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Posts posted by OhanaBee

  1. This boomer has never "gotten" it either.  Admittedly I think I have only watched five or ten minutes of the film.  The acting was horrible which is supposed to be part of the 'charm'.  For me it was painful.


    But then most people are probably not keen on my favorite holiday film, Holiday Inn.  Bing and Fred.  Love 'em.


    We LOVE "Holiday Inn"!!!


    That one we watch every year - it's another movie we quote right along as the film progresses. "How'd he get that far in 5 minutes??"  "The lady must have been willing."


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  2. I'm old enough to remember when this came and went in the theaters.  I think the screening was in July [i did not understand why we were going to see a Christmas movie in the summer].  My Dad worked in the industry so we went to the after screening party and the response from the crowd was mixed.  Some absolutely loved it, and some thought it was just stupid and wouldn't go anywhere.  I remember that my Dad thought it was very clever - but he strongly identified with Raphie, having also been a boy during those years and remembering Christmases when he just wanted One Thing, yet his mother thought it was too dangerous [i think it was a boomerang one year].  Dad's father had passed away so they lived with his Grandparents and Dad says that his Grandfather always came through with the "boy presents" that his Mom just didn't understand.


    I think this is one of those movies that, if you identify with some part of it, you really like. But it's really aimed at a select audience.


    We watch it about every other year, and quote right along with the film. 

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  3. Yes, this drives me crazy.  I work on a university campus and there are those who speak like this ALL. THE. TIME.


    Though.......I have little room to criticize. 


    I grew up in The Valley in the 80's.  My cousins lived in Santa Monica.  I could go back and forth between ValSpeak and the type of "accent" my cousins had [close to Val, but not quite] really easily and it drove my Mom up the wall.  {"Stop talking like that! Speak normally! You're going to do permanent damage to your jaw line!"}


    Then I went to the UK for a summer and came back with a faux British accent.  My poor mother.

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  4. I think there is a connection. I don't think menopause is the cause. I think it coincides with a time in a woman's life when she is finally comfortable with who she is, knows what she wants, and is tired of the feeling of putting up with all the bs she has dealt with from her spouse for the entire marriage. The constant burying a little piece of who she really is to maintain marital harmony. That is draining and once the kids are gone there seems to be no need to keep up the fascade. Sometimes the spouse can roll with it and other times they can't.


    THIS.  Then add in a time in a man's life when he is not so comfortable with himself and feels his life slipping away.  He wants to feel younger, and it doesn't help that his wife is no longer placating him the way she once used to do.  The kids are almost grown and gone, and he probably has a friend or two who has remarried a younger woman and is SO HAPPY.  Neither spouse is as willing to work through the tough stuff because the grass looks greener elsewhere.  For him, probably with another woman.  For her, life on her own.


    {Can you tell I've seen this scenario more than once or twice in my life - starting with my parents' best friends?}

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  5. I'm in an area of the country and work in a field where one particular political spectrum dominates.  I am on the other political spectrum.  It's pretty lonely and I do wish I knew more people of my particular leaning.  I'm pretty lucky that I have a few good friends who know where I stand and don't get in my face if we disagree about something.  I hope they're able to say the same thing about me.


    Wouldn't it be nice if we could just believe what we believe and accept that others may not feel that way?  And not feel threatened when someone else expresses a different viewpoint, but be glad that we have the right and opportunity to have different principles for which we firmly stand?

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  6. We don't do Halloween in this house because of an experience I had as a child.  Nothing really against the holiday, but *I* can't be a part of it.  My dh started taking us all out for Chinese food when the kids were little and that has just stuck with us.


    We also turn off the porch lights, but found that in this neighborhood the very little kids come around before dark.  So I do make sure I have a bowl of candy for them.  They have to hike up a hill to get to our house and I hate having them climb all the way up and then not having anyone answer the door.  Once it gets dark enough to make it clear our light is out, we leave for dinner.

  7. We like having a built-in "down day".  You'll now be close enough to Disney Springs that you can pop over there a bit [from AOA resort it's one heck of a bus ride].


      I like the idea of a big dinner at one of the other resorts.  My kids have loved the Luau or eating at Ohana's or the character dinner at the Grand Floridian [my pickiest eater likes that one the best because it's a buffet and she can get exactly what she wants].


    DH prefers dinners over at the Wilderness Lodge or the dinner at Trails End [Fort Wilderness] or Mickey's Backyard BBQ [the man is from cowboy country....can you tell??]


    The big three resorts [Polly, Grand Floridian, Contemporary] are all connected by monorail.  Wilderness Lodge and Ft. Wilderness are connected to the big three by boat. 

  8. If you have park hoppers then I recommend the fireworks at Epcot and/or the Star Wars fireworks at Hollywood Studios.  If you don't have Park Hoppers, then skip Hollywood Studios. It's in a state of flux right now and is really a 1/2 day park.


    Though dd just reminded me that "Fantasmic!" at HS is "totally awesome, Mom.....don't forget about that"


    Get your hands on the book "The Complete Disney World 2016" by Julie Neal.  It's a great write-up of everything at the parks and they don't pull any punches.  It's probably the best way for everyone to see if there are rides they want to go on, and rides they want to avoid.  We even got my roller-coaster-hating daughter on "Big Thunder Mountain" after she read the write-up about it.  She decided it was something she could handle [and she did!] [and liked it!]

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  9. We just had this happen to a long-time choir member/friend.  His wife died about 15 years ago and for the last 10 years of his life he had......girlfriend?  Companion?  I don't know what exactly to call her, except that she was the one who really looked after George in the final stages of his dementia.  She was the one who made sure he got to choir and then got back home.  She lived next door to him and he called her his "girl".  None of this took away from his [dead] wife......but when it came time for George's memorial service, his girl was completely shunned.


