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Posts posted by mesiegler

  1. I first posted on this site back in July when I was trying to decide on curriculum. This is my first year homeschooling. I am using MFW for kindergarten and second grade... so I'm trying to do two curriculums at the same time. It's difficult! I should have taken the advice of someone who replied to my post back in July, who told me not to do two curriculums at once! Live and learn!


    Anyway... I do like MFW so far, but I'm finding the phonics program a bit overwhelming in the way that it is laid out. My kids seem to be board with it too. I do like the way MFW combines the Science with the Bible though. I'm thinking of doing a different phonics program, like Explode the Code, and still using the Science and Bible with MFW.


    Has anyone ever used Explode the Code? Thoughts?


    Any advice is appreciated!


    :) Mary Ellen

  2. My name is Mary Ellen. I will be homeschooling my 3 children in the fall. We are new homeschoolers and are so excited, but a bit overwhelmed! We have decided on a Charlotte Mason education but am having trouble nailing down a curriculum. I'm between Heart of Dakota and My Father's World right now. Any advice on how the two compare? I want something that is easy to use and well-planned out for me. I'm trying to keep things simple for the first year and ease into this. Any help or advice is appreciated!


    Thanks...blessings, Mary Ellen :001_smile:

  3. Hi - My name is Mary Ellen. I will be a new homeschooler this fall. I have been doing tons of reading and research regarding curriculum/educational philosophies, etc. My husband and I have decided that we definitely want to do the Charlotte Mason method. I have looked at Ambleside Online, Sonlight, Heart of Dakota, My Father's World, Simply Charlotte Mason, and Winter's Promise. This will be my first year homeschooling (one second grader, one kindergartner, and one preschooler) and I want to find a curriculum that is Charlotte Mason friendly that is already planned out for me. Since I am new to homeschooling I don't want to "bite off more than I can chew" for the first year. I'm trying to keep it simple and ease into it...that's why a "boxed" curriculum appeals to me for now.


    I am currently leaning toward Heart of Dakota and My Father's World. Can anyone give some advice on these two curriculums? Pros and cons of each?


    Any help is greatly appreciated! I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the choices!




    Blessings...Mary Ellen:001_smile:

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