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Posts posted by Siebelink6

  1. Yes! I would love to see a word Doc of local opportunities in the Corona area.


    Do you consider yourself a private school then?


    I've always just followed the WTM and taught most things myself. but I was intrigued by the "options" in CA. Moving from MI, and recently TX, I have yet to declare how our school will work this year. I was trying to find out what sort of classical options there might be, as I noticed what you mentioned about the many " traditional schooling" classes offered.

  2. We are moving to Corona, CA next week with our 4 kids ages 13, 11, 7, and 5. I've yet to look intensely into groups, classes, etc, but would like to know if anyone hears of something closer to Corona. I've found groups south of us in Temecula, but would really like to find any WTM or classical groups in the area, even if it is a drive!

  3. We are moving to Corona, CA next week with our 4 kids ages 13, 11, 7, and 5. I've yet to look intensely into groups, classes, etc, but would like to know if anyone hears of something closer to Corona. I've found groups south of us in Temecula, but would really like to find any WTM or classical groups in the area, even if it is a drive!

  4. Does anyone have experience to compare using "The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading" to "Spell to Read and Write"? I've used the OPG with ease and success with my first two, but my third child is struggling at age 6 1/2, while the fourth child, age 4, is advancing quickly. Child #3 definitely learns differently, but is so bright. He didn't start talking until he was 3 and then in complete sentences. Everything else is developmentally on track now, except the slow start to reading. He gets it, but asks SO many questions about rules and exceptions and wants to know the "WHY" behind everything in language arts and physics. We are at Lesson 96 in OPG after 2 years plus of teaching with lots of review.


    I'm waffling on whether or not we just need to drill, drill, drill, and review more with the OPG or abandon ship and try a new method. I have the SRW book and cards and feel slightly overwhelmed at the complexity as compared to the OPG, although it certainly looks like it should work!


    Any advice?


    Thank you!


  5. In response to "aquiverfull"


    I was in a similar situation with spelling with my son and daughter. Younger daughter caught up to my son due to multiple factors, mostly mine due to two additional babies being born. I fell on my sword, told him I was not teaching him adequately, and promised that we were going to start a new approach to spelling. He and is his sister were in the same Spelling Workout book, but I started moving him MUCH faster through the lessons with lots of supervision and drilling from me. He's fine now. He knows he is working at a "faster" pace and has now gone on to the next spelling book ahead of his sister.



  6. I would make Classiquest available immediately in all 4 subject areas with a complete experiment kit! I'm in love with the biology set, but we've moved on to Astronomy and Geoscience this year....

  7. Sigh. our elementary school is literally across the street (with tennis courts and pools between the school and my front porch). I've literally stood on the porch and thought about enrolling them before. Your words are a good reminder that the grass isn't always greener....


    As Zusjames said above, I too often ponder if it wouldn't be easier to just send the kids to the brand, new, shiny, top-rated with 5 stars elementary school conveniently located in our neighborhood. We're in the same place! But then one morning as we were driving by the elementary school playground and my kids had that "look" in their eye at all the kids playing on the playground equipment, I noticed a group of boys off to the side by the fence. There was one child being singled out and the rest circled around him. The ring leader was a kid I recognized from our street that I don't allow my boys to play with for behavior reasons. The 2 adults supervising just sat on the picnic table and did nothing. I saw more in that drive-by than the adults who should have been supervising. It was all in plain sight. I almost stopped the van, but didn't since it did not appear to be physical and I didn't want to meddle. (There's a big sign that says No Trespassing) I was appalled and haven't had second thoughts since then!


    Each time I feel like I'm at my limit with my four kids, I find or am directed to a resource that helps. Online Latin with Memoria Press as been a life-saver with my 5th grade boy and we plan to enroll both kids next year. Hiring a tutor or a some extra child-care/preschool hours for the younger ones relieves a ton a stress.


    Lisa in Providence Village, TX

  8. We just moved to Providence Village, just 5 minutes west on 380 from Savannah. We are originally from Michigan, so this was a big move, but we are loving the warmer weather!


    Hope you have a smooth transition and move to Savannah.



  9. I've been here too with a whining, crabby son. He is now 10, but this has come and gone for at least 4 years.


    But to begin with, he is not always this way. However, once the pattern begins, it snowballs until I do something dramatic to intervene.


    I notice the behavior begins, (granted life is somewhat smooth at the moment) with a new challenge in school, music, or chores. If I increase too much, too fast, without enough praise, games, and silliness, it back fires in my face. As the oldest, he also doesn't have a role model to follow in these new experiences. The younger sibs simply know that it is expected for you to sit and do school. Each time the subject or length increases for my oldest, it is a challenge. Or if I miss the mark and give him too easy of work, I get the same reaction.