    It's sad when the family/priest/whoever can't acknowledge an important person in the life of the one having the memorial service.  Hopefully it was just an oversight on the part of the ordained son.  It's hard to write obituaries on the fly, and he may have left it until the last minute, then put it together in haste. 


    I agree with Farrar that we need to write our own obits so the important parts of our lives aren't left out!



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  10. Ooooh - I forgot about the wand!


    Went back to go claim mine and got this: Redwood wood with a Dragon heartstring core 12 ½" and Supple flexibility


    Since this type of tree [sequoia] has a special meaning to me, I'm pretty happy over this.


    It might even make me forgive Pottermore for taking me out of the House with the cozy rooms right next to the kitchen, and putting me in a House where I have to climb stairs and answer some %#^$ quiz before I can enter.

  11. Basset Hound.  I was originally sorted into Hufflepuff, but when Pottermore was redone I was "resorted" and put into Ravenclaw.  I think I have traits for both houses [hence, the Basset Hound], but my kids tell me I'm a seriously a Ravenclaw.

  12. The day Reagan was shot.  I remember coming out of the library and meeting my former 3rd grade teaching walking down the steps.  She looked as if she were really upset and when I asked if she was ok she responded, "No.  The president's been shot."  Then, realizing she had just told an 11yo the news, said, "It's going to be ok.  But please don't say anything until Dr Principal makes the announcement."  I had to go back to class and pretend as if I could concentrate on math for the next hour until Dr. Principal made the announcement and told us the President was fine.  Years later I found out how serious it actually was, but, if I recall correctly, NO ONE outside of the inner circle, knew how close he came to death.


    Challenger I also remember clearly.  My boyfriend told me the shuttle had blown up and I thought he was just making a horrible joke [as he had been known to do many times].  It was finals week at my school so only two 2-hour classes that day.  When I got to class for my English final my teacher affirmed that the shuttle had blown up, everyone was presumed dead, and we WERE going to be taking the final and NO ONE was going to talk.  When I got home that afternoon I just sat in front of the tv watching the shuttle blow up over and over and over again.  I won't watch a launch to this day.


    Then, when the Columbia blew up, I was in the car getting ready to take my kids to synagogue.  I had turned on the radio and thought they were doing a tribute to the Challenger [since it was the 17th anniversary] and slowly realized that it was *another* shuttle about which they were talking.  Since there was an Israeli astronaut aboard, it was an especially hard morning at synagogue as the reports trickled in.

  13. OhE, Wishes is crowded and loud. My sensory kid sobbed through the last half of the show from overstimulation at age 6. Do fireworks and crowds and waiting normally go over well?


    It is crowded and loud if you're in front of the castle.


    Our solution one year was to watch the fireworks from Liberty Square, right by the river.  It was still loud, but not nearly as crowded.  Then we took our time leaving, to avoid the crowds all pushing towards the exit.


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  14. Wow, 45 min to get from Grand Floridian to another resort?  I would not have expected that!!  Oh, you mean on the bus!  Ok, that makes sense.  We'll have a rental car.  I know you can park for free if you're staying onsite, but does that mean you can park for free in ANY lot or only at the lot of your resort?  So can we drive to Ohana (at the Polynesian), park for free, go putt putt, come back, and sit on the Polynesian beach to watch the fireworks?  That was my plan...


    If you have a reservation at Ohana, then yes, you can park at the Poly.  But they're really starting to crack down on those parking at the GF, Poly and Contemporary because so many were using it just to avoid paying for parking at MK.  The gate guard now has a list of names for those who have reservations at the various restaurants in the hotels.



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  15. That is fun that you enjoyed the show--sorry to hear that you were sick though! Hope that you are feeling better now!




    Also, of course I have to ask: who did you prefer for Nao? I think I liked Issei best.



    I am feeling better - thanks!


    I like Issei, too.  He did see like a better match, and much more ready for a relationship. Though I will admit that Uehara grew on me.  I have to hope that he will mature and get past the obvious baggage from his childhood.

  16. Well, thank you for alerting me to this show.  I've been sick for the past few days, ran out of things to watch and remembered this thread.


    First 30 minutes of the show was me saying, "I don't know if I can deal with this airheadedness for the entire series...."  But I know enough about current Japanese culture and anime to realize that it was deliberate, so I stuck it out.


    End of first show:  "Ok, not bad.  I'll watch the next one....."


    Three days later: I've now binge watched the entire thing, and I love it!! 


    I also found it funny that words [mostly 'baka'] were translated into English swear words mostly in the first few episodes, but not so much in the later shows.


    And I have to get my hands on one of those table heaters before winter arrives.


    Off now to pester dh into bringing ramen home for me....

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  17. 5 years old?!?!?  Oh, heck no!!


    I have a serious dancer daughter.  There were times when she was little that she was doing a move the wrong way.  If she continued to do it that way it would have thrown her off completely.  I watched her instructors get frustrated that they couldn't communicate the proper way to hold herself.  But there was no yelling - ever - at that age.  She [and others who had the same problem] were told to stop working on that move and that they'd try again at the next lesson.  At one point one of the teachers said to the observing parents, "I need to figure out how to explain this better." 


    Now, when this child was older, these things were more on her.  Yes, there were times her teachers yelled because she was NOT practicing as much as she should, and it was obvious.  And yes, she was in tears.  But getting yelled at on the dance floor at age 13 is very different than at age 5.


    If this were my dd, and she wanted to continue with this coach, I'd probably be watching these practices very very closely [and it sounds like you're already doing that].  It sounds to me as if that coach maybe needs to examine his/her teaching style with your dd and learn how to take a few deep breaths before continuing on, instead of just yelling out of frustration.

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