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Posts posted by throughpagesandfields

  1. Thank you for writing!  I have a feeling she'll be one who just picks up stuff from watching the older one and I.  She'll sit with us and participate for a bit, then wander off and find mischief...Right now I'm planning on trying to do some song/finger play, morning basket kind of time that hopefully she'll like.  Maybe I should just pick a letter, shape of the week...  Just something that felt like "her" time... I guess I can plan something.. it just sounds so nice having something that I don't have to plan!  :)  I might try to get better at doing crafty things that she could join in with...  I'm not always good at getting those things done and planning for them.  

  2. My little one is much more, I guess "capable" than my first was at 2 years old.  I'm doing K with the older next year, but I'm trying to find something I can do as just a little part of our day that both could participate in.  We're pretty Charlotte Masony - so except for tons of educational experiences and being outside a lot I haven't been too scheduled or planned up until now... but I feel like the little one is ready for some more focused or themed activity... Older's year is mostly planned out... 


    I've never used FIAR... I thought about trying BFIAR for them both together?  I know I could come up with stuff myself... but I'm mostly designing the rest of their curriculum... and I have a full plate next year... so I want something that's just sort of fun and open and go...


    Sorry if this has been covered a lot.  I can usually find a thread that asks exactly what I want to ask... but couldn't this time!  :)

  3. thank youing all!  My kids are just over 2 years apart... but because their birthdays are oddly lined up with school cut offs they'd be 3 grades apart...  So what I was really hoping for or considering was waiting until my youngest could be in a 3 yo program... but because of their birthdays my oldest would have to have a 1st grade program... the only viable one is 1 hour away... but I'm thinking (if I do this) of driving them there... then staying in town to work.  (I'm trying to set up freelance work).  


    But after reading everyone's it's helping me stay open to other possibilities... like maybe letting older go to a program for a year so the little one can have some time by herself...  and I'm relooking at any closer schools to see if any might be a possibility.  


    Thank you!

  4. We're planning on homeschooling all the way through... but due to my need to get some freelance work started I'm considering the idea of putting my kids in school for just a year or two for early elementary.  We are not currently Catholic but of another faith.  It's important to me that my kids have an element of our faith in their education... and I absolutely don't mind them learning bible stories and connecting with them.  But I also very much want to teach them of other world faiths.  I also want to teach them about the Catholic faith and if possible attend Mass.  My family and husband have been Catholic for generations and it's important to me that they learn about that.  


    Does anyone have any experience they can share?  I think my worries are that certain elements might be pushed within the education, particlarly sin and hell and talk of those things.  I don't want it to be confusing for the kids if they're hearing different things at school than they hear at home... but I'm unsure how early and in what grade most of the religious education really begins.  I'm also worried that we might be the odd ones if we're not actively part of the parish.  

  5. I went to film school at college and truthfully most college level classes he'll just learn theory and not get hands on experience and fun.  If he's actively playing he's probably naturally learning a lot.  If you're able to get him equipment and software for him to play around with the best way to learn is just to make films and play with them.  You could always get just a basic editing textbook or theory of film textbook... or go through history of film.  Watching old movies is a good way to learn a lot...  

  6. ??


    Did anyone do Preschool, Pre-K or an early grade or two in a school just to get a break?  I don't have many school options near me but I feel like if I could have 1-2 years without littles for a few hours a day I'd be a better "teacher" to them the rest of our homeschooling years...  I just wish I had a nice safe and healthy place for them to go and play for a few years...  I don't even care if they learn anything yet.  They're 4 and almost 2....  But even thought they're just over 2 years apart would end up being 3 grades apart..  SO I don't even know if it would be possible for them both to go for a while...  And it might mean driving an hour away ever day...  :(  

    Anyone have any experience they can share?

  7. I used to be super super hardcore about the no video thing. But then - a few times I've given in and there are some shows that I genuinely think are good for my son. He has a hard time turning off his body and brain. And there's nothing like a little TV that'll do that! haha - I'm mostly joking. But We've watched some Mr Rogers videos... he likes a few other shows. Not much... But I don't think it's the evil negative thing that I used to think. In Moderation - at least. We also have been using Kinderbach - and occasionally Hooked On Phonics videos.


    Now in the Early Years I don't plan on using it for curriculum, either... but I do think I'll probably use Rosetta Stone - and I have thought about Magic School Bus - and nature videos.. There are some animal documentaries that are genuinely beautiful. Nature and Art together..


