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Posts posted by fosterisacoolcat

  1. LOL, usually counting to 3 works great for my 4 year old. SHe has seen me in action enough to know that I just might follow through with what I say I am going to do. My 2 year old just counts along with me and is super proud when he knows the next number. I usually have to get him occupied with something else to distract him from any naughtiness. My 4 year old is an excellent listener for a 4 year old. My 2 year old is joyful with his naugtiness. He is just so curious. I want him to remain curious without killing himself in the process.

  2. Oh, I hear ya on that. I was part of an awesome group of ladies that I just loved to death, but I did get a little pressure about the whole classical thing.


    Now they have all moved away and/or graduated their kids...


    I tried a couple groups since then- but they were the kind of situations where "What church do you go to?" was asked within the first 10 minutes. On one hand, I'm glad to know right away that faith is an issue. On the other hand...


    Just where do all the secular classical homeschoolers hide out, anyway??


    I get asked that a LOT now that I moved to Houston. I never understood why!

  3. Pain and hardships are relative. Knowing that someone has it worse should not cause you to minimize how you feel. There are times we all can 'suck it up' a little bit and there are times a vent is in order, LOL. What is that saying? Dont add up your hardships, count your blessings? I get it but it does not help me sleep better at night when things are going downhill and stressing me out. So, be kind to yourself and dont be afraid to ask for help/support.

  4. Well, first of all, HS being treated as a Private school is how it is done in Texas, it ensures that the state has no jurisdiction. As for the concerns raised about the kids who were mistreated, that would have happened even if they were in school. The parents would not have been better parents just because the children were in public school. I dont see how this example is relevant. THis issue is people not acting as parents, HS'ing really is not the issue.

  5. I hollered pretty loud when I told my birth partners (DH was offshore and could not be there for #2) that I need to push to go get the doc. They just stood there and stared at me for about a full 10 seconds until I screamed to GET THE 'insert F word' DOC!!! That created some motion. Other than that I grunted a lot and made some noises indicating effort. I am SO not one of those women who is willing to endure in silence.

  6. Funny, I have been researching that myself for the last 2-3 hours. What I have decided is that it can be done. I found a yahoo group dedicated to the WTM with a secular approach and while a good portion of the hs books that I have either checked out from the library or bought for myself have non-secular views I still have an easy time pulling out what applies to my personal philosophy and I discard the rest. It helps that I have at least 3 or 4 secular HS groups within a 30 mile radius from me. I hope that helps, pm me if you want a link to the secular WTM homeschool yahoo group.

  7. You read that correctly. She actually thinks that we should make our boys NOT read. And if we do "Let them" read then it should be only grade level books. BTW my ds8 is reading on an 8th grade level, and my 6yo is reading on a 3rd grade level. I'm certain that would kill their love of reading in a minute flat.


    The only instruction in reading I've given them is Phonics Pathways 15 min. three days a week back when they were 3 and 4. (Back when she was begging us to send them to Preschool.) And of course 30 minutes of reading a day once they hit school age. The local PS requires 20 min. daily reading at home aside from their school reading.


    No, I don't think that I can win for loosing with my MIL. But at least I do get a lot of exercise in patience. LOL



    I think you get an 'A' for patience. i would have had to try really hard not to kick her in the shin, LOL.

  8. Wow, I don't think stand a chance to win an argument with her! Nothing you do will be 'right' and the contradictions are so involved I don't think your MIL knows what would make her happy. Did I read that right? She thinks your child should only read 2nd grade books rather than chapter books? Why regress? Weird. I know you are aggravated but that was a funny read, thanks for that!

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