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Posts posted by NewDawnNewDay

  1. Hi,


    I just purchased it to use for first grade, which we will begin this summer. I love that it is secular and literature based. I like having a weekly schedule that I can adapt as I see fit. Many of the listed books we would be reading anyway. She is offering 25% off right now (after I just bought it last week!) so it's a good time to buy. It's no big loss if you don't love it. I'm planning to print and put it in a three ring binder. 


    We will continue on with the next level of All About Reading, begin All About Spelling, and Right Start for math. I can't give you any hands on feedback but I am definitely excited about starting it and think it looks like a great program!

  2. hi all,


    i am, or will be, new to homeschooling this fall. my dd will be 5 1/2, and starting her K year. i also have a son in jr high in ps and a 3 1/2 year old. anyway....i purchased, second hand, AAR 1. at the time my daughter could just read basic CVC words. in the past several months, she has begun full on reading, pretty much everything. i pulled out the AAR to familiarize myself with how we might pace it, knowing much of it would be review. turns out, it is looking like none of it will be useful to us any longer. i'm weary of moving to AAR 2. i'm figuring, if she taught herself to read without costing me a dime, surely we find a cheaper option to move forward with reading. i just have no clue what our next step should be. any advice?


    *pardon my lack of using capital letters*

  3. Sorry if this isn't the right forum for this question. But for some reason I was looking at AAS but as I read more about it, I see they suggest starting with AAR and adding spelling later. So, if I did decide to go AAR for reading, how does one decide what level to begin at? I had assumed level 1 but I think a large portion of it my daughter knows or will by the time we officially start late this summer. Because of the cost I don't want to buy level 1 just to use as we need and then have to buy level 2 mid year. She is not an advanced reader by any means. She's on the sight word edition of BOB books and has gone thru Starfall. She's doing better everyday. Has anyone used AAR who has any advice???

  4. I love that you wrote this post and all the honest responses that follow! Admittedly, I feed my kids a lot better than I eat myself. We make sure to get all the good stuff in, the fruits and veggies and lots of water. We do buy organic and I cook from scratch alot - sometimes it's healthy from scratch and sometimes it's rich and fatty from scratch :thumbup1: . I have a cookie monday tradition where there is something baked fresh every monday. We order pizza and that in itself is an ordeal with one gluten sensitive kid, one vegetarian, and one meat LOVER!


    Overall, I agree - balance and moderation is key, like in all areas of life!

  5. I have been reading thru all your posts and taking notes! I find all the amazing options overwhelming as a first-time-about-to-begin-homeschooling mama. My dd will start K this fall, with her 3 year old language delayed brother in tow. Her eldest bro will begin jr high, he's in a public charter.


    So far I have purchased:


    Right Start Level A

    More Mudpies to Magnets

    Lollipop Logic


    The Family Virtues Guide


    List of things I am trying to learn more about, many after reading positive things about them here, are:



    Ancient Creature Cards

    All About Spelling

    EB Singapore Math


    I am really stuck on selecting a reading program. She currently is reading thru the first level of BOB Books. I own Teach Your Child in 100....from when my oldest was her age. We didn't use it, but I've thought of using it with her. When I researched it on here it seems very unpopular though so I am trying to learn more about why.


    As for extras, there is an amazing local homeschool organization here that offers every class and group under the sun, so we will try to utilize that for social time since all her friends are going off to school!

  6. Hi,

    New here! I'll be starting K this fall with my dd. DS is in 5th grade in a charter school. My language delayed 3 year old will be a part of our K fun in any way he is able to! I love the support I've been reading in many threads and all the valuable info, resources, and feedback.

    I felt pressure to cover so many things and this thread reminded me that the basics can also offer introductions to the "extras" in a k year.

    I've just started collecting what we will use. So far we will do Right Start Math, FIAR, HWT. I'm torn over a reading program. She's reading the first set of BOB books for now." I also purchased lollipop logic and Mudpues.

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