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Posts posted by melis108

  1. There is an app that syncs with your home computer. He uses it so he can be on Club Penguin when we are out (yes... I know that is not "educational" but it passes his time while his sisters do gymnastics).


    At first we were a little dissappointed that we couldn't run flash, like for Club Penguin, but this App solves that problem.


    I can get into all my word documents and pictures stored at home.


    LOVE LOVE LOVE my IPad!!


    What app is it?

  2. Occasionally I let ds touch it too! :tongue_smilie:


    Seriously, I have downloaded some awesome apps for school. I rarely use my iMac for anything anymore (except syncing my iPhone and iPad!!). I read on it (LOVE it for my books - I turn the lighting down so the glare isn't harsh and I love it more than I did the Kindle because I don't need a light to read by), listen to my music, play games, pay bills, keep notes, organize my life, type docs, read pdf's, read WTM forums, etc.


    Seriously, it's the best thing I've ever treated myself to.


    I just got one. Wow! Do I LOVE this thing!!!


    How do you pay bills, type docs, read pdfs and organize your life. I know there is so much potential, but I'm just getting started! :) Thanks!

  3. Let me tell you about my 12 (almost 13) year old son. When he was young, he was very anxious about me leaving him. I always made sure he was comfortable before I'd leave him somewhere. Sometimes that meant me never leaving. He wouldn't even go over to a friend's house without me for the longest time. I figured there was a reason he needed me to feel secure and I let that be ok. I gave him all the time he needed. Now, as he approaches his teen years, he is one of the most confident kids I've ever known. He is totally fine being by himself. He is absolutely NOT clingy now. I'm so glad I gave him time to become independent. He NEEDED that. I would forget what other people think and go with your gut. I'm so glad I did (and still do).


    Good luck to you!

  4. We are following closer to an unschooling approach this year and I am feeling like I don't want to go to our local coop because I'm tired of talking about curriculum. So, I get it! :) I wonder if you gave it a try and plan to discuss things other than education. If you keep your mind open, it might be interesting to hear how their kids are learning. And, I do believe the parents expect their kids to learn, just not in the same way that you expect your kids to learn. It could be a really great experience, but I completely understand your apprehension.

  5. Oh, boy! Well, I had the same concerns when we started homeschooling. You are well equipped to teach your child! The biggest joy for me has been to be able to raise my kids and really get to know them! I love being with them and learning with them.


    I would say the biggest challenge is being able to ignore what society considers the best way to educate, and go with your instincts about the best way to educate YOUR child.


    Good luck on this journey. I'm so glad I began. My life is so much richer as a result!

  6. We've been homeschooling for 8 years and we've really had to figure out what works best for each child. I wouldn't go against your husband's wishes, but also, if you do keep them home and then have to put them in school later, it certainly isn't time lost! We are fairly relaxed homeschoolers and I am always impressed at how much my kids learn when they have the freedom to explore what interests them.


    Good luck with the decision. It can be so hard when both parents aren't in the same place.

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