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Posts posted by cillakat

  1. You can be in any location......must have one child with an autism diagnosis and be pregnant (prior to 3rd trimester) or planning a pregnancy.





    ---------- Forwarded message ----------

    From: John Cannell, M.D. <vitamindcouncil@vitamindcouncil.org>

    Date: Wed, May 26, 2010 at 1:00 AM

    Subject: Autism Professor Needs Help

    To: cillakat@gmail.com




    Autism Professor Needs Help

    Professor Gene Stubbs of the University of Oregon needs help with his study about vitamin D and autism. He is testing the theory that a mother with one child with autism will not have another if the mother takes vitamin D during her pregnancy. Women no longer need to come to the University of Oregon but can participate at a distance. Professor Stubbs writes:

    "Can anyone assist us in recruiting mothers who already have children with autism and the mother is pregnant again before her third trimester? We are giving the mothers 5000 IU D3/day. So far every mother who has delivered has delivered within 1 week or on the date of expected delivery, and the babies are well within normal birth weights. They have not progressed far enough in age for us to screen for autism, but so far, the babies are interactive, have eye contact, are vocal etc..

    However, we need more research families to participate. We have recruited other doctors to help us recruit and we have recruited doctors on the Vitamin D Council sites to help us recruit. We still need more families to participate to make our results significant. The families no longer have to come to our site to participate. If you know of any families who potentially might be eligible for our research, please give them my research assistant's phone number, 503-351-9255."


  2. :iagree:

    Absolutely! And an eye exam too. I would NOT wait with this or try "just one more" program. (At first I thought you were talking about a 5 or 6 year old, in which case my answer would be different. At 8, it's *time*. No more waiting around.)



    ITA with abbeyej and daisy.


    85% of children struggling with reading at the end of first grade require targeted, intensive support acquiring reading skills. The longer the delay, the less success with acquiring those skills and rewiring the brain.


    Please start now. If you don't have money for *comprehensive* testing (IQ, acheivement, Berry VMI, GORT etc) then definitely purchase a program like wilson or barton or better yet, phonics road, and JUMP in.


    Five days a week without fail.


    Feel free to email me with questions

    cillakat @ gmail . com


    I've been down this road and *know* you can do this!




  3. But as a pp commented, we've been wearing clothes and living in non-tropical climates for tens of thousands of years. That should be long enough to evolve some sort of adaptation.


    Might want to read up on clothing styles of primitive man. There is so little commonality between the clothing of our era as compared to 10,000 or 20,000 years ago that i'm suprised it's even being brought up. And the amount of time we spend indoors has increased dramatically in the last 50 years, last hundred years and the last 500 years.



  4. It's not like wearing clothes and living indoors is a new thing...


    I KNOW this sounds snarky - please don't take it as such. I TRULY just don't get it I guess (skin & breast cancer is rampant in my family so going outside w/o sunscreen is not a smart option imo - maybe that's why I am so frustrated w/the whole thing)


    The human genome evolved millions of years ago. Comparatively, anything in the last 10,000 years is VERY new.


    I don't understand why it's so difficult. The research is impecable. The backdata is impeccable. It's unlike anything that's ever been studied.


    Sign up for the newsletters from the Vitamin D Council. Read. Educate yourself. Or don't. We don't need to be able to write computer programs to use computers. I don't need to be able to engineer a car to drive it. D can be just as simple. Test your levels then take 1000 IU to raise them 10 ng/mL. Most who don't get midday unprotected sun need 1000 IU per 25 lb body weight.


    It's not difficult. It's not frustrating. It's easy. 75% of deaths from breast and colon cancer could be eliminated by getting vitamin D levels between 40 and 60 ng/mL. Just imagine how many more could be eliminated by getting everyones levels above 50ng/mL (ie no more substrate starvation).


    Fwiw, the relationship between low serum 25(OH)D and cancer was first discovered in what disease? Melanoma. Optimal D levels prevent cancer in a huge, massive, cornerstone sort of way.


    I am now done discussing this with you until you've read up......