    So I think short little things are fine - personally - even though I USED to be very very against them... in practice I've found them positive.


    I've also thought, thought, that tehre will become a point when I can't be 1 on 1 with every subject... And I feel like there are multiple classes and things that especially high school age I'll let them either do video courses, something online... and I've even thought about doing a program I heard about that's for homeschoolers that's 2 days a week in person for certain classes...


    I guess I'm very very long-winded but saying that even though I used to think it was an All or Nothing kinda thing... I htink it's about moderation and doing what works for your kids, you, and family.

  8. That's what it looks like to me... I think I used to access the book lists in the shopping section - and it's only their exclusive materials that show up now..


    I noticed awhile ago it looked like this. I have a hunch they are struggling with their business. I wonder if they are no longer keeping inventory of anything except their exclusives? It also looks like they may have someone else taking over the company. On this page http://www.livingboo...m.com/about_lbc the Carroll's are listed as the founders but there is another family pictured at the top. I actually have never met anyone who uses their materials. I have always thought it looked great, but each year would find something that didn't quite work for me.

  9. I just thought of something else that might help. I've been feeling kinda insecure about what how to do Kindie/1st also... So I've managed to collect a number of different curriculum options. It's there if we move into it... but also gives me an average of what others might be covering. I never want to restrict myself to just "grade level" stuff.. but it's nice to use as a compass, you know?

  10. I don't know if this relates at all - but I'm kinda planning on doing 2 years of K. Maybe even more. I'm calling it Pre-K next year... but he'll JUST turn 5 the year after that... so we'll just see where he's at.


    I looked through so many threads and am a ridiculous oober researcher... and I gotta say I think most people say for the early years to take time... and that at least until 7 it's better to go too slow than too fast. So maybe start out at K - just see how it goes? It sounds like you're doing good things. It certainly doesn't sound like he's "behind" or whatever that means.


    I think it's common for boys not to excel at handwriting... and sitting still is always hard for them too. My boy will sit still for reading... but nothing else! haha! We go to storytime and he's one of the younger ones... will sit during the whole story every time really well.... but get's about 8 seconds into crafts and just decides it's boring and gets up and does other stuff. I think they all have different attention spans. I know that my son will just NEVER be able to do some of the curriculum plans that I read about people so successfully doing in here. He's just no ever going to be into workbooks, I don't think.

  11. You might look at the New Interpreter's Study Bible. I've done some work in religious studies... and I have to say editions are so very different. If you're looking at it for literature/historical value... you might really want to get at least 2 different versions. Looking at how they're different is very interesting and I personally think actually helps with the study...


    eta: I have my family's catholic bible - I believe Jerusalem edition... and I agree I think the language might be the most... I don't know... evocative. It's an old copy without the cover any more... So I can't be certain which it is.

  12. Can you just get the curriculum and buy the books used? I get most mine from abebooks.com Super easy format. Amazon used is also a good resource. I'm about as frugal as it comes.... but if a certain curriculum is working for both you and kids and you feel good about it, AND you can come up with the money I think it's worth it. I spent a BUNCH on early ed and Kindie resources from Enki... because it was just what I KNEW we needed as a core for the next 2 years. I think family happiness and countenance is worth the cost if it's what it takes... But buying just the new books, novels, etc... used would probably save you a lot. :)

  13. This is ridiculously early to figure it all out - but I've got to get my head wrapped around how I will do history. My kids are 2 1/2 years apart... But I REALLY want them to do the 4 year history cycle together... SO I've been trying really hard to figure out how/when to do it.


    I also DO want to do American History, and actually want to spend a lot of time on local history, as well as cultural diversity, social studies and geography.


    SO - if I start out with DS (older) and do 2 years (starting in 1st) of American history, social studies, culture, and geography,

    THEN - 1 cycle of the 4 year cycle together (DD in 1stish, DS in 3rd ish...)

    then when finished take a 1 year break to do something else

    then do the 4 year cycle a SECOND time...


    This would finish the 4 year cycle when DS is finished with 11th grade - leaving grade 12 for American history

    DD would then have 2 years at the end where she could choose, or possibly take community classes... ???


    Sorry this is so long. I'm just REALLY curious what some of you others have done. If they were 4 years apart it'd be a no brainer - but it's right in the middle!


    THANKS! :)

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