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Posts posted by mtgkids3

  1. I have learned so much from this board, silently lurking in the background...Thank you all for your helpful posts.

    My third child has me stumped...

    I've been using Sing Spell Read Write, and she is slowly picking up reading. We're about 1/2 way through the Raceway book. She's finishing what should be her grade 1 year. She would love to just sing and play and skip the Spell, Read, Write parts!

    For next year I think All About Spelling looks like the perfect fit for her, and I'd like to use R&S Reading 2, so she can get some more reading instruction with Bible at the same time.


    Do I need to add Phonics program or will AAS cover it?

    Thinking of getting a Plaid phonics book to add some extra worksheets...or will I need them?

  2. I have 3 children (ds11, ds9 and dd6). All 3 show an interest in music, ie they like to sit and play around on the piano. DD has been asking me to teach her how to play. I have Grade 6 Royal Conservatory, Grade 1 Theory, and play regularly in church. What would you suggest as a method to teach my dc? Is there one that can teach all 3 at the same time? I'm not really looking forward to sitting with each of them at the piano. I've looked at Music in Me by Carol Tournquist - simply because I found it in the Christian book store and like the Christian content...but 5 separate books...really?! But I do like its creativity aspect. Entering a music store and looking through 100's of different programs is just overwhelming. What has worked for you?

  3. We made some syrup with the help of our in-laws yesterday and they sent us home with 4 more pails of sap to boil down on our own, and now they are not answering the phone :glare: So of course I turned to the most reliable source of info on the internet!


    I think we may have over boiled it, although we never did get our thermometer to reach over 205F. It is much thicker and has way more flavour than what we made yesterday.


    Could I mix the two batches (since I think what we made yesterday is a little weak)?


    How long do I have to wait to see if we actually boiled it TOO long and if it will crystallize?


    Could I just add water to the batch I made today?


    Any other ideas? or tips?



  4. more specifically...(because (no offense) I would have been totally lost with those instructions a year ago...)


    -open and set up your scrapbook page

    -open and edit (as much as you can) your photo

    -cascade your photo (ie click the middle button on the upper right of your photo)

    -click on your move tool

    -click on your photo and drag onto your scrapbook page


    Elements does have a rather large learning curve, but once you get it...it's AMAZING!!!!


    I LOVE scrappersguide.com as a tutorial. They have a free weekly newsletter with tips and ideas, and their training DVD is well worth the money. You can watch how to do things over and over and then print out the instructions. She starts at the very beginning and goes above and beyond what I've been able to implement and learn in a year. Signing up as a premier member gives you monthly kits of papers and embellishments, and more training videos. Again, money well spent. The ladies in the forum are also very helpful and quick to respond.


    ...and no, I have no affiliation with the company...just like to give praise where it is due, and help fellow digiscrappers!

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