    Diagnosis & Treatment of Vitamin D Deficiency


    UCSD School of Medicine and GrassrootsHealth bring you this series on vitamin D deficiency.

    What's a Vitamin D Deficiency?

    by Robert Heaney, MD

    (first airs: 2/4/09)

    Dose-Response of Vitamin D and a Mechanism for Cancer Prevention

    by Cedric Garland, Dr. P.H.

    (first airs: 2/11/09)

    Skin Cancer/Sunscreen - the Dilemma

    by Edward Gorham, PhD

    (first airs: 2/18/09)

    Vitamin D Deficiency: Analysis and Approach in a Comprehensive Cancer Center

    by Donald Trump, MD

    (first airs: 2/19/09)

    Vitamin D and Diabetes-Can We Prevent it?

    (first airs: 2/25/09)

    Vitamin D & Cardiovascular Disease- New Frontiers for Prevention

    (first airs: 3/4/09)

    D-Lightful Vitamin D: Bone & Muscle Health & Prevention of Autoimmune &Chronic Diseases

    by Dr. Michael Holick

    (first airs: 3/11/09)

  5. One more question- if vitamin D deficiency is rampant, why are we not seeing an epidemic of rickets?


    There are signficiant increases in rickets numbers. But it's probably not severe simply because formula feeding is so common in the populations at risk. Interestingly though, a study published very recently in GB showed that on ultrasound evaluation 1/3 of fetuses showed evidence of rickets in utero (you can find the cite in google scholar, pubmed or vitamindcouncil.org)


    Rickets is more common in breastfed babies because they and their mothers don't get enough D from supplements or enough UVB from midday sun expousre. Rickets is less common in formula fed infants because they get suffient D to prevent rickets but not sufficient D to prevent other long term problems....their mothers also don't get enough D from sun or supplements but this isn't as obvious because the baby isn't relying on maternal D.


    I don't know much about rickets. I've looked and haven't found found a satisfactory answer.


    Why is Vit. D so important?

    Please read the links provided. They are extensive and well referenced.



    (people have been living forever and "not getting enough"...)


    People have lived forever only because they DID get enough D.


    Now we live indoors. We wear clothes. We wear sunscreen. Fatty wild fish is hard to come by.


    If we sun properly, at many latitudes it is possible to get D from sun. It's just that we don't because of a variety of lifestyle factors that aren't going to change. I've posted a tremendous amount of literature and links to scientific references that clearly illustrate the issues surrounding the issues with this steroid hormone precursor. It's helpful in many ways, to cease thinking of it as a vitamin as it is technically speaking, absolutely not a vitamin.



  6. Latitude 42°N

    She'll get adequate midday sun a few days per week from June through mid-August.

    ime, a 42º latitude, sufficient UVB begins in mid-june rather than at the beginning.


    Over what period of time should it increase by this much?


    It takes about 3 months at any given level of supplementation, for D levels to max out based on that dose. That's in the absence of confounding factors like sun exposure.



    This sort of thing comes up frequently, and is almost always overblown. Typically, there's lots of hype, and after the evidence sorts itself out it turns out that there's some benefit but it's not nearly as much as originally thought.


    Keep in mind that again, we're not talking about mega-dosing or high blood levels....just that which is achievable through enough sun exposure to max out levels before the body's mechnisms take over to inhibit further D production.


    I became convinced that it's not a vitamin or nutritional fad when it was framed as follows:


    "Humans make thousands of units of vitamin D within minutes of whole body exposure to sunlight. From what we know of nature, it is unlikely such a system evolved by chance."~ Dr. John Cannell, Executive Director, Vitamin D Council.


