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Posts posted by Pip

  1. After Intermediate Algebra is College Algebra and Trigonometry.

    These are 2 one-semester courses that are often packaged together. The title may be either 'College Algebra with Trigonometry' or 'Pre-Calculus'.


    These are the SAME course-- just different titles-- in fact they share the SAME solutions manual-- it has BOTH titles on the cover!


    Do you have a preferred edition for either of these?

  2. After Intermediate Algebra is College Algebra and Trigonometry.

    These are 2 one-semester courses that are often packaged together. The title may be either 'College Algebra with Trigonometry' or 'Pre-Calculus'.


    These are the SAME course-- just different titles-- in fact they share the SAME solutions manual-- it has BOTH titles on the cover!


    I picked up at a book sale the 4th edition of Algebra for College Students ISBN 0321036476. Is this one of the books? It's one of the hardback editions.

  3. I have BCM and Introductory Algebra in softcover by Pearson Addison Wesley.


    I ordered the Annotated Instructor's Edition 8th edition for Intermediate Algebra. I received it today and it is actually the hardcover alternate version by Addison Wesley Longman. How does this one work with teaching? Is it as good as the regular version? What are the differences between this one and the other version. It was just a couple of dollars, so I don't mind getting another one.

  4. For many, many years I have suspected my youngest has ADHD. I tried to ignore it because and work on behavioral issues as I think it is a cop-out for a lot of parents who just don't want to discipline. But, as a former teacher, I know it does exist. My youngest eats a fairly healthy diet, swims over a mile, close to 2, 5 days a week, and still is fidgety, prone to saying whatever is in her brain at a particular time, and immediately regrets it, lies and doesn't know why, can hyper focus. She usually falls asleep immediately at night. One of her teachers in co-op is a child psychiatrist and she says dd definitely has it. She also said don't medicate until it is affecting her moods relationships and she is showing signs of depression. We are there.


    She is very smart. The main problem is the boundless energy. She gets in people's faces, climbs all over the place, jumps in place, always needs to be doing somethings. She is just overwhelming to her friends and they are getting uncomfortable around her. But she can focus on building her KNex, knitting and school. But the impulse control and temper are awful. And she told me last night that she feels like she just can't control her energy. She can sit for a church service but afterwards is zooming around the place during fellowship.


    I have read some of the posts about the coffee and 5 Hour Energy. I think the possibility of getting a 10 yo to drink black coffee is slim, and, while I hate artificial sweeteners, I am wondering about a sugar free coffee drink or creamer. But would one cup of coffee work all day?


    DH is fine with going to the doctor. I am all for treating without meds, but BTDT, and it ain't working. So, are any of your kids being treated for ADHD and if so, what are they taking? My psych friend likes Strattera, but I know that has some side effects. In fact they all do. I have one friend who says ritalin saved her son. I know this may be trial and error. But after my experience with trying very expensive antidepressants and then finding out that the older one on the $4 list at Walmart works wonders for me, I am wondering if we should just start simple and work our way up.


    My poor, poor dd. She is so sweet too. She is spending an incredible amount of time knitting scarves for the kids who are at the domestic violence shelter where a friend of mine works. She has made 3 since Sunday. And some toys, too. No prompting from me. She came up with this on her own. She has got such a huge heart, and right now it's carrying a heavy burden. And it is getting harder and harder for people to see it because her energy just turns them off.

  5. I'd definitely keep them home. I wouldn't take them to the doctor unless it was clearly needed.


    If it is not the chicken pox, my older dd has a case of slowly spreading oozing lesions on her face and neck, which needs to be addressed and diagnosed. That is why I need confirmation as to what it is. Because it is not presenting itself in classic chicken pox form, we can't say definitively. I guess that is part of the problem when you get them after you have been vaccinated - it doesn't follow the classic pattern.

  6. Please, Please, Please keep your kids home. While the disease is benign for most people it can be fatal to anyone with a compromised immune system.


    My son is a Leukemia survivor and he had a compromised immune system for 3 years as a result of the Chemo. Chicken Pox is one of the most dreaded diseases for people like this. It can be tragic and fatal to them. We were strongly warned about how serious this was and how dangerous it was to our son.


    You do not know if there will be anyone there tonight that might be like my son so PLEASE err on the side of caution and do not take that chance.


    I got extremely sick when I had the chicken pox at age 4. I was actually surprised when I found out it usually wasn't usually something that made you very sick. My niece had a classmate who died from it. So, no worries, I tread very lightly with this!


    I spoke with a friend who is a dr., our dr's nurse and our doctor. They all said it sounds like chicken pox.


    Thanks for the info. We'll proceed as if they have it and get confirmation at the doctor tomorrow.

  7. My kids have, unfortunately, gotten the chicken pox vaccine. I don't want to start a debate on that. They never got a booster.


    On Tuesday my 12 yo got about 3 spots on her face. They are about the size of a pencil eraser. They don't itch but were oozing a clear fluid. The first of them to emerge are still oozing. She has gotten 2 more on her jawline. Aside from being tired, she feels fine. It is not debilitating fatigue, just what she considered normal.


    This morning my 10 yo showed be a spot on her arm that looks like a large pimple. Again, no itch, but it does hurt when poked. She feels fine.


    I know that chicken pox in children who have been vaccinated can present differently. I have heard there can only be a couple of bumps and that is it. I cannot find if that means no itch. Also, are they contagious?


    I can't go to the dr. today because my car is in the shop. We are going tomorrow. But, they are in a play tonight. I don't want to go if they are contagious obviously.



  8. I am teaching a unit study class next year for co-op. It will be covering the Middle Ages and the students will be from 5th-8th grades. We are using AWOA as the basis, but I want to get some supplemental material. I am strongly considering the Famous Men series but I am trying to decide on the Greenleaf or the Memoria Press version.


    The both cover the same material, or at least the same number of people. I know the Memoria Press version is in color. Their study guide is more bookish, but it provides essay topics. Since it is for all the way through high school, I feel it will add more meat when necessary.


    The Greenleaf guide I believe is more hands on. The assignments might not be as challenging. While I am drawn more to the Memoria guide, does anyone have any experience with the Greenleaf guide you could share with me?



  9. It showed up yesterday. We downloaded some spyware software to get rid of it. there is now no Security Tool icon on my desktop but we keep getting the constant pop ups for it. A second scan did not pull it up. The pop ups do not show up in safe mode, but the computer shuts down when we try to do a scan then. I do not want to send my machine out to get this fixed. DH, a software guy, is dealing with a major problem with our sprinklers and just doesn't have the time when he gets home. Can anyone help?

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