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Posts posted by halbao

  1. Hi everyone!

    My son is in 5th grade blowing through CLE 5 and doing very well with math. He is doing so well that I think we will probably move on to grade 6 in the next few weeks. I do have some concerns though because I am considering switching him to Saxon starting in 7th grade for two reasons:

    1) because we are a part of Classical Conversations and Challenge A uses Saxon 7/8

    2) because I have heard that CLE isn't as good at higher grade levels

    My question is for those of you who are familiar with these programs, could you tell me what 7/8 is equivalent to in CLE math? It is hard to tell on the two websites and I would rather hear from someone else's experience. I would prefer to stick with CLE as long as possible because I think it is the best math curriculum we have used.

    Is CLE grades 7 and 8 just pre-algebra over two years? I have looked at the samples, but unfortunately, I don't really know what a pre-algebra course entails so I am not sure what I am looking for.

    Would Saxon 7/8 be considered pre-algebra? 

    Has anyone else out there had the same concerns about switching from CLE to another math program? I am not married to the idea of Saxon. If there are other suggestions for a math curriculum to transition to after CLE I am all ears!

    Any help is appreciated! Thank you!


  2. Hi I am new here so I hope I am doing this right!


    I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for online classes for younger kids? (everything seems to be geared toward middle/high school) My kids are age 9 and 6. I am looking to maybe do latin, history and or science. The only two things I could find are veritas and Wilson hill. Has anyone used either of these? Wilson hill only offers latin for kids my age though.  I would prefer something that is "live" but would be willing to so something pre-recorded as well! 


    Also, does anyone know of any sort of online classes over the summer? Maybe some sort of math class to help with math facts? Or something fun like art history?



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