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Posts posted by MommyB2Many

  1. Hello everyone,


    My sis-in-law was approached by a few hsing families about teaching a high school physics class for their kids. She was previously a high school science teacher, is amazingly smart and really fun, and currently a SAHM to 3 littles. BUT she has no idea what to charge. The mother said they would pay $40 per student per month with another teacher who lives 45 minutes away. Class would be once a week for 2 hours, and she'd have around 8 students.
    What do you think a reasonable cost would be? Or what have you paid if you have done anything like this? They live in TX, if that matters.
    Also, if you have taught a class like this, how much preparation time was involved?

  2. Hello!  This is my first post, but I have been reading your *collective* wisdom for some time now.  Thank you, one and all.  I am a better teacher, mother, and human being for the things I have learned on this forum.


    Anyway, my question:


    We recently moved from Texas (read: 8 months of summer, and 2 each of spring and autumn) to a place known for having very harsh winters.  I am looking for ideas for physical activity for my 4 young (very active!!) boys that we can reasonably do inside, not having a whole lot of house space to work with.  Also, exercise/ yoga/ etc. DVDs that your young ones could follow and enjoyed would be helpful.


    I do plan on getting outside as much as possible, but know that sometimes, it just won't happen, and I want to be prepared!


    Ages are 1-6. 


    Thank you, kind ladies!!

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