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Laughing Hen

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Posts posted by Laughing Hen

  1. Yep. Fortunately, the one who usually clamors for the WWE titles is well able to read anything I put in her hand, so she's usually invited to add those to her personal reading list. Hehe. I've been fortunate that the couple titles my middle child has asked for are available on CD from the library for bedtime listening.


    I do love the selections, though.

  2. Like others have mentioned, in our home dictation isn't spelling. The one I have doing dictation uses a word bank that I write on a white board for her. Her main problem is remembering the exact words used. For example, last week's dictation used the word "smaller" and she wrote "littler." If she's worried about spelling, the passage leaves her head completely. I mix up the order of words in the word bank, and I've begun adding random words, as well as some words that are similar in spelling, or the same words either pluralized/singularized or a change in tense. This frees her from spelling paralysis and let's her focus on keeping the passage in her mind.

  3. Here's my take. I have purged maybe 3-4 things ever that I regret giving away. Now when I purge, I give myself permission to rebuy if I absolutely miss it. For me, that's liberating. That gets rid of the massive "what ifs" when I hem and haw over things. Usually I forget about what I purged once it is out of the house. With respect to the very few items I somewhat regret giving away, I'm not sure I ever repurchased a single one of them. I just wasn't *that* compelled even though it would have been nice to still have said item around.


    Would it work to change your thinking to it not having to be permanent? If you really miss it, you *can* rebuy most things? 99.5 percent of the time, you'll probably never give it a 2nd thought once it is gone.


    :iagree: You may miss some things occasionally, but the weight of having all that stuff gone is so worth it. BTDT. We are five living in less than 900sq/ft.

  4. I would just have him copy 1-2 of the sentences from his narration that you type or scribe for him and work up from there.


    :iagree: I scribe my 8yo's history and science narrations, and allow her to select one sentence to copy beneath. She is also a slow, daydreaming writer who tends to need constant prodding. Sometimes from letter to letter. :001_rolleyes:

  5. We have several. Three are used fairly regularly: A hand-held one (approx 8x11in) that I mostly use for demonstrating handwriting (DD is learning cursive.) An old, ancient one, approx 12x20in, that requires elbow grease and an alcohol bath to erase, is wall-hung and is where I put memory work. Atm, that's Psalm 117 for the 6yo. And we have an approx 24x36in wall-mounted one, horizontal, that we use alternately for more memory work or kids' play space. They have their own set of markers and are forbidden to even look at mine. ;)

  6. I'm in the same boat. Our new year starts Monday. :001_huh: Thought I was all planned out two weeks ago, but have been spending a couple hours each day since Tuesday tweaking. I also have a bored 8yo and a screaming toddler making things interesting. ;)

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