    "If you think of it evolutionarily, it's the oldest hormone on this Earth. I don't think that this is going to be a flash in the pan." ~ Michael Holick PhD MD Professor of Medicine, Physiology, and Biophysics Director, General Clinical Research Center Director, Vitamin D, Skin, and Bone Research Laboratory Director, Biologic Effects of Light Research Center Boston University Medical Center Boston University School of Medicine 715 Albany Street M-1013 Boston, MA 02118, USA Phone: 1.617.638.4545 Fax: 1.617.638.8882 E-mail: mfholick@bu.edu Google Scholar: MF Holick PubMed: "]Holick MF


    "I would challenge anyone to find an area or nutrient or any factor that has such consistent anti-cancer benefits as vitamin D. The data are really quite remarkable." ~ Dr. Edward Giovannucci, Professor, Department of Nutrition Professor, Department of Epidemiology Harvard School of Public Health, 655 Huntington Avenue Building II Room 319 Boston, MA 02115, USA Phone: 1.617.432.4648 E-mail: edward.giovannucci@channing.harvard.edu Google Scholar: E Giovannucci PubMed: "]Giovannucci E


    The local hospital lab. From my understanding, there is huge inter-lab variability.


    Huge. It's a very big problem. If they used DiaSorin it's probably a fairly accurate, precise result. If they used LIASON, it varies tremendously due to a variety of factors.

  7. vitamin d requires as cofactors:






    most commonly, americans aren't getting enough magnesium and zinc.


    I should do a google doc about this, eh?:)


    Fwiw, vitamin D replete individuals do not need huge amounts of calcium like vitamin D deficient folks do....it's unclear yet how much D we need when we're getting sufficient D. Hollis is working on it. I'm so far going with 600-800 mg based on weight. I continue to take more mag because I feel better on it (less muscle tension is a biggie for me) so I work on gettin 600-1000 mg mag from food/supps.


    here's a link to all of my writings/ramblings that I've collected:


  8. The 5,000 IU, if continued indefinitely will raise her serum D levels to about 67-72 ng/mL in the absence of significant sun exposure. It's generally accepted that 1000 IU raises D levels by 10 ng/mL In other words, 100 IU D affects a 1 ng/mL increase in serum 25(OH)D.


    Summer is here at some latitudes and almost here in other latitudes and if she gets significant midday sun this will bring her up even futher so what may be good in terms of bringing D levels up could be too much for daily supplementation during the summer.


    At what latitude are you?


    If you're at ≤30-35, I'd put her outside, midday, in a bikini and no sunscreen and have her layout until the point just before she'd burn - on each side. No burn - bring her in before that. She can cover her face/apply sunscreen etc. On those days, give no D. On the other days, give D.


    Why would you need to provide evidence to the doc to bring her levels up into the middle of the reference range. After all, that's all we're talking about. The reality is that he needs to provide evidence *for you* that taking 1,000 IU will raise serum 25(OH)D from 17 ng/mL to anything acceptable. The burden of proof is not on you, it's on him. If he's opposed to quickly raising her levels, ask him to clarify what risk there might be in bringing her levels up quickly to 50 or 60 ng/mL. There isn't any. We're not talking about levels above normal....just *in the middle of the reference range*.


    Which lab did the test?:)


    Also keep in mind that if this daughters test was low, so are the other members of the family's levels.




    I just updated this with a couple more cites for you - ones that aren't listed in the post above.


    Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2008 Nov;117(11):864-70.Cod liver oil, vitamin A toxicity, frequent respiratory infections, and the vitamin D deficiency epidemic.Cannell JJ, Vieth R, Willett W, Zasloff M, Hathcock JN, White JH, Tanumihardjo SA, Larson-Meyer DE, Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Lamberg-Allardt CJ, Lappe JM, Norman AW, Zittermann A, Whiting SJ, Grant WB, Hollis BW, Giovannucci E.

    Until we have better information on doses of vitamin D that will reliably provide adequate blood levels of 25(OH)D without toxicity, treatment of vitamin D deficiency in otherwise healthy children should be individualized according to the numerous factors that affect 25(OH)D levels, such as body weight, percent body fat, skin melanin, latitude, season of the year, and sun exposure. The doses of sunshine or oral vitamin D3 used in healthy children should be designed to maintain 25(OH)D levels above 50 ng/mL. As a rule, in the absence of significant sun exposure, we believe that most healthy children need about 1,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily per 11 kg (25 lb) of body weight to obtain levels greater than 50 ng/mL. Some will need more, and others less. In our opinion, children with chronic illnesses such as autism, diabetes, and/or frequent infections should be supplemented with higher doses of sunshine or vitamin D3, doses adequate to maintain their 25(OH)D levels in the mid-normal of the reference range (65 ng/mL) — and should be so supplemented year-round .



