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Posts posted by ahousefullofjs

  1. I need a writing program for my 3 oldest and am looking at IEWs Student Writing Intensive. My boys are in 5th, 7th and 9th this year. Would you recommend I purchase all 3 levels, since that's where their grade levels fall. Or can any of them be combined?

    All 3 boys are weak in writing. Also, I will have 3 girls coming up behind them to use the program, so I don't mind the investment if it is worth it.

    Thank you

  2. At night In the house he just lays in his bed. So no peeing there. Whenever he's up, active, moving around, he pees so he's outside during the day. Unless its raining. But yes, if he's inside and walking around, he pees while he walks.

    We don't do doggy diapers. He is a very rambunctious 110 pounds, it wouldn't work.

  3. I guess he has partial bladder control. He can go all night in the house without an accident but during the day, when he's up and he walks, jumps, runs, etc. he just pees. We all have to watch out for "the stream". He also cannot squat all the way down to have a bowel movement. He gets about halfway and tries to readjust, taking steps here and steps there. It takes him a long time to go.

  4. Oh, wow. That's an awful position to have to be in.


    If it were me, I'd probably wait until I was reasonably sure the dog was suffering (by that I mean that quality of life was obviously not where it should be). If the dog wants to play and be with you and eats and all that, and is present and is obviously living life, I'd wait. That's such a hard thing to judge with an animal that isn't otherwise obviously at the end of its life (e.g., old age isn't a factor) though--dogs are often so stoic--but I wouldn't feel right with my decision until I knew quality of life had declined, you know? That said, my position is admitedly pretty selfish, so if I were you I wouldn't feel guilty about making the decision at any time you felt was right to spare the dog pain.



    Good luck.



    This is exactly what we have been feeling. With the mind and energy of a puppy but the joints of an old dog, it's really sad.

  5. One vet recommended complete hip replacement surgery. At 15-20k per hip that just isn't happening. (Both vets also said hip displaysia isn't limited to the hips that he would most likely develop the problem in other joints.)

    Neither with tell us WHEN would be the right time to put him down.

  6. Forgot to say....yes, I did contact the breeder. There is no record or report of health problems in the lineage. Both parents scored very high on their hip ratings. I did send a copy of all medical records to the breeder (he really didn't believe me)

    he then followed up by sending a full refund of the purchase price and a sincere apology. There haven't been any complaints against the breeder, I believe it just a very unfortunate fluke that this dog is plagued with so many problems.

  7. We are in a tough spot with our puppy. Just wondering what others would do.

    Our old dog of 14 years was approaching the end of her life, she was the most wonderful dog! We knew that we didn't want to be without a dog so for the 3 years leading up to our old dogs' passing, we researched different breeds to try to find the "perfect" family dog. We finally settled on a Greater Swiss Mountain dog. He is a gorgeous dog from a reputable breeder. (We did a lot of research) He is now 14months and has been riddled with problems; umbilical hernia, undecended testi..., a deformed tooth, and diagnosed with severe hip dysplasia in both back hips and front wrists at 9months. We had him diagnosed by two different vets just to confirm. Both said it was the worst they had seen in a puppy so young and that he most likely would not be able to reach full size (125 lbs) because his hips wouldn't be able to handle the weight. Its pretty noticeable, he sits funny, stands funny, bunny hops instead of running. But, at this point he still acts very much like a puppy, lots of energy and he doesn't seem like he's in pain. Much of the time he runs(hops) jumps, plays okay but will then start limping. His front legs have started to go out on him causing him to trip and fall head first. He is probably at 110lbs now. We can't avoid putting him down, it's just a matter of when. My concern now is that he will be playing and throw out a hip or his legs will give out again but next time cause serious damage where he is in extreme pain. I would not be able to load him up to take him to the vet by myself if my husband was at work. This has been a tough year for the kids with the passing of our beloved family member and now the decline of this puppy.

    How do you know when is the right time to euthanize a puppy?

  8. The student book is not considered a workbook, but we use it as one. When the student is instructed to recopy a sentence, etc... I just have dd circle and underline in the book. If we used it as written, it would take forever. :tongue_smilie:


    Exactly what I was thinking! Ds is writing phobic so, the thought of copying everything on another paper would not fly. He already thinks I am torturing him with WS and handwriting :tongue_smilie:


  9. Thank you for the responses.

    Hmm, is he just doing the workbook himself? I usually take the time when they introduce new information to sit and talk about it, and do some examples before letting them go to do their work to make sure they understand what it is they are doing.

    CLE isn't a fill in the blank kind of curriculum like Ace would be. You do have to think.


    What level is he working in to begin with?


    It could be possible he maybe a kid that needs to focus on one concept at a time. You just never know.

    I know when I use programs like that with my girls they don't remember what any of it is. But using CLE they remember.

    Could be he know it and just doesn't care either. I would definitely take the time to go over the info in his Light Unit and see what it is he really knows before moving on.

    I know with my oldest I'll say give me a noun and she'll say " What's a noun? " Then I say, " You know a person, place or thing." and I get the , oh yeah, yeah. I know what that is then she'll start rattleing them off. Sometimes I think it has to do with whether they really care or not. But it just all varies with children. If he isn't understanding his work then you just may need to sit and teach before letting him lose with his work.

    It just might be something along these lines.......he really wants to be independent in his work, and he does not like it when he doesn't understand something. If I remind him what. A noun, verb, adverb, suffix, prefix etc. are, then he remembers. He is doing level 6, the 3rd LU. He seems to get through the work easily, but has a little trouble with diagramming.

    Yes we do it that way. Could you find out what light units cover those areas and cover it with him. How long has he been using the program? did he do a placement test? I had mine do a placement test even though we had a strong grammar background before the switch.

    He's been doing CLE LA for 3 years now, so it wasn't a recent switch. It just seems like confusion has set in only recently. Looks like we may need to back up a bit to review.

  10. So, my boys (11,9 and 7) are all using CLE language arts. They seem to do very well with it, no complaining, questions are answered correctly, etc. I don't think it has enough writing instruction so, I've added Kilgallon for the 11yo, other than that, no complaints. Well, he was playing a grammar game online and could not name the prefix, suffix, root word. :001_huh: I quizzed him on these, as well as basic nouns, verbs etc. He didn't know it. It seems like he can fill in the blank in the workbooks, no problem, but he doesn't seem to be retaining the information. Now I'm wondering, is this a problem with him, with CLE or??? How do I get him caught up and back on track?

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