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Posts posted by mom2fiveboysnc

  1. here is the link for jimmie's blog. she did extras to add to AS1



    and the link for guest hollow (although her booklists are rather intimidating! she has alot of resources but many of them are DVD's. I think most of her stuff she was able to get from her library.




    both of these ladies have great ideas.

  2. i thought about it but i already have everything for this year. it looks really good. i got an email the other day with prices and i don't know that my son would like all their lit selections but that is true for almost every program out there. One thing I did want to compare was the table of contents with the high school-aged hx program to see if they are compatible. that would be a consideration for later for my 2 youngest kids.

  3. we currently have a room/den we use for a desk for mom and bookshelves for our hs stuff. i currently have 4 bookshelves (stacking ones that we got on clearance at bed, bath and beyond) that have 3 shelves each. i also have 1 bookshelf beside the desk for my tm and books. i have a lateral filing cabinet that my printers sit on beside my desk. i keep our printer papers, hanging files and other supplies in this. one set of bookshelves are organized by child's name to a shelf, the bottom shelf hold our rubbermaid baskets which has each child's notebooks, pencils, scissors, etc in them. the top shelf is dvd/movies. this takes up one whole bookshelf. the other 2 bookshelves stacked on each other have games on top shelf, bible/art/music on 2nd shelf. history books on next shelf, science on next shelf, readers on next shelf and bottom shelf has plastic boxes with extra pencils, markers, supplies, etc. any books that i won't be using this year are in the basement in rubbermaid containers. last year's records are also in basement in rubbermaid container. i try to not keep too much.

  4. i just glanced through some of the responses and here is what i can add. having a 7 yr old myself, does this child work somewhat independently? how much of her work do you expect her to do herself? can she read herself? sonlight is alot of reading. maybe you can read short stories to her and the little one while the baby is sleeping (after may). cle is not so much parent-directed. with cle children can do alot on their own. i have mailed off for my own CLE language arts for my 7-yr old. i think he would enjoy it more than the R&S we are doing now. he is so wiggly! i agree about FIAR. i wish i would have known about it earlier. it sounds really good. i would stick to the basics now and throw in science and history if you can get to it. HTH. cheryl

  5. i haven't read all the responses but wanted to share what i did last year (my 1st year hsing) i started my 5th grader (public schooled through 4th grade) in R&S 3, we whizzed through MOST of it but not all. i wanted to gauge what he really knew and prepare him for what he didn't. that being said, we went slowly through R&S 4 and are going to start R&S 5 in the fall. LA and grammar are not his strong points. so for 7th grade he will be in R&S 6. he is much better at it than before and we may be able to finish the whole thing in 1 yr. but we don't do a lesson everyday as most do. we alternate with writing and actual reading "assignments". of course he does daily reading also and spelling about 3 days a week. HTH! cheryl

  6. last year was my 1st year homeschooling and i chose singapore math for my 5th grader. he did not do well with it and he is a very mathy kid. this year i found a saxon math book at a garage sale and he tried it out for a few weeks and then i bought the whole 3rd edition package with the dive CD. he is loving it! since your dd is older, i wouldn't try singapore with her. it may be too different. my younger son is not having trouble with it but he was 1st grade last year. if she is comfortable with the bju, i would continue with that instead of the cle.

  7. As a Cub Scout/Boy Scout mother, leader and committee member I would probably call and let my concerns be known. The running of a BS camp involves the input of many people at the council level. Usually one person is in charge of putting in district or council events in the calendar, another possibly reserving sites/lodges for group camping trips, and another is adding training dates. That said, there is much potential for overlapping events. My husband was a council employee for 5 yrs and several people have their hands "in the pot" so to say. Would I be concerned to see these people at our local camp, probably. At the same time, I know BS/CS rules enforce the buddy system, 2-deep leadership and accountability. I am 99.9% positive these kids weren't in any danger. But as the pp stated, I would make it known I would have preferred that the volunteers not be there when boys are there. However, as another pp stated, when scheduling volunteers, most organizations today can't be too picky. Just let the council know your concerns. I would call the camp directly if still open full-time or call the council office and ask for the camp director or staff in charge of scheduling camp events. It is usually a DE (district executive) job that rotates between DEs each year. Also, I do live in NC and we have inmates with an armed job come around and pick up the garbage off public roads in front of our house about 2-3 times a year. My house is very close to the road and yes, there is an armed guard but my kids are in the house and we have the doors locked at all times. At THOSE times, I do not feel safe even with an armed guard. These men are mostly inmates in a minimum-security facility who have "earned" the job of picking up trash mostly by good behavior. However, these people may be convicted felons who have worked their way down to a minimum- security prison. My own brother worked on the road crew while in prison once and he was convicted of shooting someone in the leg. We also have volunteer (mostly company sponsored) road crews but they have never picked up in front of my home, only the inmates. HTH!