  9. I'm interested in how they are coming up with these recommendations for optimal serum levels.


    It's based on levels that we can easily achieve through unprotected midday full body exposure at latitudes where it's possible to get D from sun. Seems to be a good plan since there are mechanisms in place that prevent us from getting too much from sun.






    Vitamin D Facts: Testing, Interpreting, Dosing and Levels

    A tan does not necessarily indicate sufficient vitamin D levels. It's easy to tan from UVA

    without getting sufficient UVB to raise D levels.

    If you work indoors midday or avoid midday sun for any reason or wear sunscreen, you

    need supplemental D3.

    ☑ If you get lots of 'indicental', partial body exposure in the summer, you still need vitamin

    D supplements.

    ☑ Supplemental D is needed on the days you don't get midday, summer, unprotected, full

    body exposure to the point just before a burn occurs.

    Most adults not getting very signficant sun exposure need 5,000 IU D per day. Some

    need more. Test, test and retest.

    Test, test and retest. use LabCorp or ZRT. Tests listed in order of preference:

    D Action study using ZRT's home test- grassrootshealth.org

    ZRT's test ordered from vitamindcouncil.org


    ZRT will donates $10 to that worthy organzation.


    ZRT's test can be ordered directly from ZRT


    See your doctor for testing - but only if they use LabCorp


    Quest/LabCorp testing project. Test on the same day using Quest and LabCorp -


    get reimbursed for up to $100 of your cost


    $60 LabCorp walk-in LabCorp test: http://www.privatemdlabs.com/lab_locations.php


    LabCorp via LEF: non-members $62.67 each members $35.25 each


    nmoL - units used to measure D most places in the world

    ng/mL - units used in the US

    ** Please be sure to pay attention to the units given on your lab report.

    ** Quest Labs -problems remain. See the end of the paper for citations.


    What should my vitamin D level be?

    see below for information on various vitamin D levels........


    ❍ 32 ng/mL (80 nmol/L) is the bottom of the current reference range in the US.

    This level leaves us in a state of substrate starvation which isn't good. And if

    Quest** did your test - see note above - you need to divide by 1.3.


    40 ng/mL (100 nmol/L) the minimum recommended by currently by

    any major D researcher (see grassrootshealth.net).


    50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L) is the point at which we have sufficient substrate

    for managing calcium levels and have additional to use for other necessary

    physiological functions - including gene expression (300+ other functions in our bodies)


    60-65 ng/mL (150-162.5 nmol/L) is the 'middle of the current reference range

    for the major US labs. European and canadian labs are behind the times on this

    one and are still generally using a much lower range that accepts truly

    deficient levels as normal.


    80 ng/mL (200 nmol/L) is the higher end of normal but still within the physiological

    range of what we could achieve from significant midday sun exposure.

    100 ng/mL (250 nmol/L) a level still obtainable by extensive sun exposure -

    think lifeguards in South Florida. That this levels can be achieved only through

    sun exposure implies that this is still a physiologically appropriate level.


    200 ng/mL (500 nmol/L) is the lowest blood level of 25(OH)D at which there

    has been documented D toxicity. There has never been a case reported at levels

    lower than that.


    1,000 IU (25 mcg) per 25 lbs body weight per day is a very reasonable dose of

    D3 for someone who avoid sun by

    → working indoors midday

    wearing clothes midday

    avoiding sun midday (too hot etc)

    wearing any amount of sunscreen midday



    ☑ 10,000 IU-50,000 IU vitamin D3 is produced in the skin upon full body exposure

    to sunlight......with the average of the studies being about 20,000 IU. However,

    adults should not take more than 5000 IU per day and children should not take more

    than 1000 IU per 25lbs body weight per day (400 IU per 10 lbs body weight per day)

    without periodic testing of 25(OH)D levels.


