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Posts posted by paysensmom

  1. Do you mean they are giving them to you at the $5.99 price?


    Does anyone know what the shipping is or what forms of payment they accept? I've poked around a little but couldn't find that info. It's probably staring me right in the face somewhere, but I can't see it.



    They did honor the price for the t shirts since the $5.99 banner was still on their web page. I would guess that if you call and ask about it they will do the same thing. I think shipping for my shirts was around $8.00. She did say she was trying to get the web master to remove the sale banner. So, act quickly if you want that price!

  2. We have been working on KISS grammar level one and I am having difficulty teaching this to my third grader. She does not get the subject or verbs correct when underlining. She will underline words like much and best. I don't see where this is actually taught in the workbook or in the AK that I printed.

    I am sure I am just missing it, so please guide me!

  3. I have printed the workbooks for both 3rd and 6th grade. It says I can use the teacher's guide for any program. The books for the teachers after each grade are different. The 3rd grade teacher version has fewer pages than the (ak) one for the 6th grade.

    Do you know if I need to print both of them?

  4. I have read about Charlotte Mason, I do like the sound of that approach. I have not read A well trained mind or any actual book. I have a difficult time commiting to something until I have thoroughly researched it and that is how I found my way to these forums. Then, I read about those things that you mention and of course, everyone has a different opinion on which is the better choice. Thus, leaving me as indecisive as ever.

    I am not sure what curriculum the school was using. Last year was our first year in this town, my husband is in the military and we move often. My daughter was in second grade and during math she sat in the back of the room doing math on her own on the computer since she was so far ahead of everyone else. Another reason I chose to homeschool. She would come home with 2nd grade math homework :banghead:

    I am able to purchase curriculum if necessary. My search for the perfect thing is what holds me back more than anything. I do not like to waste money and I really don't like to be disappointed.

  5. I decided to homeschool so my children would have a better education that what the public school can offer. I know they are capable of more and they were continually asking me to homeschool. Each of them wrote a list of why they wanted to homeschool. The answers varied from, spending more time with me and little sister to because they would learn more and have more free time.


    I have searched through this site and many others late at night while everyone is sleeping. Not only do I see that people are spending much less time that we are on school while getting more done. I also see people teaching their children latin and spanish and many other things I didn't even consider. Being a huge perfectionist, this only added to my feelings of failure. I can hardly figure out the basics and other people are doing so much more! I am trying extremely hard to keep positive. At the moment, I just feel defeated and not good enough. My gosh, my posts are so uninspiring, I am sorry. I am usually a very happy and positive person.

  6. I started a thread last week about homeschooling without curriculum. I am spending SOOOOO much of my time researching. I am just about ready to send them back to school. :sad: I do not want to do that.

    This is my first year homeschooling my children. I have a 3rd and 5th grader and a very active 17 month old! I have ordered math mammoth curriculum 1-6 and I plan to supplement my math with MEP. We also use Khan Academy. I think I am realizing that I probably wasted my money because math seems to be the one thing I have had success with finding and putting together myself for the children..... I am using the KISS grammar and have Scott Foresman bookmarked on my computer.

    This is our third week of homeschooling. I am getting pretty overwhelmed. I am pretty sure I would like to follow the common core standards at the very minimum since my children will be taking the state tests. I would love to do more though!

    We have really only had the chance to focus on math, reading/literature, spelling and some vocabulary. I hardly even started and I feel like I am failing miserably. Want to know the sad part? I am a certified teacher and I used to teach special education!!! (hanging my head in shame) I just don't know how to manage my time and put things to use.

    I am really looking for your advice and guidance. I am in tears over this and I don't know how to fix it.

  7. The same way that you made yours. When you input their birthday, it will ask for a parent's email address. Took me a bit to figure it out too.


    Btw, they will need an email address or a facebook to register. It also wouldn't let me use my email address for my children.


    Thank you, the site didn't help to much. I ended up googling it and found out how to do it that way!

  8. Thank you for your insights and advice! I went ahead and purchased the bundle at the co-op sale for Math Mammoth. I figured I should just get it now since it is on sale. I am going to look into that MEP as well for my son. I definitely want to hit all of the standards that will be taught in school, plus much more!

    We do a lot of reading. My children are each reading their chapter book of choice and right now I am reading a book aloud to them. I aIm going to print off things from KISS Grammar because it looks really good and to top it off it's free! I am choosing spelling words for them and using them as some of our vocab as well. Do you think this is enough or should I look for something else as well?

    We are doing our own science by finding things online, that seems easy enough. Social studies is not something we will spend much time with. We will focus on geography and real history from old history books. We will do lots of field trips to different battle fields and such. We will go into more depth on the things in DC and Philadelphia since that is where we vacationed this summer.

    Our library is tiny and doesn't have much. There are a few homeschooling families in the area. Most of them leave science out because of religious beliefs. I am a christian, but I also see the science in evolution. Not trying to start a debate, just a bit of info on my area. Am I leaving anything out?

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