  8. did they do an ultrasound on his leg? that would show clots. we send some instances of cellulitis home but most we keep unless the pt signs out ama (against medical advice). did he get any iv antibiotics at all while there? please, please keep an eye on it and if not showing any improvement take him back. you dont' want him to develop sepsis. is he running a fever? i'm assuming they sent bacterial cultures off? at our er they call at home if the pt needs to come back and send a letter if everything's ok. hope everything works out. my thoughts and prayers are with you, cheryl

  9. I am new to using CLE with my 10th grader. He did the first few weeks of public school this year and then I brought him home. I bought 9th and 10th grade English and Literature for use with him. I wasn't sure how much he had covered in high school last year. English/LA are not his strong points. My question is how much do I cover each day with him? I see in the Lit it suggests 1 "step" per day for a total of 16 steps per LightUnit. The Lit is not so straightforward. I am hoping to cover the 9th grade set this 1st semester and have him on track by January with the 10th grade stuff. Is this too lofty a goal? I bought CLE because he prefers workbooks and I read many good reviews about CLE. I would love to use the Omnibus guides by VP but don't think he is up to that level yet. Or could I get Omnibus and use the middle school level books? Any advice you can give is appreciated. Thanks, Cheryl

  10. i can't offer advice but have big :grouphug: for you. does you son have a trusted person he DOES feel he can talk to? i too have a son who won't open up and is often moody. it just breaks my heart when he talks like that. at those times, i try to give him a little extra attention, like going for quick runs to mcdonalds. just taking him with me on my errands when normally he would stay at home (he's 18 now) so that we can have one-on-one time in the car (no distractions and he can't run away!). usually he snaps out of it himself but i have taken him to a counselor when he needs it. we have a really good one that is in our area, she isn't christian but is younger and has incredible rapport with teenagers and kids. if all else fails, maybe he does need to talk to someone else. if depression is in your family, perhaps he does need to be evaluated. have you noticed any other signs, like is he giving things he treasures to anyone, losing weight, ya know any other danger signs? not jumping to any conclusions but at the ed i work at we see alot of peds "psych" patients. most of them just need to talk to someone other than their parent who isn't going to judge them or take sides or be biased about what they will say. i'm not meaning to imply he has thoughts of hurting himself but you might want to aquaint yourself with s/s just in case. with the family history you may already be aware of them. i also agree with the pp's about encouraging physical closeness and lightening his schedule. i will be praying for you both and the rest of your family.

  11. i work at the 2nd busiest ER in NC and you wouldn't believe the # of patients we are seeing with influenza-like symptoms. we aren't testing for type of flu, just flu in general since like a pp said, 99% of positive tests are for H1N1. our numbers have jumped up from 5.3% to 8.6% of patients presenting with flu-like symptoms. my state total deaths are 12 deaths so far. we recently had a high school scare and literally hundreds of people came after it was announced on our local airway that the swine flu was at that school. it wasn't actually closed but i heard it was very close to being so. as for me and my kids, my oldest goes to community college here and is the only one in the house besides me and my husband who has any outside contact. i have another son at nc state who is coming home for fall break this week and i will definitely be taking him to get the spray if he hasn't already had it. he has a tendency to catch lots of upper respiratory stuff because of allergies and sinus problems that he already has so we are not taking any chances. i haven't decided about my other 4 at home. maybe the 20-yr old. i'm kinda on the fence about it because i see what it can do and yet i know how to treat it at home and when it's beyond my capabilities. on the other hand, i don't want to bring anything home to my kids either. we do plenty of handwashing and hand sanitizer. just beware of room sprays like lysol, they can create superbugs and you may think you're killing germs but it's literally impossible to kill all of them.

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