    Don't be afraid to take as much D3 as is required to raise your serum 25(OH)D to

    50-80 ng/mL (125 nmol/L to 250 nmol/L) There is a 25-50% variation in serum

    vitamin d levels at 'x' amount of supplementation rate due to genetic variations

    in vitamin d binding protein.



    Clin Biochem. 2009 Jul;42(10-11):1174-7. Epub 2009 Mar 18.Common genetic variants of the

    vitamin D binding protein (DBP) predict differences in response of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin

    D [25(OH)D] to vitamin D supplementation.Fu L, Yun F, Oczak M, Wong BY, Vieth R, Cole DE.

    Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada M5G 1L5.


    Early AM and later afternoon sun exposure on face, hands and arms is not sufficient

    to raise vitamin D levels or maintain optimal vitamin D levels.


    Fall, Winter and Spring sun exposure is not generally sufficient to raise viamin D levels

    or to maintain optimal D levels.


    A person (tan or not) who's been getting



    summer exposure

    on most body skin


    to the point just before a burn occurs, may have optimal D levels during the summer.



    The Vitamin D Council (vitamindcouncil.org) has all of the D research, reference cites

    and links to peer reviewed journal articles that you'd ever want to read, plus several thousand extra;)


    the rest of the doc can be found at the link. I had to shorten it to meet the size limit

  10. Please please please get your daughter's 25(OH)D tested asap via LabCorp or ZRT and get her levels up to the middle of the reference range (60-65 asap).


    It has powerful immune effects and has been shown to have prevention and tx effects in many viruses, bacterial infections (incl hpylori), autoimmune disorders and even cancer.


    Please do not let another day go by.


    The test can be ordered through:

    ZRT directly

    The Vitamin D Council (zrt donates $10 per test to this worthy non-profit)

    D Action Study (Grassroots Heath is a public health research organization that is coordinating this worldwide study....also an extremely worthy organization....I am a participant in the study....D test is required 2x per year for 5 years)

  11. I had acupuncture done yesterday and that really seemed to help.

    Once I start to throw up, it just doesn't seem to stop. It really sucks.

    Hey Sus! Glad the acupuncture was helpful.

    You've looked at pyroluria, yes? If you think it fits, then not only do you need a lot more B6, but also zinc and GLA, nuts and eggs. Even additional b6 alone for the nausea won't work b/c without additional zinc and GLA - because your body will just keep using up the b6 too rapdily during the faulty hemoglobin synthesis.



    Pyroluria is a genetically determined chemical imbalance involving an abnormality in hemoglobin synthesis. Hemoglobin is the protein that holds iron in the red blood cell. Individuals with this disorder produce too much of a byproduct of hemoglobin synthesis called "kryptopyrrole" (KP) or "hemepyrrole." Kryptopyrrole has no known function in the body and is excreted in urine.

    Kryptopyrrole binds to pyridoxine (vitamin B6) and zinc and makes them unavailable for their important roles as co-factors in enzymes and metabolism. These essential nutrients when bound to kryptopyrrole are removed from the bloodstream and excreted into the urine as pyrroles. Arachidonic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid) also becomes deficient.

    The effect of pyroluria can have a mild, moderate, or severe depending on the severity of the imbalance. Most individuals show symptoms of zinc and/or B6 deficiencies, which include poor stress control, nervousness, anxiety, mood swings, severe inner tension, episodic anger (an explosive temper), poor short-term memory and depression.

    Most pyrolurics exhibit at least two of these problems. These individuals cannot efficiently create serotonin (a neurotransmitter that reduces anxiety and depression) since vitamin B6 is an important factor in the last step of its synthesis. Many of these persons appear to benefit from SSRI medications such as Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, etc.

    However, as with all mind-altering drugs, side effects occur and the true cause of the mental difficulties remains uncorrected. In addition these individuals often have frequent infections and are often identified by their inability to tan, poor dream recall, abnormal fat distribution, and sensitivity to light and sound. As you can imagine an SSRI will not correct these metabolic effects. More healthful benefits may be achieved by giving the appropriate supporting nutrients.

