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Posts posted by heartily

  1. One thing that has helped me... I forgot about it, but it really did work for me on several occassions. If we have plans for a tea party and I really don't want one for any reason... http://www.tapping.com


    Also, if I am not wanting tea, feeling unattractive and inhibited... mudslides, margaritas and Mike's help quite a bit.;)


    I went to tapping.com and learned a lot about EFT, thanks for sharing. By the way, I also found this site eft.mercola.com, is this a good source for EFT too?

  2. Were finally at the point where I think medication might be beneficial to my youngest [Aspie/ADHD]. We have an appointment with our Dr in a couple weeks and I was hoping to get some feedback on meds and how they have helped your child.




    For me, i suggest do it in a natural way. I'm not fan of using medications. I recommend treating it with some alternative method.

  3. I generally only tell my family the really good things and the really bad things.


    Sounds like you have a lot going on, and none of it sounds like "drama" to me.


    If anyone says anything, just express that you are really, really stressed out and certainly don't do these things for recreational purposes. That ought to shut them up.


    Another thought is to invite the worst offender along on some of the doctor visits. Then at least they'll know you don't do this for your own amusement. Assuming they don't just take the hint and butt out already.


    I will definitely do the same thing. :)

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