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Becca Jensen

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Posts posted by Becca Jensen

  1. To be quite honest, I'm adding a post so I can make use of the classifieds feature...but I would do it by way of offering encouragement:  As it turns out, my two HSed boys have set off for new adventures at their local high school, leaving me with the need to sell my MCT and other materials. While I didn't use this WTM forum in my journey, I certainly shared educational views and was actively involved in what was perhaps the best adventure of my life.  My only regret:  that I wasn't more confident about the whole thing.  I would have done more...with more joy!

    As it turns out, my fears of abject failure were unfounded:  both boys went on to glide easily to the top of their respective public school classes (not that it was the goal, but it is significant) and are thriving academically, socially, and physically (both varsity sports stars).  While these successes are only a tiny measure of the depth or breadth of my children, it does underscore the fact that I needn't have worried.  In a loving, engaging home, home education in its myriad forms  just works. My boys are BETTER adjusted socially, academically, and in just about every way than most of their peers, are internally driven to learn and engage, value themselves and others, and aren't thrown off by much of the crowd-think of school.  If I could take the journey again, I wouldn't waste even one precious moment on wondering if I had taken a seriously wrong turn...we've all had those days.  The homeschooling journey MADE ALLOF US BETTER PEOPLE.  Plain and simple.  I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

    Take hear, educator! The fruit will come...


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