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Posts posted by Mushiemomof4

  1. The more I pray about it, the more at peace I am with the decision to homeschool....I actually think it's going to be a really special thing. I'm blessed to have a friend mentoring me, and she has successfully schooled all 5 of her kids for a long time.


    'Fortunately, I have a very close relationship with my kids, (even DD15) and I feel it will only get better and stronger. I can't wait to see the Lord work in their lives and direct their path and purpose for their lives. The anticipation of getting to be a part of that (more so than before) makes me very excited!


    I don't see very many kids starting out in HS though (however I know they must be out there...) so maybe I am to be one of those to forge the way for someone else down the line...you never know.


    As long as we're obedient to what the Lord is calling us to do, we will be OK. I do expect there to be some bumps along the way, but if I did not feel competent i would not even try. This is the biggest task I've EVER tackled thus far in my life...and I'm going to give it my all.... Bring it!!


    I really enjoy reading everyone's comments...so please keep them coming!

    :grouphug: you all are great! I just joined this forum and feel the love already. Thanks so much to you all!!!

  2. I went to the Orlando FPEA convention over the weekend and learned a lot! I was very encouraged by the moms/dads I met, and my decision is solidified even more so.


    I am waiting till PS is out (june 8 here) to have the family pow wow and tell them what's up for next year.


    I found some curricula at the convention that I feel best lines up with my heart's intentions for homeschooling.

    1. Core subjects - My Father's World (strong Bible base) and seems to be the most interesting

    2. Science - Apologia

    3. Math - Saxon or Teaching Textbooks (both seemed good) I have heard a lot of good things about Saxon for the older grades.


    Also a very cool tool that many of you may want to check out is this planning software...right now it's in beta so it's at a discount till it goes full sight live in August (I think) I think this is a really good tool for keeping track of your things for Evals and end of year stuff...especially for older kids. Here's the website: http://www.homeschoolconvention.com/mywellplannedday.html


    I have to say I have butterflies in my tummy over jumping in w both feet, but I have been prayerful and am still seeking Him daily and I know He will guide us through this and I have a feeling that it will turn out to be some of the best years our family has ever had.


    Please post your story if you began homeschooling in High school with a reluctant teen and it turned out great! I would love to read your testimonials. Thanks to all of you for your time and effort in your thoughtful posts. You all are wonderful parents.



  3. Well, if you've always doubted yourself (presumably for the younger grades) why do you have more confidence when it comes to high school?


    While it certainly can be done, it is not the time to put a toe in the water unless you are committed to jumping in regardless.


    If you start home schooling high school and it doesn't go well, what will you do? Often public high schools (and many private schools) won't grant credit for non accredited home school classes. This means it is an all or nothing proposition. If you aren't confident that you can/will see it to the end, I would be careful. I would do my homework and ask the school about their policy for granting credit should you change your mind.


    When I say I doubted myself...I think all of us doubt ourselves at some point before making the plunge...for example: will I measure up to what they'd have at PS, will they get the best education, will they have enough social interaction, will it be fun/enjoyable for all of us? ...... the list goes on.... I did not doubt my intelligence...I pictured homeschooling moms as perfectly organized and very focused. I tend to have to work at being organized and can get distracted easily....BUT I'd have to say what's different now is that I feel CALLED to do this...and feel it is a necessary step in training our kids for the world ahead....obviously they don't get that at PS, and they are not with us enough at home when they are at school all day to give them enough in some cases....where as before I often thought it would be fun, etc...


    Tim Tebow's don't happen by accident....they are formed by years of love and dedication by parents who care!


    I did not realize just how much was lacking until we reached 9th gr in public high school....eye opener!! Kicking myself now for not starting when they were all babies.... :o(

  4. i understand there is a good group in my area (Brandon) out of Bell Shoals Baptist that I'd like to find out more info on....


    Would be great to meet ppl from other areas too though for field trips, etc... PM me if you'd like and maybe we can meet in person tomorrow??


    is anyone else w teens going to Orlando tomorrow?


    BTW...I've never been to the convention...what do I need to do to get in, etc?? What's the website? Just heard about all this from my friend the other day....

