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Posts posted by MelissaM

  1. I remember reading a part in WTM that listed the genres the mother required from library visits.  Can anyone detail the selection list for me?  It was something along the lines of biography, craft, nonfiction, etc.  Unfortunately I gave away my copy of WTM when we decided that homeschooling no longer an option.  I'm scared to get another copy right now as it's easy for me to get caught up in choices and agonizing over the "is the grass greener" mentality.  I want to start VERY slowly with gentle afterschooling the younger two and see where it leads.    





    Ps.  It feels so strange posting again after about 5 years.  I didn't think any aspect of homeschooling would ever be a part of our lives again.  Sometimes things run full circle, no?

  2. I remember reading a part in WTM that listed the genres the mother required from library visits.  Can anyone detail the selection list for me?  It was something along the lines of biography, craft, nonfiction, etc.  Unfortunately I gave away my copy of WTM when we decided that homeschooling no longer an option.  I'm scared to get another copy right now as it's easy for me to get caught up in choices and agonizing over the "is the grass greener" mentality.  I want to start VERY slowly with gentle afterschooling the younger two and see where it leads.    





    Ps.  It feels so strange posting again after about 5 years.  I didn't think any aspect of homeschooling would ever be a part of our lives again.  Sometimes things run full circle, no?

  3. I was a good decision for us. My dd started in 8th and loves it. She is a good kid and didn't have any social or academic issues.


    I struggled with feelings of guilt and not knowing who I am. It was difficult to shift into not homeschooling. Make sure you have a plan for YOU because dd's days will be filled and at that age she won't need you to do much after school.

  4. We don't afterschool during the school year. My children were all three right on target with the other kids so I don't really think I have much to contribute other than tutoring what they are alreay studying. We will summer school using CLP Language, CLP Reading, CLP Math (middle two), ACT prep (oldest) and writing. Two hours of academics and one hour of free reading 5 days per week is good for us. Well, me. The kids think I'm awful to even suggest it.

  5. My children are currently in ps and doing well. Without going into a lot of detail, we've been back and forth between hs and ps. When I put them in this last time dh said that was the definite end to out hsing journey. I felt good about it and so did the kids. Finished with hs.


    Fast forward 6 months, the kids are really getting into competitive gymnastics and are wanting to up their workout schedules. Increased workout schedules means less time for evening homework. There is a need for streamlined academics that is not doable with the ps school schedule.


    Is anyone else hsing for athletics? There are very few people I've run across that hs for reasons other than God or a basic belief that ps is bad.

  6. I am looking for a nice, gentle, quality preschool for my dd and her best buddy to do 3 days per week for about 2 hours per "school" day. They are both in there mid to late 2's. I'm thinking Letter of the Week but am curious what else is out there. Low cost is very high priority.


    Yes, yes, I know they are young. Snuggling and play are still top priority and I know to not force academics on them. Their little "school" will have lots of water table, art, singing, nursery rhymes, and reading. But some structured learning would be fun for these two. Surely there is a balance between nothing and university work. ;)

  7. I consider school, athletics, and church my dc's job. Each is responsible for his/her own bed (making daily and weekly sheet change), emptying the dishwasher when needed, weekend kitchen clean up, and putting away his/her laundry if I don't have time. They also have to tidy up behind themselves. I don't mind doing the laundry and cleaning as long as I'm not treated like a slave.


    DH works long hours with lots of travel and the kids have long hours with school and sports so I don't feel comfortable having them do work I can do during the day. That's why I stay at home- to be a homemaker.


    My children will have more household responsibility during the summers.

  8. Maybe the principal is making a good suggestion. If the current classroom has no foreseeable change in sight and the dd isn't functioning well within the said classroom then go with a different school/classroom/teacher/grade.


    We just made the decision to move our ds from first to kindergarten. He was one of the youngest in his class and not handling the work well. Instead of burdening him with extra work we placed him where he can grow successfully at a better pace for him. Yes, ds was upset at first, but there is also a sense of relief.


    I have no reason to believe that our teacher, guidance counselor, or principal has any agenda against us or our son. They truly feel that he will have more successes than failures in a different classroom. Your friend's situation is probably no different. It's hard not to take things like this personally as a parent, but sometimes our children need to move back. Luckily the stigma is not there like it was 15 years ago.


    Please note that I'm not necessarily saying that your friend should definitely more her dd to a different school or grade. I'm only suggesting that she look at a different angle.. Maybe moving her daughter back now would save years of struggling later.



  9. This is probably a weird post, but if you could have the book/curriculum of your choice for postage only, what would it be?


