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Diane G.

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Posts posted by Diane G.

  1. Hi! I do not know what to do. My son is 11 and he takes a very long time doing things (chores, school, etc.). I have posted about this before, but he has been doing his schoolwork for a couple of weeks now. I am trying to let him have the consequences of not getting it done (no T.V., no going out to play until his work is done). The problem is that his work is never done!!!! Ever!!!!! Every day he has leftover assignments. He does not seem to care if he sits at his desk forever. I would be fine with it, but it is interfering with the rest of us. I feel like I am grounded. We can't take the family out to do anything with out him bringing his work (which he does'nt do while we are out anyway). Then he sulks the whole time and I have to sit there and make sure he is'nt just goofing instead of doing work.


    The work is not too hard for him. He does this with everything that he "has" to do. If it's something he wants to do, it's done fast. He can read a book that is hundreds of pages long in a few hours! He is so smart and good at things I just don't know what to do here. It is really limiting what we can do with our daughter who is five. I have'nt hardly got out of the house and I am going crazy and it's only September! He just sits there and does nothing for hours! He's had no free time at all for almost two weeks! And his assignments are not long either. He could easily get most of them done in 15 or 20 minutes, but he takes hours.



    Going crazy and awfully sorry for the run-on sentences.

  2. My son made sooooo many Lego and Lincoln Log guns that I finally just bought him a couple and taught him "gun safety". My FIL was so mad at me.:confused: He is very anti-gun even though he took his sons hunting. But after I bought the guns for Devon he got bored of the whole thing and they sat at the bottom of the toy box. I think what made them exciting was our "freaking out!"

  3. This is a great topic!!


    I used to think that just homeschooling would have us avoid all the pitfalls of being around a peer group all day long!:tongue_smilie: Yeah right! My 11yos is just as ridiculous with his behavior as our neighbor's ps son who is ADHD and on meds!


    I also used to think that I was so strong willed because of my nutty upbringing. However, my children are both way more strong willed than I ever was with my mom!!! How's that for Karma?



  4. My husband likes it when I wear a lot of eyeliner and red lipstick! I don't though because everyone else looks at me like I think too much of myself. Like when I go to the grocery store in a dress. I get a lot of dirty looks from other women. So now I am too self conscience to wear more make-up or dress too nice. He used to complain until he saw how other people were reacting.

  5. He's pokey with everything unless it is something he wants to be doing. He is very efficient and adept when he's making an atlas of some imaginary city! LOL! We really do just leave him to work it out on his own. If he wants to punish himself that is his problem.


    I guess it's just when we all want to do something as a family or his grandparents have made plans with him. Then it's like we are all grounded.

  6. Hi. I'm new to this forum. My name is Diane, and I live in Green Bay, WI. I have been following the Well-Trained Mind outline since I started. My son is now 11 and going into the sixth grade. My problem that I hope someone can help with is that my son is immensely pokey!!!! We can never complete everything because he takes forever to complete assignments. It takes him three or more hours just to do dishes sometimes!!! I am frustrated because he isn't having trouble with the work, and we don't make him do "busy work" that is pointless.


    Does anyone else have this problem or any suggestions? It would be greatly appreciated.


    Diane G.

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