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Posts posted by GESTEP

  1. Now that Scholaric has grid printing, meaning I can print the schedule in grid format I love it. It is not complicated, once you figure out the shortcuts like using { } with the numbers inside to create a series of lessons. I can type Lesson {1-30}, select the days, and it automatically enters them. It took a little getting used to but once you get the basics, it is quick and easy for me.



  2. If you want to make a maraton of it then Autumn in my Heart is excellent. It is 16 hours though, ALOT of crying (at least for all of us) and it has subtitles. I do not like subtitles but this one is so good you won't even notice, even my dds enjoyed this. Winter Sonata was just as good once you get into a bit but it is 20 episodes. I am debating if I want to tackle another one of the Korean dramas in the series (Spring Waltz and Summer Scent I think are the titles). These are so good you won't be able to stop watching!

  3. Oh how disappointing! I like to read the reviews there since it is so organized and I don't have to sift through alot of discussion, try to search old threads, or ask the same question that has already been asked dozens of times. I sure hope it is not gone.


    Maybe we could start a review section here for each product. This board is quite active and I am sure we could have some great reviews all nice and organized somewhere.

  4. Interesting trick, I have never seen that before. I was taught the reverse operation method too. Thanks Veritaserum for explaining it. At least I know where they are going with it. I even taught this wrong the first time I explained it (I didn't read the lesson- that will teach me to think I know 4th grade math without a guide:tongue_smilie:).


    Thanks for the fast replies and clear explanation. I will definitely teach it, I am just not sure if we will use it consistently. It is always good to have a bag of tricks to draw from though.



  5. In level 402 there is process in which you have to find the sum of the numbers. Ex. 6,342 so 6+3+4+2=15 then 1+5=6 so the sum is 6. I don't recall ever doing this in math and wonder what the purpose is?

    It is appearing again in 403 with a shortcut of cancelling 9's (ex. 81,543 so you can cancel 8 and 1 since they total 9, and 5 and 4 so you are left with a sum of 3). I was skipping it since I don't see the point but now I am wondering if it will be relevant to some process down the road since it keeps coming up. Does anyone know why this is done and/or if it comes up again in later levels? Any insight is much appreciated.



  6. The best thing you can do is to encourage their interests and provide a well rounded education. Even if they hate certain subjects now give them as much as you can because someday they may need it when they figure out what they do want to do.

    When I graduated from high school I thought I knew what I wanted to do. After 1 quarter I realized it was not what I wanted to do and I changed majors nearly every quarter and took 6 years to graduate from college with a useless degree. Now, 20 years later I am back in school and I have alot of transfer credit. So even though I did not need Chemistry, public speaking, etc back then I am relieved to not have to take those now! You just don't know what the future holds so it is best to be prepared for anything.

  7. I worked in insurance and OB billing and this was my experience, though every plan is different. If you see the same doctor throughout a pregnancy they will usually bill at the time of delivery as a global billing, meaning that they do not bill each office visit individually to the insurance. This does not include labs and ultrasounds though. So often times the insurance will look at pre-existing unless the delivery is close to the effective date.


    However insurance has been known to consider pregnancy as pre-exisiting if you saw the doctor prior to the effective date of coverage. It is not based on when the pregnancy occurs but when you first were treated, i.e. saw a doctor/midwife or some documentation in a medical chart. If it has not been documented by a healthcare provider it is not pre-existing. I have seen women not go to the doctor until late in the pregnancy to avoid prex denials. It is sometimes hard to convenience the insurance you really did wait and you may have ot fight them on it. Some policies do not consider pregancy pre-existing so it just depends on the coverage. It can also depend on your state, my info is based on Ohio.


    I just wanted to point out that it can be excluded, I have seen it many times with group insurance and individual coverage.


    REgarding waiting periods, from what I recall, that does not count as pre-existing time periods. The purpose of pre-existing denials is to avoid people getting insurance only when they find out they will have major expenses. Pre-existing is the time prior to the effective date (usually date of permanent hire), so although there is a waiting period with no coverage you have insurance so to speak, it just doesn't cover anything.


    Congratulations and I hope your husband finds a permanent position with full coverage:001_smile:

  8. I had a tetanus shot 3 1/2 weeks ago, actually it was DTaP, and I am still unable to lift my arm if my elbow is bent. I can lift it just fine if my arm is straight and it moves without pain if I use the other arm to move it but when I try to lift it on its own I have sharp pain and it just won't move. I cannot put weight on it and it is keeping me up at night.


    What could have gone wrong? I have to go back in about a week for another Hep B shot so I will ask the nurse then if it is still persisting. I am just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and what was the outcome? Thanks.



  9. I was looking at that book also last night based on another post here. I really don't see any academic problems with dd. She scores high on her year end testing, has no issues in reading, comprehension, writing, except that she still has to think about writing b and d. The b and d reversal when writing was my initial concern but it is not an issue when reading. Her scores on the visagraph, the test that checks tracking, were so good that the doctor said she rarely sees a normal one so at least she knew that the equipment really measures accurately. In everyday life she can perceive objects accurately and is very attuned to detail. She does not run into walls and is only maybe slightly clumsy but she is tall and has been always growing rapidly so it is difficult when your body size is constantly changing.


    In all honestly, I would struggle with the visual memory test-having to remember up to 7 objects after studying them for about 10 seconds then remembering them on the next page. There were also alot of drawings she had to do of geometric shapes, 3-D images, etc that she did poorly on. We don't do much in the way of drawing or geometry so I am not surprised that under the pressure of testing she did poorly. Where do these skills carry over into everyday life that if she did not have therapy it would affect her? My other thought is that if we spent 30 minutes every day working on these type of skills, which is what VT does, wouldn't she improve without the VT? My only concern is why she still struggles with b and d reversals but I can't see spending $2000 on that!


    The other reason for her testing was when she had her regular exam she lost focus when reading the chart. I know she was nervous and sometimes when in the office she would take a second to find her focus when using the different lenses and colored glasses. The doctor said it was slight and a month of VT should fix it.


    I know I am thinking out loud alot but I am really torn. I don't see serious problems like many others are experiencing but I also don't want to do a disservice to her. Even with one month of VT, if paid up front, is over $700 plus the $280 I already paid for testing. It is kind of pricey just to find out, KWIM?

  10. We went for testing today at a COVD provider and were told that dd11 has visual perception developmental delays, showing about 3 years behind. She has no issues with convergence, tracking, etc and only issues slight on binocular focusing. Her main problem is the perception delays. They want to do 8 sessions of fixation therapy (for the binocularity) and 32 of "vision and learning". Her issues are minor and this would run over $2000.


    I am a bit put off that when I told them that our insurance covers testing and VT they told me it would not since they did not have an actual diagnosis code to bill with. They requested payment in full for the testing and said they would not even bill the insurance even though I asked them to. Also they are supposed to contract with our insurance as in network. I am left feeling like they just want my money and are not concerned about my child. I think the testing was accurate but I am just not sure VT/learning therapy is necessary since her symptoms do not seem severe.


    Is there anyone whose child has only had visual perception delays and gone through VT? What were your results and did you think it was worth it? My initial concern was that she may have dyslexia since she still reverses b and d in her writing, but that has been eliminated. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

  11. When we visited there were a few ladies that loved baby dolls as someone else mentioned. Also things to fidget with like you would give a toddler-knobs, zippers, latches that were mounted on a board but any kind of toddler fidget toys were good. Maybe a toy piano or xylophone.

    Try to keep the conversation one sided, as in you do the talking and don't ask her questions. It can be frustrating if they struggle with speech and have to try to collect their thoughts and speak.

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