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Bramble Patch Academy

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Posts posted by Bramble Patch Academy

  1. I get itchy when I'm really stressed. I always thought it was tiredness though.


    Can someone tell me why ds3.5 gets so worried about bumps in his socks? It seems to be fairly common but why?


    My DD gets upset about bumps or wrinkles in her socks....she has some sensory processing issues.

  2. Not that I know anything about it, but are they sending you for genetic counseling? Wikipedia says this is genetic. If you're presenting a number of symptoms and trying to track everything down, a genetic counselor might be a good move. Some others have mentioned it here.


    The doctor hasn't called back yet with a plan of action. We did have genetics counseling when she was 3 months and they were looking for a syndrome. I am sure it will come up again. The doctor is off tomorrow so now I have to wait until Thursday. I did talk to someone who said it could look like congenital myotonia, but be sarcopenia from a perinatal stroke. It was suspected she had one but a CT scan didn't show any evidence and no mri was done. She is a mystery. Gross motor and fine motor delays, failure to thrive, sensory issues they refuse to DX, hypotonia, above average intelligence, a paralyzed left vocal cord that healed on its own, and two heart defects that have gotten better with time....Atrial Septal Defect and Pulminary Stenosis. Genetics testing was all normal.


    She is a great kid...i just hate going through this again. The (mis)diagnosis' started whdn she was 13 days old.

  3. We just got back from DDs follow-up appointment on her hand xrays. The radiologist noted "congenital myotonia" in both hands. The doctor is unfamiliar with it and was calling other doctors....but we googled it together but there are so many different types. He will do some research and get back to me. Is anyone familiar with this? I see some cases that are not scary and others are fatal...with lots in between.

  4. I think you receive a variety of opinions on this. If she is doing well academically, does not need accommodation, and is capable of learning I see no reason for a label.


    Who do you think will say you are neglecting her because you do not send her to school? Home educating is becoming more and more "normal" because of the state of our public school system. If your child is well cared for I cannot imagine anyone saying there is neglect going on.


    Good Luck!


    We live in a small town...where literally everytime someone realizes we homeschool, I get negative feedback. I let DDs OT go because she pushed headstart or pre-k every session. Our last Pedi flat out told me unless I had a degree in education I should not homeschool. Our new pedi (and last option unless I drive 150 miles) is more open but his nurse is on my cass to get an IEP, get her services at the school, etc... She slso brought up the S word last visit. DD, since I "quit" the OT 4 weeks ago and bought books to do it myself, has learned to write 4 letters. Not well, buts its progress.

  5. DD, age 4, has some sensory issues. She also has fine motor delays, had hypotonia at birth, two heart defects, laryngimalacia, and a paralyzed left vocal cord. Her pedi has been reluctant to DX her with SPD. Her genetics tests (basic and macroarray) were normal. Her cognitive skills are excellent. Her vocab is two years ahead.


    We meet with her pedi tomorrow and he will decide whether to refer her to a neuorologist and a neuropyschologist. The nurse in his office was pushing for an IEP last time we were in.


    So I have some concerns. First, is it really THAT important to label her? She is in good health. Her ASD snd pulminary stenosis are under control, she is gaining weight... Do we need to know "why"? It doesn't seem important. Second, can they force me to get an IEP or have services at the school? I am no afraid they will scream educational neglect if I don't put her in school.

  6. DD will be doing Oak Meadow K. I wanted to do a bit of ETC as a supplement. It has become quite obvious she is not a workbook kid AT ALL. I shoild have known, because she used to cry everytime she saw a Rod and Staff workbook, lol.


    Should I shelve the ETC and HWT and go with the more organic approach of OM on its own? She DOES have fine motor delays (associated with her SPD and a hand issue), but is coloring now although its really a lot of scribble. I don't know if its frustration or non-interest or stubborness. I do not want her behind but I don't want to push, either. She is so younb.

  7. yes. usually, around here, they'll "take you under their wing" because they are trying to convert you. when they deem you a "lost cause" you realize the friendship wasn't as important to them as it was to you.



    :glare: sorry. I know I'm generalizing, but I've been burned so many times.


    I hear you! I joined a group and was later told, via FB no less, that it was a sin to divorce.

    I was then given bible verses about hell. Yeah...i dropped that group like hot potatoes.

  8. We will be using Oak Meadow K and 1 this Fall. I had thought I would need to supplement Math and LA so I bought Singapore and Explode the Code. But looking at the program(s) now that I have them in hand, I am wondering if 1) supplementing is necessary and 2) if I did supplement, would it only confuse them?


    Is Oak Meadow "enough" on its own in math and LA? Does the Word Families approach work. DS, who would be doing OM 1 IS already reading a bit. Is it too much for a young first to learn addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division?

  9. I was going to go with OM, but was worried I would end up adding and changing so much I decided against it. My children are close in ages, but still that many different levels worried me.


    When my oldest was in K we did S: P4/5 and loved it. I am excited to read them again! I may stick with SL until they are old enough to combine into MFW and until HS may switch out to MFW, just because I have 4 close in age and I don't want to run too many history programs.


    I did order the new P4/5 guide because it looks like the LA may have improved (K)


    ETA: The books are not to babyish for even my 7 year old. I say he will listen in again :)


    Thats just it for me. I am adding HWT, ETC/BOB Books, and Singapore Math to the OM, which defeats the idea behind the method. Essentially, I would be using the read-alouds, social studies, science, and art.

  10. I have a 5 year old DS and a 4 year old DD. I have purchased (used) Oak Meadow 1 and Oak Meadow K for them for this school year. I saw how teacher intensive they were and decided to combine. But then I had trouble deciding which to combine them in. I started thinking about Sonlight again, specifically P4/5.


    I LOVE the thought process behind OM, but in all honesty, I do feel the need to supplement the Math and LA because I can't get behind delaying those as they suggest. In the long term, combining looks to be difficult. With Sonlight, my concerns are 1) the choppiness I read about in reveiws and 2) the sheer amount of reading. Personally, I am an avid reader. I want my kids to love reading, too...but both are wiggle worms, although I know it is the age.


    I don't want to curriculum hop every year, I really don't. I fully plan as a personal goal to stick with what we choose this year for three years. I am just so torn. Thanks in advance for any advice.



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