    I have have a ton of stuff that I am trying to find a home for. I've put it on Craigslist but haven't gotten much of a response, so maybe someone here will have a need/want for some of it.


    PM me what you need and I'll send it for the cost of shipping.


    Yes, I'm for real. We are downsizing considerable in house and lifestyle and I would rather meet a need then try to sell.


    A small sample of what I have:

    SOTW 1 Book, TM, activity pages. Not sure if I want to give or sell the cd's. The tm is pretty beat up and I'm not sure if all the activity pages are there, but the book is still in good condition.

    SOTW 2 Book, TM, activity pages. Not sure if I want to sell or give the cd's. Great condition.

    Considering God's Creation- TM and 2 student books

    Cuisenner(sp?) Rods

    Different levels of Rod and Staff math and grammar (nothing above 7th grade)


    Latina Christiana 1

    Robinson Curriculum

    So many book I can't begin to name.



    WOW! It may take me a while to get back with those who have emailed/pm'ed me. I"m going as fast as I can, but I got bombarded! I'm so relieved that others will be helped by my excess. Bear with me as I sort through everything.

  10. How on earth do you take care of education without going insane?!?!?!


    I am so blankin' SICK of the mess of papers and books, art projects, science projects, housework that is undone, NEVER BEING ALONE, and feeling so inadequate.


    I have been rereading WTM and I just don't see how a regular person can possibly teach more than 1 child. I want to teach Latin, logic, writing, science, and geography (for whatever reason Math and Grammar are going well) to my children but they are all on such different levels combining is out of the question. That means one on one for each child for each subject. There is only 1 me.


    Am I expecting too much? Am I not cut out for this?


    I just wish that I could find a rigorous schedule/curriculum that allowed all 4 children's needs to be met with less stress for me. A plan that doesn't take 10 hours each day for me yet only 2 hours for each of them.


    argh! :banghead:


    I would love some suggestions and am open to anything, including duct taping the toddler to the wall. ;)


    I suppose it's time for a little vino to help move past this temper fit.

  11. You know what else work? A plan called "Trauma Trim". Here's how it works:


    Step one: take one already overwhelmed mother of four

    Step two: have dh's pay get cut 40%

    Step three: place 1 not even 1 year old home for sale in a slumped market

    Step four: try to keep a large home in show condition and keep homeschooling

    Step five: finally get a contract and have it fall apart after finding an ideal next home.


    Step six repeat step 4 indifinitely.



    It's guaranteed to knock 15 pounds off quickly and with no exercise.

  12. I want to make a cd for dh for our anniversay and I need a wide variety of "I Love You", "Couldn't Live Without You" "You're My Best Friend" songs.


    Here's what I have so far:

    Crush D. Archuleta

    Broken Road Rascal Flats

    Best Friend Tim McGraw

    I'm Yours jason Mraz

    I Don't Want to Ashley Monroe

    You Are My Sunshine

    When You Say Nothing At all Keith Whitley



    I prefer more upbeat songs than mushy ones. No "I want to do it all night" songs please. :D

  13. I am a firm believer in the necessity of the Safe Haven Law. It has protected several newborns from very cruel deaths.


    I'm not sure about using it in this case. One side of me thinks it's better than being physically or sexually abused. The other side thinks of the severe emotional trauma that an abandoned older child would face. There's not really an easy answer here.


    As far as your thoughts on when does a family's structure break down, the variables are so wild that it is impossible to tell. The meshing of one person with another in becomming parents is unpredictable. Some people bring out the best in each other and some only bring out the worst. I suppose it's magnified in mentally ill people and/or those who were abused as children.

  14. It's hard to muster much enthusiam for the things we have done repeatedly. We've already discovered the joys of sand tables, building ziggurats from packing boxes, and read Curious George a MILLION times.


    I'm with you, "Yeah, boy, a lady bug. So what?" :D


    Sometimes it helps to have the older one experience lady bugs, write letters in shaving cream on the table, and play counting bears. That leaves Mom to read "Velveteen Rabbit" and some of the other great books that we didn't have time for in the past 12 years. We'll be able to do science experiements that we never did before because this time there will be no baby to mess them up.


    It's a trade off. The older children get more enthusiasm and the younger ones get more appreciation.


    Oh, and our age span is 11.5 years rather than 22, but we still struggle with so many developemental milestones.

  15. I would probably move her back at least 1 level but she may do best moving back 2 levels. It's personal preference but I would rather mine move more quickly through a lower level than slow down or stall at a higher one.


    We had this issue with my oldest, also in 8th. She tends to feel "stupid" if she doesn't get the material fairly quickly so I moved her down 2 level. We use CLE LA rather than R&S, but the idea is the same.

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