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Posts posted by janetwhitson

  1. My son gets distracted easily. So I thought if I gave him a time frame and made it a bit of a big deal, he might concentrate on it better. I tried it yesterday and gave him 20 minutes. He finished in 12 minutes with 100%. So I guess I'll keep doing it that way.


    Thanks for all of the input.

  2. Yes...it is a ladies bible study with a preschool program. I was told that there was another homeschool family that would be there. And they were but the leaders were not prepared for having older children and some roudy play ended up happening and my son got hurt. We were asked at the end if we were going to continue to come and that they would arrange for care for the older ones. I know they are trying to accomodate us but it almost seemed like an inconvenience.

  3. Have any of you ever had an experience where you were told that you were welcome at an event with your kids and then when you got there they weren't prepared for having school aged kids and seemed like you really weren't welcome afterall? How do you deal with it? Do you continue to go and let them adjust or stop going?

  4. My husband wants us to homeschool but I am not passionate about it. We moved from the Northwest Territories to Ontario last April and didn't put the kids in school when we arrived in our new home. I have been "trying" to homeschool since then but I'm banging my head against the wall. My boys are not very motivated to do any work and I spend the majority of the day fighting with them to do their school work. I admit that I have not put too much planning into it but I'm still not convinced that homeschooling is the best option for our family. Am I a bad mom for feeling like I don't want to do this anymore? I want to honor my husband but when is enough enough?


    P.S. My husband took a year off work 2 years ago to attempt homeschooling the kids himself but didn't do anything with them except math on a sporadic basis. Is it fair to say that he had his chance for his dream and squandered it?


    Please help!

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