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Christy B

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Posts posted by Christy B

  1. Our first experience with a traditional classroom setting was Thing 1's 8th grade year at a local private Christian school.  It was an unmitigated disaster.  The administration was decidedly anti-homeschooling, and made it clear that our resources, techniques, and ideas were unnecessary and unwelcome.  The year was, by necessity, a hands-off approach.  The concept of parent-directed education was completely foreign to the administration and faculty.  (The concept of parent-paid tuition, however, was not; this makes sense from a business perspective -- convince parents that they are completely incapable of their child's education, in order to make the education offered seem valuable.)  Thing 1 decided before Thanksgiving that this would not be a viable option for high school, and I offered to end her enrollment and bring her back home at the end of the semester.  She declined, stating that she did not want to give the administration or her bullying, cruel classmates the satisfaction.  It is a decision I regret allowing her to make, as she is still dealing with the emotional trauma of an environment that was far more damaging than we realized at the time.  


    We homeschooled for three more years and then she went to Mary Baldwin College as part of their Early College program.  The admissions and faculty at Mary Baldwin are very supportive of homeschooling and encourage application from homeschoolers (they even provide a printable high school transcript form on their website).  Thing 1's non-traditional homeschooling background was celebrated.  Although she was still a high-schooler according to her transcript, we were completely hands-off in her academic studies that year (of necessity, being four hours away).  


    Thing 2 is currently enrolled in a local charter school, which is also supportive of homeschooling.  It is a very small school, woefully understaffed and underfunded, and parental involvement is not only welcome, it is a vital and thriving part of the school plan. On any given day, there are probably half a dozen parents at the school, tutoring and helping during the mandatory 8th period academic study hall.  I am privileged to tutor a small group of my daughter's 10th grade English classmates one day a week, and in that setting, I have exchanged lesson ideas and links to materials with her teacher.  He does not find it at all strange or threatening that I continue to teach homeschool enrichment classes while my child is enrolled in public school.  Thing 1 would prefer that her father and I be completely and utterly hands-off; however, her grades do not inspire us to trust her with full autonomy at this point.   Her teachers understand this, and support both her desire for independence and my desire to stay actively engaged in her education.  I have more interaction with her teachers, and my ideas and suggestions have been met with more enthusiasm and respect, than I ever could have imagined.  They have found places for me to volunteer and serve the school that do not directly involve my daughter, and everyone is happy.  The concept of parent-directed education seems perfectly natural to the administration and faculty, and even though most teachers hold masters degrees or higher, there is no sense of condescension toward less-educated parents. 


    I believe there were two key factors in the dramatically different experiences:  the attitude of the school toward the homeschooling family, and the attitude of our homeschooling family toward the school.  In the disastrous experience of the private Christian school, the school's attitude was thinly veiled hostility toward homeschooling and homeschoolers, and our attitude was far too timid and compliant. My level of involvement and input was dictated and controlled completely by the school.  Older and wiser, we knew the next time around not to bother with schools that were not supportive of homeschooling, but we also had a more confident, unapologetic attitude.  In this case, my level of involvement and input is directed by the needs of the school and the preferences of my child.  

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  2. All excellent ideas and suggestions.  I do realize that it would be ideal for her to plan to study music in a college setting -- there are all sorts of reasons that college is probably not going to happen.  You've helped me realize that she needs to first define her goals -- does she want to sing professionally?  does she want to continue theater? -- and then work back from the goal to the ways to make it happen.


    I think what she might really have in mind (that would be more realistic for her) are community groups.  She could work her "day job" and find community music and drama groups to fill her need of, well -- community.  


    I welcome any and all additional ideas!

  3. My friend's daughter has "for real" talent in singing.  Her voice teacher is ecstatic to have discovered her.  She's had more of an unschooling background and four year university doesn't appeal to her (and probably isn't an option).  She has described what she's looking for as somewhere that she can go for a couple of years and do something real with music -- be completely immersed in music, classes, lessons, etc.  I've done some preliminary searches and found nothing, but honestly, I don't think I even know enough to know what I'm searching for.  I know my piano teacher wanted me to go to Shenandoah Conservatory in Virginia, so I've searched under "conservatory" but still can't get a feel for what she needs.  I do believe that something is out there for her, though.  Suggestions or ideas are appreciated -- the more outside the box, the better.  Thanks!

