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Posts posted by mereadeux

  1. Truthfully, I would be annoyed that they said they would charge you for the visit if you canceled your appointment, as it would seem prudent for healthy kids to stay out of doctor's offices right now, and a child with asthma would seem to be at higher risk for flu complications than many other kids would be.


    I wouldn't go to the appointment, and would demand to speak with the doctor about being charged for the appointment.


    You are regular patients, and should not be treated this way.




    Edited to add: Does this doctor have separate waiting rooms and examining rooms for the well-child visits? If they do, I might be better able to understand their position -- although the doctor and nurses may have already been exposed to the flu, I would hope that they are taking every possible precaution.



    I completely agree with Cat. You should talk to the doctor directly. A lot of times the staff does not take special circumstances into consideration they just reply with standard answers. Try again.

  2. When I was a teenager my Dad would get SO mad because I would sleep through my alarm and it would wake up the whole house. He even got an old fashioned alarm clock, the one with the bells on top and it metal. I still slept through it even when he put it on my head! The main problem was that I didn't get to bed early enough. I would stay up reading until late at night.

    I would talk to him about his bedtime routine, instead of his morning routine. That might be the root of the problem. Teenagers want to stay up later because that equals more freedom to them. Use some of the consequences listed earlier and talk to him about what is really going on.

  3. I might recommend some hands on science projects, since he seems very active and intelligent. You could look into getting him an erector set or other mechanical building sets if he is into that. There are good ones that are affordable out there. I like the Young Explorers catalog. You could also have him take apart old machines like toasters and such to see how they work. Give it to him as an exciting challenge and adventure.

    Good Luck!

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