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Just Jane

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Posts posted by Just Jane

  1. No net = no jumping. We have had a trampoline for about 10 years, always with a net. We have never had more than a couple minor bumps and that was neighbor kids who weren't following my rules.


    I would NEVER allow my own children on a trampoline that doesn't have a net, and I would not allow them on if the owners don't have safety rules in place.

    :iagree: We've had one with a net for a long time. There haven't been any significant injuries.

  2. I figured there are people from all over on the boards. Someone has to have a suggestion.


    Here are some things we are thinking about..

    *Big enough that everyone doesn't know everyone but small enough that it isn't packed and takes forever to go anywhere.

    *If it's a big city it has to have a rural/outside of town area. Some place to buy a big lot of land and build a house.

    *Good homeschool community and fairly easy laws

    *Good medical facilities. I have a special needs son who will eventually need surgery. I don't mind traveling a little if needed.

    *Politically liberal. I'd like not to be the only family who is. ;)

    *Not a poor city, middle class or higher.

    *Field trip opportunities.

    *Extra curricular opportunities. I have kids who are in soccer, swimming, basketball, softball, dance, theater, gymnastics and figure skating.

    *Educational options - Charter school, private schools, college for duel enrollment.

    *Has seasons. I can't imagine Christmas without snow or fall without colors, I'd get tired of high temperatures all year round.

    *Christian Churches


    I think those are the main ones. :bigear:

  3. Thanks. It definitely is not like this everywhere. We moved out of a large metro area. There are way to many people for much gossip outside of social circles and if gossip started you could easily find a new group of people. Here there isn't that option.


    Hopefully, we can move sooner but we still need to figure out where we're going. :001_smile:

  4. We moved back to my home town in June. I'm sick of the judgement. I'm sick of not "fitting in" because of how many kids we have, how much money we have, our political views, religion. People just find some reason not to like you. My kids have made a few friends luckily but I forget how much gossip small towns have.. I can't even talk without the town knowing what I said and someone getting mad at me for it. It feels like highschool again - actually much worse! :001_huh:


    I'm trying to be positive for the kids. I'm reminding myself that we can move in 3 months. I'm SO glad we decided to rent.. I love the town and being close to some family members but I'm done with the gossip and judgement especially from "friends" or even some family. :glare:


    Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.

  5. I'd get the Bitty Twins for an almost 5 year old. DD6 got them when she was that age and they're still her favorite. She is getting a look alike doll for Christmas and will probably get Rebecca for her 7th b'day. My 3yo is getting a Bitty Baby for Christmas. :001_smile: We get the Historical dolls after they read the book if they really like them. Though we have almost all of them after buying over the years. ;)

  6. My 3 year old and 6 yr old like:

    Coloring/Painting if you have any kind of art supplies and you watch them closely that could work. They both like any kind of arts and crafts.

    Playing with water of any kind (even just playing in the sink with soap bubbles or pouring water in and out of containers)

    Building a fort out of blankets and pillows

    Any kind of pretend play if an older person is willing to be part of it - they both love hide and seek.


    Games- if you still have old board games around that might be an idea...my 3 year old loves Candyland

    Having someone read to them


    You could also ask the parents if they can pack a small bag with a few toys. Just be honest. “We’re looking forward to having __ and __ here but we realized we don’t have many toys for their age. Can you send a couple of their favorite things to do?"


    You could also in a pinch have them watch a video for part of the time. If you have Netflix or Amazon Prime there are many many free kid shows. You could check with the parents first but if someone else was willing to babysit my kids for 5-6 hours I’d be absolutely fine with some video/TV time.


  7. I just got TOG today! :D


    I spent a couple hours looking over it and all the books today. It's exactly what I've been trying to do for years. I don't have any BTDT experience but I love the looks of it. I'm spending this week figuring out how we're going to actually use it but it doesn't look to hard. I've also read how rigorous and time demanding it is but I think it could be used in a much more relaxed way but still rigorous and that's how I plan to use it for the most part. I am really excited and so are my kids. :001_smile:


    Also wanted to add I had to buy the books too because I'm not friends with library when it comes to using books for curricula. It never works out for me. I definitely think it's worth it.

  8. DS15 took it last year as a 9th grader with a local group of 7 other teens and a teacher. He loved it! He has a strong interest in any sort of history and loved learning more about government especially before the election this year. The class went until April right before the exam and he scored a 4 on it. I think it would be a lot of information to cover in one semester, especially as his first AP class.

  9. TOG is here!! It was late and I paid for a faster shipping :glare:, but it's here!! :party:


    The kids get more excited then I do when it comes to books! We just spent 45 minutes opening and looking at everything together but dh just took the kids out so I can wrap my brain around it by myself. There is so much stuff. ;)


    I love box day! :D

  10. We are not in TN and are just using Homelife Academy because I thought it would be easier when he applies for colleges and for someone else to do most of the work. He plans to go straight to a 4 year University but he may take a couple CC classes through duel enrollment. He has taken an AP class and did well and is taking one now and will take more. I think that verifies that he's doing well. He will not be going to Public school.


    Anyways, Am I wasting my money? Will Homelifes Transcript get him into a University without much from me? :bigear:

  11. DS9 - He has CP and ADD (with some other symptoms that don't fit into either).


    A big hit this year has been tracing copy work sheets that I make for him online. Curriculum wise - Apples and Pears, Developmental Math, Grammar songs all have been good fits too. His reading has really improved this year and he is reading independently! He struggles with comprehension but is enjoying reading now :party:. He still loves read-alouds, audio books, iPad Apps and various projects and experiments that he joins in on with my other dc. He does have his struggles and moments of frustration (so do I). I've learned to put away the school books on those days. Overall he is doing very well! :001_smile:

  12. I am not sure there is any sport that doesn't produce some risk. The key to preventing injury (other than random stuff) is to make sure you are properly conditioning for it.


    Soccer is one of the roughest sports I have seen next to football. I played 7 years of basketball and volley ball and fractured my hip in one and while I never had any serious injury in volleyball, I was constantly jamming fingers and it requires a lot of high impact moments with the floor/ground. Softball ran the risk of being hit with the ball, cheerleading requires a lot of risk, the list just goes on. I guess the least injury inducing sport would be tennis. I just can't be fearful of what "might" happen, but then again sports were a large part of my teen years and I treasure those memories :) I think I put my kids in more danger packing them into a car than putting them in sports.

    :iagree: Except personally I think soccer is the absolute roughest sport. You have no padding except shine guards! That is the sport my kids have had the majority of injuries - concussions, dislocated shoulder, broken ankle, broken wrist and broken nose! :001_huh:


    You're probably never going to find a sport that doesn't involve some sort of risk if your looking at it that way.

  13. I am not willing to give up what I have now. No way no how. There is no way to improve on mistakes or amplify my successes without eliminating the outcome of the various choices I made. It would have been wiser to two my scholarships and go away to a prestigious school rather than stay in town and work myself through state school. But I met my husband here. And it would have generally been considered better to wait for marriage until after college. But had I done that, I wouldn't have my oldest son. I don't invest anything, even what if thoughts in the sunk costs of the past. I can only look forwards and thank my lucky stars that I ended up this happy and content.

    :iagree::iagree: I have regrets but I wouldn't change anything because I wouldn't be who I am without them.

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