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Mississippi Missy

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Posts posted by Mississippi Missy

  1. Yumm, I love ice cream too. Who doesn't. ha ha I am a plain kind of girl. I just like chocolate ice cream. No nuts or anything fancy. Breyers has the best chocolate fudge swirl ice cream. If you haven't tried it yet, you gotta. :) Chocolate mint is good too. And I live in South Mississippi and it doesn't really get cold here compared to where I came from in Northwest Missouri. Freezing there. So here in the south it always feels like summer or at least fall. So ice cream 365 days for me too. Oh, the cookout thing is weird though. When I lived in the cold 20 below wind chill climate I still got out there on the grill and cooked out. A good cookout is good anytime of year also, snow/ice or warm weather. :)

  2. Yea, I understand most are doing classical. I've heard that I think. What are the differences between classical and traditional anyways? I'm really not sure even though I've been homeschooling 6 years now. I actually have books posted on 5 different sites. Amazing huh. It just seems like no one is buying books anymore. At least not much this year. Even a friend of mine isn't selling a lot this year. I don't think she has lots of Abeka books for sale either. Thanks for the info. Oh, how come your not homeschooling this year??? Mind me asking? :)

  3. Hi, I just wondered if anyone uses Abeka anymore. I have some Abeka books for sale and no one is emailing me about them. I'm just surprised I guess. :001_huh: Some of these books I thought would be easy sellers. I have sold alot, but it seems that no one is buying Abeka books right now, or anymore really. I guess I just wondered if anyone else out there still uses Abeka or am I the last one on the planet still using it? :D I like Abeka, it works for my kids. But then again I have other books also for sale that aren't Abeka that aren't selling either. I know it isn't just me. I think lots of people this year are having a hard time selling their used books. What are your guys thoughts on this? Thanks for listening.

  4. Sounds interesting with the grim reaper and all the black. I wasn't able to actually do alot for my 30th last year. I moved down to the Gulfcoast a litlle over 3 years ago. All my family is back in Missouri still. But my mom was able to come down to visit. And of course, I got the royal treatment of the "Look who's 30" sign in my front yard with ballons. So with my moms 50th birthday being only 2 weeks before my 30th, I knew my sis and I needed to do something, I was sure she would repay the favor. And she did. She flew 1,800 miles or so just to decorate my yard they way hers was. Ha ha It was fun. I am real glad she came. I only get to see her twice a year now, if that. And we use to see each other a few times a week and talked on the phone daily. (we still talk on the phone often) So I enjoy her visits. :)

  5. Hi, my mom actually just turned 51 just 2 days ago. So last year my sister and I just bought "over the hill" signs for her house. Big black ballons with 50's on them that say "over the hill." Also she had a necklas of the same thing that she was to wear out to dinner. :) We didn't do a whole lot, but I know she liked what we did do. We picked all that up (well my sis did) at the local party store.


    I'm 30 also, will be 31 in a 2 weeks or so.:001_huh: I don't think 30 or 31 now, is too bad. That is still young. Just not younger, huh. ha ha Have a great day.

  6. I guess this program can be through Army, Navy, and I don't know about Airforce. Probably them also. So check them out, too. Thank you to my dear friend Beth for showing or pointing this out for me. I will be sure to let others know that as well. Oh, and sorry I haven't been chatting. I forgot to subscribe to this post and couldn't find it. But hey, if that happens to any of you. I figured it out. Just go to your profile and you will see a place to visit all of your threads you have started or visited yourself. Cool. :)

  7. Sorry to hear. That is hard. Does your son realize that he can have a diploma also even though he homeschools. I'm not that far yet, only 5th grade, but I do know they can graduate with a "diploma." I think you should mention to your sister that she hurt you and that she shouldn't of gone there without talking to you first. But then you do need to forgive her. Even if she isn't sorry. I know that is tuff, I've been there also. But if you don't resentment and bitterness will eat you alive. Hope all works out for you.

  8. I don't really have a good place for shoes either. But we take them off at the door. We have carpet with Tile/lanolium by the front door. So the shoes usually go there. I feel I am always striaghtening them cause they tend to get "thrown" over there, messing up my wall. So I recommend having some sort of shoe rack, which I am thinking of getting myself. :)

  9. Wow, that is awful. :glare: I have been having problems with teens in my neighborhood also. Not doing this to my house. But teasing my "small" children. One girl was teasing my 6 year old daughter. How rude and immature. And another teenage boy tried pushing my son off his bike. My kids were just playing in their yards and driveways. These teens need Jesus to change their hearts, that is where the difference will be. Did you get a good look at these kids to recognize them?

  10. Well, when our HS Troop leader moved away I had everything dropped in my lap. I was going to take over the troop but ended up finding another willing mom. This I do know from my short experience of "almost" leading a troop. You need to first contact the GS Headquarters in your area. They gotta check you out, make sure you not an ax murderer or something. :) Once your approved or while your waiting for the paperwork to go through you need to get certified. So say you want to be a brownie and a junior leader in one. You can do that. Even more if you want, just more work involved though. There are some books (white with black spirals) that are leader guides. You study them and then you can go online to take the tests to be certified in that area. I'm not sure what else you would need to do, but I do know you can call the headquarters and they can help you the rest of the way in getting started. Hope this helps. Good luck.

  11. Well, I am not actually a leader. I was going to take over our HS troop when our leader moved. But I sent out an email to our homeschool group looking for a leader, and found one. She had another mom just volunteer to co lead. Never happens huh, I was shocked to find one, but two, this was great. My idea is if you have a homeschool group, send out an email of invitation and see if anyone bites. Also you could mention it to the other moms of the girls in the troop to see if any want to help. You may get a response. I was a girl scout a few years also, my DD (2nd grade) is hitting her second year as a brownie this year. I like the program, too. :) Hope this gave you some ideas.

  12. Well, mine are involved in church and also a home school group. We have co-op classes each Tuesday for 8 weeks at a time twice a school year. But also field trips and stuff with these other kids. In fact we are going with some from the HS group this Tuesday to a Splash Pad (water play place). They also play with kids in the neighborhood, which I don't always like cause sometimes the kids in the neighborhood aren't the best influences. Socialization isn't a big deal to me cause I know they are getting to be around other kids through the above ways, but this is one reason for not doing public school for me. I don't want my kids to be socialized with the public school kids. There is so much going on there that I would go crazy knowing my kids were in that kind of company. Not all public school kids, but I have heard of even 8 year olds and younger doing unmentionable things on the playground. Not something I want mine to be involved in, you know. :) These are my thoughts anyhow.

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