    Pyroluria is detected by chemical analysis of the abnormal pyroles in urine detectable as a purple (on testing paper) metabolite in called "the mauve factor." Most persons have less than 10mcg of KP per deciliter. Persons with 10-20 mcg/dl are considered "borderline" pyroluric and may benefit from treatment. Persons with levels above 20 mcg/dl are considered to have pyroluria, especially if the above symptoms are present.

    The chemical analysis for KP is difficult due to the tendency for this chemical to decompose. Sometimes it is necessary to repeat the urine test to properly determine the level of KP being excreted. To make the initial diagnosis, no vitamins or minerals should be taken for two days before the urine is collected (This is to avoid false negative results). The specimen should be handled properly as well - collected and frozen immediately and protected from any light by being placed in aluminum foil. A repeat test to determine if the condition has been improved may be helpful.

    People with mild-moderate pyroluria usually have a fairly rapid response to treatment if no other chemical imbalances are present. People with severe pyroluria usually require several weeks before progress is seen and improvement may be gradual over 3 - 12 months. Features of pyroluria usually recur within 2 - 4 weeks if the nutritional program is stopped. Thus, the need for treatment is indefinite.

    Pyroluria is managed in part by restoring vitamin B6 and zinc. The type of replacement therapy is very important as zinc must be provided in an efficiently absorbed form. Vitamin B6 is also available in several forms. Both zinc and B6 supplementation need to be directed by the doctor as too much can be toxic, use of the wrong form will be ineffective, and avoiding competing minerals and supplements may be necessary. Other nutrients may assist in pyroluria include niacinamide, pantothenic acid, manganese, vitamins C and E, omega-6 fatty acids and cysteine. Food sources and nutritional supplements containing copper and red/yellow food dyes should be avoided.

    Because pyrolurics are stress intolerant, they seem to be especially vulnerable to cumulative stress over many days. For example, parents of a pyroluric child should use discipline that is "short and sweet" rather than "long and lingering." It is not unexpected that pyroluric patients are prone to relapses, especially during illness, injury, or emotional stress.

    Much of the information we have about pyroluria is from the work of the late Carl Pfeiffer, M.D. in the 1970’s. Some references include:

    Irving DG: Apparent non-indolic ehrlich-positive substances related to Mental illness. J Neuropsychiat, 1961;2:292-305.

    Hoffer A, Mahon M: The presence of unidentified substances in the urine of psychiatric patients. J Neuropsychiat, 1961;2:331-397.

    Irvine DG, Bayne W, et al: Identification of kryptopyrrole in human urine and its relationship to psychosis. Nature, 1969;224:811-813.

    Pfeiffer CC, Lliev V: Pyrroluria, urinary mauve factor, causes double deficiency of B6 and zinc in schizophrenics. Fed Proc, 1973;32:276.

    Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Neathery S: Vitamins, blood lead and urine pyrroles in Down Syndrome patients. Amer Clin Lab, 1990:Jan- Feb:8-9. Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Neathery S, Riordan N: Urinary pyrroles in health and disease. J Orthomol Med, 1997: 12;2:96-98.

  12. We are trying out a 2yo Jack Russell Terrier this week. She is a cute, lovable dog and great with the kids. The problem is that she insists on attacking our free range guinea fowl, and we plan on adding free range chickens by the end of the summer. Is there any way to train her to not attack the birds? I know she has this inborn trait, so I'm guessing not???



    Jack Russell's have some of the highest prey drive of any dogs around. It's incredible and ime, not changeable. We're very experienced dog people and could do a lot with our JRT but could never affect his prey drive.



  13. Give her some direct instruction on doing the things *you* do to stop him.


    If that doesn't work, then consider it a behavioral issue on her part whining about it to get you involved is getting more energy from you than anything else is. Continue to work on skills with her, but give *more* energy to the positive, proactive stuff she does.


