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Posts posted by SLH in ND

  1. The high school math textbooks have the instructions for using the TI 83 or TI 84 inside boxes on the textbook pages. Some textbooks have the instructions as supplements to the textbook as well.



    80 page PDF for algebra


    36 page PDF for precalculus



    Which model did you get?

    Wow! Those links are excellent.  Thanks for posting them.  Now I'm having the "I'm a bad mom" thoughts. Why did I not know this was out there?  lol :tongue_smilie: I would do searches for user manuals for the calculator and those were what I referred to as less than helpful.


    My oldest dd just used a TI-30XS scientific (not graphing) calculator but she didn't use it much - she preferred to just figure it out on graph paper.  Looking back, maybe she didn't use it because the calculator wasn't "good enough" and I don't recall the Saxon books saying which calculator to use in the few lessons that gave calculator instruction. We did end up getting a TI-83 or 84 Plus before she took the ACT a second time but since she hadn't ever really used a calculator, she said she didn't use it much during the test.  Her math score was the same both times she took the ACT.  Luckily, the score she did get wasn't too bad. 


    I'm torn, anyways, on the whole calculator issue - my 10th grader thinks she has to use one.  I don't want it to be a crutch, but I want her to know how to use it for the ACT. When I skim through MUS, it doesn't look like they have instruction on the calculator - I might have to look closer.

  2. If anyone has or had a high school student who lacked strength in the areas of literature (analysis mainly) and writing, what program(s) did you find to be the most straight forward and easiest for an independent student to follow?


    This student IS college-bound, but the areas she's leaning towards will not be ones that require more than the entry level English classes, so we just need the basics for Literature, not the AP geared courses that my oldest DD took.


    I worry most about the writing part, as it's essential for college and beyond.


    Thank you!










    ETA: punctuation

  3. This looks amazing!  Wish I would have had it to use with dd1, but the other 2 will benefit from it.  Do you have an idea of when it will be finished? Amazon has it as a 'pre-order' right now.

  4. Thanks for the suggestions! I would rather do something that wouldn't end up being a regular course added to her schedule for credit. She could do these a couple times a week and hopefully it would be enough to bump up the score a little bit.


    Thanks again!


  5. What would you recommend for a student who needs a little more Geometry experience? Here's a brief background - she is finishing her Junior year and is 1/2 way through Saxon Advanced Math. We were going to finish the Adv. Math over the summer and the first part of Senior year. However, after taking the ACT 2 times and getting great scores on everything except the Geometry portions, which brought down her composite Math score; I think we need to do some sort of Geometry course.


    I don't 'think' we need to do something as rigorous as Saxon Geometry, but I have never given it a thought since I figured she'd be set with Geometry after all the Saxon Math.


    She will be taking a few AP classes so I don't want to bog her down with additional math when she needs to be concentrating on the classes that will be geared towards her college plan. The main reason to take the Geometry is to raise the Math composite so that it bumps her total to set her up for more merit related scholarships.


    Thoughts, opinions, recommendations.....are all appreciated! I hope after the trial and error with this dd#1, it will be smoother sailing with #2 (Freshman this fall) and #3.... LOL:D



  6. The more kids I have had the more slow I have become. Really I mean this. Most of the time I have a hard time even spelling common words (I'd post an example but it would probably be wrong!) and I feel like I can't formulate a decent conversation to save my life! :) In fact I have almost stopped posting on message boards because I have such a hard time making sense!!


    Am I the only one who gave away her intelligence for the sake of her offspring? ;)



    :iagree: I lost a little bit with each of my pregnancies/deliveries. In fact, when dd#3 was born and my oldest was 3.5 yrs. old, I came home from the hospital and told dh I was going to start homeschooling (my p.m. nurse was a homeschooling mom). He laughed and flat out told me I lost my brain while I was in the hospital.


    Conversations are tough for me, too....and "writing" them are harder than speaking!


    Sheri :)

  7. I actually love to do laundry - the laundry room is my escape. I like the hum of the dryer, which drowns out all other sounds, as I throw another load in or fold the load I just took out.....sick, huh? It's also the warmest room in the house during our cold winters! Folding warm towels...


    In spite of the above, I answered "left inside out" for the thing that irks me the most. Someone else said they quit turning things right side out, which is what I did, also. It has helped a little. However, I have found that I've ended up missing more stains, which are much harder to get out after they've been washed.


    Oh, during colds season, my biggest irk is finding shredded kleenex in my washer. I wish they'd just stay inside the pockets!


    Sheri :)

  8. There is a lot more to a weekend away than that. You need a break. You need time together. You need to do something fun. You need to laugh and talk and cuddle. Don't let one little aspect take the whole weekend away from you. Be creative, enjoy the things you can enjoy and have fun. Absolutely do not cancel this just because you will miss out on one aspect of the weekend. That would be cheating you and your husband out of the time you need together.


    Pull yourself together and pack you bags woman!


    I understand your dh but there is a lot more to a weekend than the physical. You need to feed your relationship in more than one way.



    :iagree: You do really need to go!


    Sheri :)

  9. Well, if I'm in organizer-mode, I'll sit down with dh, on a Saturday, and plan out a menu for the upcoming week. If I'm in super-organizer-mode, dh & I will sit down with a blank calendar page and plan an entire month.

    Truthfully, the vast majority of the time, I'm in oh-no-it's-11:00-and-I-don't-know-what's-for-lunch-mode and we wing it. :tongue_smilie:


    I have always done leftovers (from the previous night's supper) for lunch and not get any complaints. I don't know, but last year was just really an "off" school year for us. Nothing seemed to go smoothly - ever - even lunch. I told the kids we're going to do what I did when I was a kid in ps...a sack lunch with sandwiches every.single.day. I'm hoping things will turn around now.


    When we've done menu planning, we have sometimes included the kids in it, so they can have some ownership of it. Even though you still might be eating the same old meals, maybe they won't seem so boring to the kids if they had more of an active role in it. Menu planning can also be tied in with Health by telling them that lunch must include a meat, grain, fruit, & veggie. With that, you can rotate which child chooses the food for a certain food group. You might come up with some different combinations that way, too. For example: When I make BBQ's/Sloppy Joes I always, without fail, will serve applesauce and corn with it. If I had dd#1 choose fruit, she'd pick oranges and dd#3 picking a veggie would choose carrots. I couldn't have dd#2 make a choice for this meal, because she is her mother's daughter and she'd serve it the same way I do...LOL! Anyways, the meal is now completely different than if I had served it.


    I'm really in a rut with supper. 5:00 comes and I'm at a loss, with nothing thawed out. I MUST get back to menu planning, now that we're getting back into school and end-of-summer routine.


    Sheri :)

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