  4. The course is primarily targeted as a .5 credit course for high schoolers, but needs to be appropriate for 7th/8th graders as well.


    Much Ado About Nothing is at the top of my list although I could be persuaded to replace it with Midsummer Night's Dream.


    I have an excellent free unit on King Lear from Janice Campbell (Excellence in Literature) so I'm leaning toward that as a selection, because I love the way it introduces background information and the writing assignments are perfect.  (Also, hello, free!)


    HOW on earth do I choose just one more?!?!?


    Macbeth keeps coming to mind; of course, one might think Romeo and Juliet as an obvious choice (although both my college and high school daughters are saying no, that's too predictable).  


    Julius Caesar and Hamlet are both being covered in other courses, so I don't want to duplicate those.


    I feel like I should include a history, but frankly, they are my least favorite.  Couldn't King Lear be considered a historical tragedy?  :-)

  5. I give my piano students a certificate every year for "participation", but this year we had an extra credit program, and most of them have earned an "above and beyond" award.  I was thinking little trophies from Oriental Trading, but as I started browsing, I thought maybe something less "clutter-y", and more collectible -- like a high quality ribbon (thinking of all the 4H ribbons my girls have treasured and displayed in their rooms) or a pin (they could put it on their music tote bags).  


    What say you, parents -- what do your kinds enjoy.  I have mostly upper elementary age students; a couple of teenage girls.

  6. I just want to add a word of encouragement -- for those long, hard days when you wonder if it would be so much easier if they were in school:  in my experience, anyway, the answer is no.  We were just as exhausted with the drop-off, pick-up, homework, go get supplies, figure out lunch, must have clean laundry (well, we try to have clean laundry regardless, but if we stay in our jammies while the load of jeans finish drying, no harm no foul!) . . . it was, truly, equally exhausting.  I am thankful that my girls attended traditional school for short periods of time, and realizing that parenting and educating is LONG HARD EXHAUSTING WORK whether homeschooling or traditional schooling was a blessing.  It made "embracing the suck" easier.  


    And it does get better, I promise, as they get older.

  7. Well, if those are your criteria for "similar to Jane Eyre", Frankenstein would be a perfect fit.


    (Now I would not consider this remotely similar, but it sure is dark, mysterious, British, classic, and rich in symbolism and theme.)



    Yes, the similarity needs to be in those things mentioned -- particularly that the novel needs to have a lot of symbolism and theme to discuss.  I lead a literature class using Windows to the World and the extended lesson plans that go with it.  Jane Eyre is the second novel to be studied, and the emphasis will be on symbolism and theme.  However, most of my students have already read Jane Eyre for another class -- and few of them like the book.  I'm willing to choose another but I want to be able to focus on symbolism and theme.


    I'm glad you "got" what I was looking for -- I will certainly look in to Frankenstein, as I think this particular class might really enjoy that!

  8. She does like dresses, actually! I forget, because she spends a good deal of her life in BDUs and dress blues for Civil Air Patrol, but she actually does like dresses, AND they definitely solve the problem of having to put separate pieces together. GREAT idea for spring / summer, because they are cool and comfy. We have both a TJ Maxx and a Ross nearby so that's a great idea. She's tall enough that she looks really good in a dress. And she has claimed my Calvin Klein denim jacket from the 80s and thinks it's the coolest thing EVER so that would be a great layer for her to finish up the school year in VA, where it is a bit cooler, and then have the dresses to wear all summer and back to school here in NC in August.


    Regarding the Toms shoes . . . I've noticed these on a LOT of my high school students -- do college students wear these, too? My dd prefers flat, flat, FLAT shoes -- she says that the typical arch support found in running shoes or better brand flats (Clarks, Dansko, etc) actually hurt her feet and make her knees and back hurt. I wonder if she would like the Toms.

