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Posts posted by Uggyface

  1. Mandy, This was a great article and really hit home. Our life in the last few months has gotten full and we don't spend that close time as often. That is what he is missing, I just know it. I am going to try this and get back to how we used to be.

    I did talk to him about being disrespectful and how he would feel if it was his brother acting like that, he agreed it wouldn't be very nice.


    His dad used to tell him every morning to be good to his teacher, but now my DS is sleeping when my DH leaves for work. That might even be part of the issue but it would be like waking a bear!


    When we aren't in school, he even does things he doesn't want to do without complaining! He likes to be helpful and needed.


    AK- I think you're right, he doesn't want me to give attention to the older DS. My older DS is more focused and independent, I know that bothers my younger ds.


    Tomorrow is a new day, we are going to try to seperate them, older ds in the morning and younger ds after lunch. Thank you for the advice and for letting me vent. I was so frustrated today, but I am feeling better about tomorrow!

  2. KathyJo I agree with you about not letting it go on. I didn't think I was easy on him, I always thought of myself as strict, but maybe I haven't been. My DH is in the Marine Corp and also in Law Enforcement, so he expects the kids to be perfect. I always have to remind him that they are not Marines! So maybe in some way I am letting him get away with things that he shouldn't. I will try to be more aware of that. I have tried hard to make our school a positive experience, firm but fun. Its been perfect for my oldest, he is thriving.

    He does have seperation issues, my husband has been deployed for a good chunk of DS's life and for the longest time he would break down everytime my DH left for work. My husband still travels a lot. I guess that could have something to do with it.

    Tomorrow I am going to try the seperate schedule and see how it works. These behaviors are only present during school, the rest of the time he is a kind, loving, silly, helpful little boy.  He isn't disrespectful outside of school either.

  3. Well, what we have done this week has been pretty light. Math, grammar, light reading, the first chapter of SOTW and spelling. They have done small portions of each topic. We start at 9:30 have 1 1/2 hours for lunch then we really should be done by 1:30-2:00.  I have let them chose what they want to do and when. I remind them that it doesn't have to take all day, as soon as we're done they can go play. DS 7 gets frustrated if its too hard, yet gets frustrated if its too easy. I don't restrict him to sitting in a desk, he has freedom to move and wiggle. But he just sits there and makes funny faces, makes crude noises, sings songs he's made up and does everything he can to distract his brother. It isn't until his brother is done, that he decides he better do some work or he will be in the classroom all night! The classroom was his idea, so he could focus better at school. He is in 2nd grade, he is a smart kid but strong willed.

    Really, I expect him to try. He doesn't even try, I will show him his work he will look at me and tell me he's not going to do it and proceed to put on his show. This is how the entire morning goes. It's only until my oldest leaves the room that he will pull himself together. We struggled a bit last year, but this year is over the top.

  4. I have no idea what to do. I have 2 boys 9 1/2 and 7.  My older DS is a great student, very independent and cooperative. My younger DS, as a student, is controlling, defiant and rude (sweet kid when he isn't in school). He does not want to be in school so he will not do it, nothing, he lays on the floor and acts like a 3 year old. He thinks he's hilarious! Heeventually does get all the work done that I ask but it is entirely on his schedule. I feel it is hurting my oldest because he spends half the day fending him off or trying to ignore his outbursts. He doesn't have ADHD, he does suffer from PTSD,  but thats a separation thing from his dad being deployed. He is just being so defiant. He doesn't respect me at all as a teacher.

    I don't know what to do, I have tried various rewards and "punishments" if you will. I will take things away that he loves, but that only makes his behaviour worse! He hates that his brother sits and does all his work without complaining.

    The only thing I can think to do is seperate their schooling. Teach the oldest in the morning and DS 7 in the afternoon. I don't want to put him in a public or private school, but is that the only way to get through to him? He did a year of public but that was kinder, not really a great guage on what school is like.

    Any input would be greatly appreciated, I am exhasperated and its only day 4!

  5. I am upset with myself...sometimes I bite off more than I can chew.  We recently adopted a Doberman Pinscher.  When we first started to look, we were looking for a small female, we ended up with a 71# male!  He is so much more than I can handle! My husband travels a lot so I am the one who cares for the dog. Aside from needing obiedience school, he keeps jumping into our Koi fish pond and tries to grab them.  The dog is a sweet heart but he's deaf, so I have very limited ways to communicate with him. The trainer hasn't called me yet and I am getting frustrated! 

    Isn't it better to admit I was wrong and give him back to the rescue or will I be a horrible person for doing that?!  I don't want to be that kind of person, but I am so overwhelmed.

  6. Yes! Due to circumstances my husband wanted us to try PS, so I had agreed to give it a year. The ladies I was getting to know, understood the circumstances and seemed compassionate but never included me or my kids in anything again. After that year in PS we knew it wasn't for us so we are homeschooling again, I have never been invited back to the group. Quite sad, they were a lovely group of ladies and unfortunatly the only people I know here that homeschool.

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