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Girl Power

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Posts posted by Girl Power

  1. Just found this thread and am considering it for my ds11 for the fall.  If we are secular homeschoolers, do you think we'd have a problem with the courses? 




    We are secular and the classes have been fine for us. The last class, Webcite, had a couple of short assignment worksheets having to do with looking up Bible verses, which I just had dd skip. It didn't have to be handed in. The vast majority of the class had very little Bible and could easily be skipped. I don't see you having an issue:) We are really enjoying her classes so far!



  2. Yesterday was the last day of the WEBCITE! The girls worked really hard and learned a lot. My husband noticed they communicate better orally. They talk to each other more and they talk more to us way more which is a big deal since they are very quiet girls. I am seeing changes in their ability to think through their reading and writing now and see the finer details of their work. I think it has really built up their confidence. (Now if I can just do the same with math!)


    I am really excited about Forum--the next three weeks. They will be learning to analyze the reading passages from A Night To Remember instead of just research and cite it.



    How did it go for everyone else?

    We really loved the class. It was very manageable, which is great since it was a brand new skill for us. I love that research and citation was introduced in such a gentle way instead of learning it with a full blown research paper. Dd did very well working mostly independently.


    I had such a busy week I forgot to enroll her in Forum, so I did just now. I'm really looking forward to this one! Were the assignments posted yet? I hope she doesn't get behind! I'm waiting to hear from Amy.



  3. I think I would've just laughed and said, "And so it is!" and scooped her in a hug and looked up at my friend, saying "She's so pleased to be learning these things that she just wants to share with the world!"


    Social skills notwithstanding, sharing out of joy is A-OK with me.


    She's six.


    Bravo!!! My kindred spirit!



  4. Definitely focusing on relevance. If the conversation among the adults happened to be about math I would probably just let it slide (the line between talking about something and bragging about something in context is a rather delicate skill many adults haven't mastered yet! I suspect it might be a little too abstract for a 6yo to 'get') but assuming the conversation was about one of a million other topics which had nothing to do with math, I would try to explain that it is rude to interrupt a conversation to talk about yourself and an irrelevant topic. She interrupted the conversation with her only intention being to gain attention and admiration for herself, and that was the bad behavior more than what was actually said. 


    The purpose of conversation should be mutual benefit and relationship building, and I suppose trying to make others happy by kind words and actions (while they hopefully have the same aim for you). Saying something specifically to gain selfish attention is hurtful to others (because they feel left out, or bad, or put down, or ignored, etc) and by changing the subject she probably made other people unhappy as they missed a chance to talk about the matter at hand (or, at least, they would have if they were a peer group instead of a bunch of adults who found her understandably adorable :) ) It's unkind and inconsiderate to only talk about things which interest you and ignore all other talk.


    I guess I'd try to explain something like that at an age appropriate level.




    That seems like an awful lot of analysis because of an interjection by a six year old. I guess I'm just too relaxed to worry about the long term social consequences of something like this. I think the little girl deserves much, much more slack. Mom said she "politely" interrupted. Kind of made me smile to think about, actually.



  5. I guess I don't see this as "bragging".  While I wouldn't want dd to dominate a conversation I was having with other adults, I could see her jumping in with a comment like this. Showing pride in her accomplishments in math is not necessarily a bad thing. I would see if much differently, however, if she chimed in to compare herself to another child who may not have those skills yet. I have reminded dds before to never use their knowledge as a way to feel smarter that someone else, because there is always someone smarter.


    In your situation though, I see it as your dd wanting to include herself in a conversation and showing pride in her accomplishments, and not so much bragging, and that wouldn't bother me. They have many, many years to learn these kinds of social skills.



  6. HI! We're very happy so far, and I'm thrilled dd is learning useful skills in citation that we have not tackled yet. I like that it's starting out with manageable chunks, then adding citation and polishing using her very useful comments. So far no technical issues with the web class. Dd is working pretty independently at this point. I did help her a bit with her Bible research project, but that's because she's not used to using a concordance.



  7. Hi! We will be starting OM for the first time soon. I am trying to combine dd7 and dd9 in grade three, and dd13 will start grade 7. I'm buying them used, and the grade 7 is copyright 2000. Do you know how many reprints since then, or if it's changed significantly? It doesn't include math, which is fine since we'll stay with the same math for now.




  8. LOL!! My 4yr dd knows the entire movie by heart and sings the songs all day every day. Seriously....I agree, let it go already!!! Though, I do have to admit she is kinda cute doing it. The other day she was outside playing and when the sun was setting I wanted her to bundle up more warmly and the little sassy thing said, "no, the cold never bothered me anyway!" (She wasn't too happy when the ended with me picking her up and carrying her inside. ;) )

    Don't know if this was already mentioned, but I just found out that select theaters now have a sing along version out. I'm trying to find one near me. The clip I saw looks awesome. We love Frozen and are always singing the songs. And imitating Olaf. We love him.



  9. I've been working on redoing my library this past year, and am just about done. I built this window seat




    and used a combination of billy bookcases for the surrounding walls. I want to finish it off by using decals to write something over the window. I'm thinking of possibly:


    Home is wherever my books are


    A house without books is a body without a soul - Cicero


    Upon upon a time . . .


    Lose yourself in a book


    Someday you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again - CS Lewis


    A house with a library is a house with a soul - Plato



    Can I have suggestions and perhaps other ideas? Other quotes you can think of? Thank you!



  10. What do you expect them to do if a kid shows up with a tray lunch and no money to pay for it?  Even when we were kids, you had to pay for your lunch in order to get to eat it.


    Let him eat the food instead of taking it away and THROWING IT AWAY. That is appalling, and shames the child in front of his peers.



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