  9. I live in a college town and the girls around here dress like clones.


    Casual- big tshirt (usually from a sorority event), running tights or Nike Tempo shorts (which you often can't see below the shirt), running shoes, sloppy hair / pony tail

    day wear - tight jeans, riding boots (or sometimes Toms), nicer top (usually flowy or something with bra straps showing), North Face jacket

    church - really short dress with cowboy boots or stilettos



    To me it's totally laughable, so I enthusiastically applaud you for helping her learn about what looks good on her. I am so saddened to see all the girls here dress exactly alike - though it looks nice on 10% of them. I understand looking "trendy" but it's so refreshing to see a young lady who looks timely with a little flair of her own, and in clothes that actually fit her. Go, Mom!!




    Ah, yes, I am familiar with this "look". And yes, she would be in the 90% that would not look nice in those outfits. Which is probably why she's asking for help -- this is mostly what she sees at school, I'm sure, and I think she knows just enough to know that for some reason, it's not the right look for her, even if she couldn't articulate *why*.

  10. She would love a "formula" to follow: casual = jeans + . . .


    She really doesn't like to fuss with clothes but she is at a loss when certain events (public speaking class; going to a social gathering with a special friend) make her want to dress a bit more "special" and she really doesn't know how to venture past her safety zone of jeans, t-shirts, and cons (really, nine days out of ten that is perfectly fine for her).


    I would like to put together some mix and match options and literally take pictures on her iPhone so that she has a personalized catalog of sorts. (Yes, she really is that clueless; and yes, she really would be relieved at this level of help!)


    I don't even know where to begin, though, in searching out clothing for her. She is not a girly-girl but she does like to look feminine sometimes, and I think she would like to look like the college student that she is, and dress more confidently for certain classes and activities. To complicate things, she is sturdy size 8, battling a few extra pounds from college dorm life, and a DD cup size. So the typical "junior size" clothing just does not work for her; everything seems to be cut for girls with no curves! I was in JCPenney at Christmas (can you tell I just LOVE to shop) and I did notice a trend toward the more boxy (and familiar, to me!) styles of the 80s, which I know she would love.


    Mostly I shop at Goodwill, but if I could look at some websites I could get a feel for what is "current" and "young" but not overly trendy.


    Suggestions? I know Old Navy. That's about it!

  11. I lead a literature / writing co-op class. I commented on a student's paper recently that she should not flip back and forth between the names "Atticus" and "Finch" in her character analysis essay. She complied very willingly, but expressed confusion, as other teachers had actually instructed her to do so.


    I have been searching the internet and dozens of my writing handbooks, but I can not find a reference!


    I was fairly certain that somewhere along the line I had been explicitly taught to pick a name (either first or last) and stick with it.


    Ideas? Have I just lost my mind?


    Cross-posted on high school board.

  12. I lead a literature / writing co-op class. I commented on a student's paper recently that she should not flip back and forth between the names "Atticus" and "Finch" in her character analysis essay. She complied very willingly, but expressed confusion, as other teachers had actually instructed her to do so.


    I have been searching the internet and dozens of my writing handbooks, but I can not find a reference!


    I was fairly certain that somewhere along the line I had been explicitly taught to pick a name (either first or last) and stick with it.


    Ideas? Have I just lost my mind?


    I'm going to cross-post this on the general board as well.

  13. No, but they have colors. Nouns are brownish-orange. Verbs are green or blue. Pronouns are gray. Adjectives are red. (This is unrelated to the fact that there are actual grammar programs somewhere that use color to parse).



    Oh, oh, oh. There is a word for this. I don't remember what it is, but there is a word for it.


    Or maybe it was with numbers. But I read about it here.

  14. My husband takes it regularly. He's regularly fighting colds.


    I take it . . . once in a blue moon, when I happen to think of it . . . and am rarely sick.


    Just wondering how effective it is. I have the gummies. The main ingredients seem to be tapioca and cornstarch.


    Not looking to prove or disprove -- just curious.

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