  5. Wow! We were able to nip it in the bud with our DD15, we made her drop those "friends" we made her an approved by me playlist for her iPod..no music that had to do with drugs, sex, or alcohol was allowed if the music was secular, and found various Christian hip hop groups that we downloaded that she liked. She has made a major turn around so far and has passed every random weekly drug test we have given. Lots and lots of conversations hours and hours and hours of tears and talking went into helping her change her path. I believe we are on the right track, but I still feel led to take it a step further with homeschool to better solidify her faith as she becomes a young adult and before she enters the unknown crazy world of college!!! Time is slipping away like sand in my hands.... I appreciate all the input from you moms....KEEP IT COMING!!!


    PS tomorrow I am attending the homeschool conference in Orlando :001_smile: And I have a good friend mentoring me along the way....Thank God for her!

  6. What if it's not their idea, and may not be what they think they want to do?


    Do you ...


    A. Say I'm the parent, I know what's best for you and just do it


    B. Let your 15 yr old (who has demonstrated a lack of judgement in the past) determine what happens for high school......




    side note:

    (DD 15 is not struggling in school...is very bright, makes A's and B's and taking all honors, AP classes at Public school... it's the "other" stuff...peer pressure, outside influences...ie: "everyone's doing drugs, drinking, having sex", etc...the music, the input from teachers that may or may not be teaching what lines up with God's word, etc.... Oh, I don't know...I really want to feel like I'm not ruining her life (in her opinion) by trying to give her a better one. Anyone feel me?)

  7. yes...the schools in our area are great..."A" rated in fact. BUT we live in an area where drugs are prevalent, and 9th gr was an eye opener for us. We had a very bad year this year. It has improved a lot over the past 2 mos, but wow!! I did NOT realize what she would be up against peer pressure-wise...thought she was equipped with the know-how of what to do...and we were dead wrong. I want her OUTTA there in a bad way. She prob will not want to leave what she knows though....have not mentioned it to her yet.

  8. I am feeling led to homeschool my 4 kids (DD15, DD13, DD9, DS7) beginning this Fall, and my oldest is entering 10th gr. (They have all been in public school all the way through)


    Looking for suggestions / guidance for this transition.


    Questions I have:


    1. How do I get the older 2 on board?


    2. How to weed thru the curricula quickly and find one that's fun and challenging?


    3. Where do I begin?


    4. Has anyone started Homeschool during Highschool? I need feedback!! HELP PLEASE!


    Thank you all!!!

  9. Congratulations on your first year...sounds like you did great. Thank you for your reply.


    You see, I KNOW my older ones will resist at first. The younger ones will be OK with it. The older ones are going to be the tough ones to get on board. BUT I want them out of public school so bad I can taste it!! My older one got into some trouble for the first time ever in 9th gr, and I think some re-training is in order to re-establish her roots and help her stand up to peer pressure.

  10. Hi...I just joined this forum today. This is wonderful. I have 4 kids all who've grown up in "A" rated public schools. Finishing grades 9th, 7th, 3rd, & 1st. The education they're getting academically is the best in our county, but the "other" stuff they're learning at public school will blow your mind. So, I feel like I'm being led to take all of them out of PS and start HS-ing all of them in the Fall.


    That being said, I am overwhelmed with getting curriculum and learning all I need to know before I begin...don't have much time....


    My specific questions are:

    1.) Has anyone begun homeschooling their kids later in life (like 10th grade) with success and


    2.) how did you handle the resistance you faced from the kids.


    3.) How do you get them on board? I know I can offer so much more than they are currently getting, and teach them about God more and so many other things...I only wish I had started earlier.


    4.) Is there a way to get your books/DVDs/curriculum less expensively than the prices I'm seeing online? Used?


    5.) Are there traps you find in purchasing unnecessary books that you never use?


    6.) How do you get plugged into a good group? (We live in the Tampa FL area...near Brandon)


    Can anyone help steer me in the right direction?

    My husband is on board, but he wonders if I'll be structured enough to make it happen since I'm easily distracted and tend to lose focus easily. (he knows me too well) I told him that I think this will force me to become much more organized and structured...I'm very anxious about this decision and have not told the kids yet, but need some Godly wisdom from those who've been there.


    Thanks everyone!!



    PS..my husband recommended that I begin HS a month prior to regular school (like in July) to give it 4 wks trial run so that if it does not work they can still start PS in the fall....Is this the same as giving up before you start??? Do you recommend this?? If I do it that way, only my husband and myself will know that...... Please help if you've been there....thx!

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