    _Transforming the Difficult Child_ was transformative here. Apparently Glasser has a new book out with the same information essentially - just updated and better organized. 1000% worth it.





    I wouldn't go the opposite direction, though, and ignore her

  14. Thanks for the link, Katherine. Dd and I are looking forward to reading Student Doctor's forums and articles. I've heard conflicting opinions about this topic, and I was wondering if you could reference some published statistics or studies to back up your advice.


    There is a ton of information at studentdoctor.net and oldpremeds.com


    One of the forums has a former medical school admissions director (Vanderbilt iirc) but in both places there is a tremendous amount of discussion on this exact issue.




  15. I experience severe knee pain for about 4-5 days during the month at certain times during my cycle. Does anyone else experience this? What would cause it?


    zinc, magnesium, calcium and vitamin d deficiency due to increased needs for those nutrients at that time. It might not be all of them, only some but it would be worth


    1)getting your 25(OH)D levels tested

    2)nutritiondata.org to asses your intake of calcium and magnesium

    3)usrdi for mag is 400 mg - i do much much better at 1000 mg intake per day from all sources


    Vitamin D

    Supplements I take


    I used to have bone pain, knee pain, psoriasis, fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue symptoms, severe eczema....that's the short list - there was a lot more.


    With various nutritional interventions, all the stuff is gone!




  16. Do you still think I need vitamin D?


    You may or may not. It's tough to say. Can you see about getting your 25(OH)D level tested?


    You're definitely in a part of the world where it's possible to maintain reasonable to optimal D levels year round if you get sufficient midday sun exposure on most exposed skin.


    Can you get outside each day around noon *with no sunscreen* to the point just before you'd burn? Whether it's 5 minutes (very fair) or 15 min minutes (lighter european tones), 30-50 minutes (darker mediterranean, indian) or several hours (even six hours for the darkest skin tones) the key things are midday, no s/s, most skin (ie bathingsuit/bikini) then come inside and/or apply s/s. The reason that many folks even in tropical environements don't maintain good D levels is that it's too hot midday so outdoor time is too early or too late in the day.


    You may be interested in reading up on magnesium and blood pressure. We know it works - the evidence supports it: afterall, what do moms with PIH or pre-eclampsia get via IV when they are in labor? magnesium sulfate.





    Wishing you the best right now and

  17. ok.....thanks! I was looking at this one





    I didn't realize they had a Take One only. :001_smile: Do you think the one I was looking at is overkill?


    the reason that one has four pills per day is simply the calcium. it has 1000 mg calcium and iirc, 400 mg magnesium. That is too much for those eating dairy. The take one just offers more flexiblity in dosing magnesium separately - and calcium only if needed.


    and that particular one doesn't have iron, which most premenopausal women will need as well as male and female teens (from puberty on). Men typically shouldn't have iron containing supplements nor should post menopausal women.


    Both the 'Take One' version and the Original (4 per day) come in iron and iron free versions.




  18. .....I could replace my blender and my juicer with a Vitamix.


    The juicer does things a blender - even the esteemed vitamix - doesn't do.


    I juice greens and veggies - sometimes I add the pulp back in but not always. I get a ton of fiber in my diet and don't always want or need the extra fiber - just the maximum antioxidant absorption without the fiber to slow it down.




  19. Maybe 22-week fetuses don't have a huge chance of survival


    Really? Until the FL baby survived, 22 wk micropreemies were considered non-viable and essentially still are. I honestly don't think this is heartless. Just realistic.


    Socialized medical care or not, we can't all get multi million dollar care. It sucks. It's awful. But it's real. Socialized or not, we all pay for this multi-million dollar care.


    Many on this board don't have insurance. Many here in the US - where cost cutting has been the norm in the last 30 years and where medicine is not socialized - haven't been able to get the care the need. Regardless of who is running that care, it ends up costing the average person either through taxes or through increased insurance rates.


    Can insurance companies afford to keep every 25 weeker going? 24? 23? Can we?


    The questions are very very hard - and the answers don't come easy either.



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