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Posts posted by RobotGirl

  1. Thank you Stacie for responding. I went back to the website, and you are correct, I can not buy 5th science by itself so I will now buy Grade 6 Science for the oldest.

    Does anyone know when the online option will be going? It says preorder on the site. Is there anything not included with the online program that comes with the dvd or hard drive option. thanks!

  2. I'm considering purchasing BJU DVD for science. DD is 11 and we would start this now. I am going to buy just the Science Grade 6, but should I buy the online or dvd option? Opinions?


    Now I need advice for my 3rd grader. I am planning on buying the whole DVD year, I am still undecided between the hard drive option and the dvd option.

    Since I have never purchased from BJU, should I buy from them by phone (and pay shipping) or should I use a consultant and get free shipping. I have not talked with a consultant but have read here that if you buy through consultant you get free shipping, is that correct?

    Or should I wait till the homeschool fair in 4 weeks and buy at the homeschool fair? Does BJU offer any good discounts at homeschool fairs or any shipping discounts?


    I am so sorry to have so many questions, but it is alot of money and I need advice.

  3. Actually, it sounds to me like you handled it well. Sometimes I tell my kids the same thing. I say I am trying to concentrate and they need to be quiet. I think that's perfectly acceptable. :)


    Also, it could be he really is tired, but in my house it more likely means that he's bored. Laying on his bed for a few minutes might be just the thing to quiet his mind so he can think of something fun to do that doesn't disturb you or otherwise get him into trouble.


    If he does go to sleep, around here, that means I have to get out the thermometer. :tongue_smilie:


  4. When my oldest, now 11, was 3 I took him into a public restroom in the mall. We were Christmas shopping and the mall was very crowded. We had just left Old Navy where I let him get two rubber bouncing balls from the quarter machine because he was being so well-behaved and patient. So I am in the stall with him helping him to get up on the toilet when he drops the balls and begins yelling, "Oh my mommy, my balls! My balls! They are rolling, get my balls." I wish I could have died right there!




    Same daughter about a year later suddenly yelled "Look mommy a chocolate man!" upon seeing a black man for the first time at the grocery store. Thank goodness he was not offended and came over to say hello to her instead.






    I was an innocent bystander here, but not long ago I was in the dressing room at Fred Meyers, and a few stalls down I hear a mother talking to her young child, joking about peeking in the stall beside them (I think the child might have been grabbing for the divider between the stalls). Then the boy from the stall beside theirs (he sounded about seven) says, "If you're thinking about peeking, don't, because my mommy is in here and she is naked!" I think he said something else about how no one else is allowed to see her naked.


    My daughter is 5 and my dh had to take her to the bathroom. He had her turn around and face the door while he used the bathroom. His back was to her so she did not see anything but to this day she is convinced that he pees out of his belly button. Well, just a few days ago he had to take her again and she "very loudly" claimed that she wanted to pee out of her belly button like daddy.


    When my now 19yo dd was 23 months old, she developed a yeast infection. We went to the dr. and he prescribed cream.


    One month later, the infection was VERY bad; went to dr. again and got cream AND meds by mouth. Dr. says combined should work. DD was just 2yo (24mos)


    One month later, dd is 25mos and it's still very, very bad; go to dr. and dr. sits dd up on table, looks her in the eye and says "If you don't want it to hurt, you have to go potty in the toilet. Then it won't burn your vagina, ok?"


    Dd says, "ok", and we go out and get new prescriptions along with all-white, all cotton panties as dr. requested. We put these panties on dd for first time. (air plus cotton to help her heal)


    Dh is hungry as it is late, so we go to a nice-ish restaurant and while I'm sitting down, dh puts dd into the wooden high chair. He forgets she doesn't have a nice, padded diaper on, but panties along with a severe yeast infection, and he drops her into the chair.


    DD SCREAMS.....and grabs herself, yelling "Daddy hurt my vagina!! Daddy hurt my vagina!!"


    I thought dh would DIE and I'm melting into the booth while trying to calm dd.


    Everyone is staring at us. Dh says, "think they'll call the police?"


    I told him, "At least we've just come from the dr. office for the third time."


    It was embarassing but also extremely scary, as dh could have been turned in for child abuse of the worst kind. Luckily, everyone went back to eatting and ignored us. But, it was a tense meal.


    One good point was that dd hurt so badly that she never had an accident and I never had to potty-train her. To avoid the pain, she potty-trained herself at 25 mos. old.


  5. I've done both, but with that age child I would not miss out on doing FLL. I really love the book, but I highly encourage you to get the CD, if only for the last part to help memorize the helping verbs, conjunctions, etc. Both my kids really learned from and loved the CD. After a year (or even less) in FLL then I would switch to Easy Grammar, but give FLL a chance.


    :iagree: :iagree:

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