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Posts posted by WandaMarks

  1. I came across a site that is selling these shirts



    and I was pretty confused. I thought this was an anceint show that is no longer airing?

    Then again, I dont watch that much television.


    I showed it to a friend of mine who was of the opinion of that the show was overly racist toward Native Americans.

    Is that true? can anyone remember specific examples?

  2. Hello all,


    I am wondering if any of you have any Saint Patrick's Day traditions you would like to share

    the more unusual the better!

    This is the first time my Hubby and I will have both St. P's day and the next day off *Together* in about 10 years

    so we are looking to spice things up a little by doing something fun

    I thought a couple of these would add to the spirit of the event


    is it wrong to wear 'couples' shirts? lol


    Have an awesome weekend!


    Eek! Then you'd better make up your own. You know what they say, "if you want something done properly, you have to do it yourself." :p


    I think making up your own is a good idea, but its hard to know where to start. once you start defining the rules it becomes more difficult. Sometimes it's easier to go with something that is predefined, not saying that this is the correct path.

    I'm interested in this thread as my daughter has just started asking me questions about relgion and I'm not entirely sure what to tell her.

  4. Thanks for all of your opinions, I am glad I am not alone in my opinions.

    I think I can handle this shirt


    as someone above suggested. I had not taken a good look at it when I looked through the bunch

    it is the most acceptable of all that I have seen.


    I agree with not wanting kids to be used as advetisments, but he does really love Slayer, listens to them all of the time and is trying to learn some of the guitar work which is actually pretty intricate if you can discern it from the extremely harsh vocals.


    I will let you know the result of this discussion with him.

    thanks again for all of your opinions

  5. dont get me wrong, if my son liked those bands, id be totally ok with getting him a shirt or two since none of them have skeletons that have bleeding crowns of thorns on them or dead babies.

    I would still forbid him to wear it if he bought it with his own money as I feel they are offensive and inappropriate for school, work, family outings, church, grocery shopping, etc.

  6. what do you guys think about kids wearing band shirts to school?


    My daughter likes one direction so i got her a couple to wear....

    then my son demanded some slayer shirts since it is his favorite band


    there are a few differences in the shirts though


    a one direction generally looks like some variation of this



    whereas a slayer shirt can be any sort of gore infused eye sore more like any of these



    None of those are something i am ok with buying for my son. He doesnt get this reasoning... and is being very difficult about the whole situation saying there is favoritism etc.


    where do you guys stands on band shirts in your kids wardrobes?

  7. Ha. I hear you on Ikea food. As the mother of a child with a food allergy, and with food preferences of my own, I like to know what I'm eating. One can choose to be "adventurous" if the true item is named, but I'd rather not have cockroach mush labeled as "chocolate coating" on my ice cream. You know what I mean?


    I'm with you there. I think people have the right to know what they are eating.

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