this school year is over - my son will be finishing 3rd grade. I'm going to be trying out WWE for both of my kids (I also have a daughter who is 6 and finishing up Kindergarten). Since my son would be entering 4th grade next year, but is new to WWE, where do I start? The book might explain this (I haven't ordered it yet), but any input would be very appreciated!


    Thanks so much,


  3. I am looking into language arts programs for my kids for next year. What are your recommendations?


    My daughter is 6 and finishing up K and my son is just about to turn 9 and finishing up 3rd grade. I'll be homeschooling in the fall.



    ps. I have no idea what the abbreviations mean, so if you don't mind spelling out the full names, that would be great!

  4. Hi everyone,


    I'm considering homeshooling my two kids next fall, but I have two questions that are nagging me. The first is a very real concern that I will get overwhelmed with homeschooling and being around my kids ALL the time. I get overwhelmed very easily if I don't get enough time to myself everyday - I'm a highly sensitive person which basically means that my nervous system is wired to pick up on everything all the time and it can be very stressful. That said, if I have enough time to myself during the day, I'm great. I also LOVE being with my kids and I do have extroverted tendencies if I've had enough "me" time.


    Has anyone else had any experience homeshooling as a highly sensitive parent?


    Secondly, I know the socialization issue doesn't necessarily have to be an issue, but someone brought it up today and it got me thinking. Their point is that if they only interact with kids for playdates, then they never get to experience what it means to work as a team and learn from the experience of problem-solving, brainstorming, etc. I'd love some thoughts on this.


    Thanks so much to everyone in advance for responding!

  5. Hi everyone!


    I have an 8yr old and a 6yr old (3rd and K) and I'm going to start homeschooling this summer/fall. I need a bit of direction where curriculum is concerned. I've researched a lot of programs but I can't decide where to begin.


    My 6yr old is easy - she loves doing anything you give her.


    My son, who will be 9 next month, loves to learn, but he is a reluctant reader (still loves books with pictures and says he doesn't like reading chapter books). He does like being read to, however, and has great retention. He is also fairly ADD (but I think this is based on the fact that his current school is not teaching to his style of learning). He's really into science and history.


    I'm not sure what the best method of teaching is for him. If he's not interested in something, then he has a really hard time doing it and I worry that with homeschooling, he is going to complain a lot if the curriculum is boring for him.


    I am very spiritual but not specifically religious, so I don't need a religious curriculum. I don't mind references as long as it's not too dominant of a feature. I love all the values instilled, we just aren't affiliated with any specific denomination.


    I'm intruiged by Sonlight. Would love thoughts on this.


    Thank you all so much for your feedback! I'm so excited, but also slightly terrified. Right now, I have a good amount of time for myself and I'm worried that will disappear and that I'll feel stressed out all the time. :) My husband is also worried about this.


    Finally (sorry, this is a long post!), do you have any good internet articles about the benefit of homeschooling that I can send my husband? I am convinced that this is the right thing to do for my kids, but he is still considering it for himself. I'd love to get him some information that he can read through to help him decide. He's not exactly proactive about researching this himself, so I'm trying to find some articles, etc. that would be good to send him.


    Thank you!

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