    The largest factor in righting the ship for us has been for me to react calmly, rationally, adult-like, pretending that everyone is watching my reaction and not my son's, and give him an immediate and clear consequence for his lack of self-control. Losing computer time, Legos or fishing privileges is big for him or doing chores without pay. At times, he has lost ALL privileges aside from reading and amusing himself outside without toys. Consistency on my part and a mild relaxation of what is expected academically for a short time have helped right the ship. I hire help so I can be alone for a short time at least once a month. I also try to get up early to pray for wisdom, exercise regularly myself, and avoid chocolate. I get really mean, even if they are angels, with chocolate. Alas...someday.


    I remind him that his lack of self-control hurts himself, and thus the consequences. I remind him that he wouldn't act this way in public or in front of his other teachers. We work a lot on using polite words, tone of voice, going outside and walking before you lose your cool, and discussing your feelings before you are completely upset. Sometimes I've taken a complete step back in the academic challenge and completely focused on behavior. Reacting politely was the one and only real subject of the week in my mind. I let lots of other stuff slide.


    I also scan the news for any article that shows the adult consequences of yelling or hitting your boss, your co-worker, disrecting a police officer, etc... so he can see that this in an important issue to address. I only talk about such articles during calm times and not as a threat during an outbreak.


    Special paper awards and trips to museums are also used for going 1-3 weeks with good manners and a good attitude. Vigorous daily physical exercise is an absolute must for my son to concentrate. We both need it! It also works to burn off steam after a blow-up.


    Good luck!:001_smile:

  10. My oldest son is just starting the logic stage in 5th grade this year. I am still trying to figure out about how to use the Jackdaw portfolios for history as a primary source.


    Does anyone have experience using the Jackdaws?:bigear:


    Other than trying to use primary sources, all the other 5th grade recommendations from the WTM are going just fine. He started the recommended logic book, is continuing on with Rod and Staff English, Spelling Workout, Singapore Math, Latin Christiana, some Spanish on Rosetta Stone, and reading the SOTW Volume 1 with the rest of the family. We highlighted and discussed the history list to read over and memorize, but haven't followed through past week 2. It seems like there is so much to cover! Child #2, #3, and #4 will most likely benefit when they reach the logic stage from our fumblings at the first go round.


    We painstakingly started out-lining from the history encyclopedia after doing the SOTW reading and map work with the younger kids. I made the long wall chart for putting dates on, but got stalled after about 5 lessons. About this time, the Jackdaws arrived from the inter-library loan and I got completely frustrated and burned out trying to do history in the "logic" fashion. We resorted to just doing SOTW vol 1 and extra reading.


    Next week I plan to tackle the wall time line, out-ling from the history encyclopedia and skipping the primary source piece until we get farther into history. I convinced myself that using the primary sources will get easier when there are more sources to choose from.


    I did find a great primary source collection, but then it was due back at the library before we had time to use it! I guess I will be purchasing it...it was recommended in the updated WTM, which also ended back at the library, so I now I don't know name of the primary source book. I guess I need to buy the updated WTM as well.

  11. We have 4 kids and don't currently belong to a homeschool group that we attend regularly. We recently moved to Texas from Michigan and are still trying to find our way about. The paid classes or co-ops that I've checked out really don't fit either our schedule, location, or needed subject. I just teach it myself!


    I would like to join a homeschool athletic group/gym class if it was at the right time or location, but it still seems easier to just exercise on our own or join an after-school team for our desired sport.


    In Michigan, we were part of a once a month outing group that was fun and enjoyable. It was nice to get to know some other homeschooling families in the area while attending a field trip that I would have gone on anyways. I didn't feel like I was skimping on our school schedule with a once a month outing. We would have gone out once a month on our own anyways to a museum or nature center. It was just nice to combine a social event and a museum outing into one trip!


    Generally I feel like I don't have time for groups when I'm trying to follow the WTM, practice Suzuki piano, violin, and harp with my kids, get to their music lessons, and still get outside for a run/bike ride everyday with all four kids for exercise.


    Can anyone relate? :001_huh:


    I'm hoping to make friends in the activities my children are involved in outside of homeschooling as I wait around at music lessons or sports practice rather than joining yet another activity just to be part of a group. It worked in the past!

  12. I live in Frisco (75035) using Heart of Dakota




    I'm replying to the post of a WTM homeschooling family in Frisco. We are about 20 minutes north of Frisco in Providence Village and new to Texas from Michigan, but not new to homeschooling. Have you found other WTM groups in the area?



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