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Posts posted by Scook86

  1. 2 minutes ago, Targhee said:

    Sounds like you’re half done! Spanish you’ll want to do regularly (daily is best) and Latin too, because they are languages that need use and practice.  It might only be reviewing vocabulary some days but 10 min a day 5x a week is much better than one 60 min or two 30 min blocks. I’d Lump typing in there too, for 5-10 min a day.  You could have a 30-45 min daily block for Spanish, Latin, and typing.  You may find a lot of redundancy in Spanish and Latin and might opt for justbone at a time but YMMV.

    That leaves Geography, Logic, and fine arts.  You could have a looping electives hour every day. Or you could have a given day for each elective. Or you could spend 4 months on geography, 4 on logic, 4 on fine arts.  Or you could do 2 weeks geog, 2weeks Logic, two weeks fine arts, break and repeat.  Really, there are so many ways to do it.  My kids do better with “seasons” of things - right now we are covering geography, in a few months we will focus on science, etc.

    So, what do you want? What will work well for your child? 

    I was just about to edit my post ask how often Latin should be covered. Thank you for clearing that up. 

    I like the sound of looping the electives. I’ve really wanted to incorporate Dad into school but, with him working out of state two weeks on and two weeks off it seemed impossible to include him consistently. This schedule would solve that perfectly! Thank you for your thoughts. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, WendyAndMilo said:

    How long is logic going to take per day?

    I’m not really sure. I’ve just started researching curriculum so no idea of how many lessons to incorporate. I just know that from what I’ve seen 6th grade seems to be a good point to start Logic. 

  3. I have all of our curriculum figured out but I’m trying to decide how to schedule out every subject throughout the week. My ds is in 6th grade and we school five days a week, year-round. 

    Here are our subjects:


    LA- Writing, Grammar, Spelling, Vocab, Literature








    Fine Arts

    I know that we’ll do Math, Writing, and Literature every day, but I'm having trouble with how much of the other subjects to cover over the week. I’d like to block schedule History and Science with History on MWF and Science T/Th. Can anyone help me out with the rest? Thanks!



  4. I'm looking for a Science program/curriculum for my third grader who is very hands on and enjoys experiments. I work from home, though, so it's not always feasible for me to be very hands on when it comes to every subject. It would be amazing to find a program that could work with our needs and also have any needed materials included. Does such a program exist?

  5. Summer is from the end of June to the middle to end of August. It will still be hot in August, but the nights start getting cooler.


    So, two pedicures for summer, which each last 4 weeks. And I haven't got my first one yet, that would be wasting it.



    Geez! I'm in TX and our summers start in May and don't end until mid-end of October. So, that's about half of the year spent in flip-flops or sandals.

  6. Mine are a bright pink.


    I'm excited to try a new product I found this weekend for my daughter. She loves to paint her nails but with swimming they only last a day. Even with the gel nail polish ($$) it only lasts a few days, plus the nail salon only recommends gel nails a couple times a year for kids.


    At a meet we ran into an old friend who had the prettiest pattern on her nails and told us about the Jamberry Nails vinyl wraps. She said they are holding up well for her, a wheelchair user, when typically nail polish won't stay on her nails due to the abuse her nails go through hitting the wheels all day. After googling the product, and YouTube videos, I have some on the way and I'm hopeful we might get a week out of a set. They have so many different options my youngest can't wait for them to show up.


    I'll try to post back after she tries them.

    I've tried the nail wraps before. I did a French manicure style and it lasted 2 weeks! They were a pain in the booty to apply but looked great once on. I bought the Sally Hansen ones.

  7. Yikes, Amy! And hugs to everyone who had a crappy Mother's Day. :(


    It's a little late but......



    - Water the garden

    - Breakfast

    - Unload/load dishwasher

    - Start a load of laundry

    - Tidy up the master bath

    - Scoop the litter box (blech)

    - Lunch


    To Do:

    - Clean the living room

    - Finish school (Ds is having an attitude today, so he was sent to his room for a while)

    - Dinnner & Clean-up

    - Nightly walk


    I think that everything. ;)

  8. I just touched them up yesterday. I only do my toenails. I don't do my fingernails because they chip too easily no matter how I try to protect the polish. I get a pedicure when I can spring for one, and do them myself when I can't.

    I'm the same way. Maybe I need to buy better quality polish. Not to mention I suck at painting with my non dominant hand. It turns out about as good as when Ds does them for me. ;)

  9. I paint my nails at home. I have too short an attention span (and too huge a cosmetic bag full of nail polish) to want to stick with a single color for more than a week. :lol:

    I hear ya. No professional pedis for me. I can't stand other people touching my feet. They are so ticklish, it literally sends me through the roof. LOL!

  10. Shiny midnight blue with a top coat of glitter. I don't normally paint my toenails, but my 9-year-old did them for me so I'd have something to look at while lying around trying to be patient about recovering from surgery.

    So sweet! Hope you feel better soon!

  11. The color I was born with. My first thought when reading the thread title was that you were wondering if your toenails were an odd color naturally. Nail polish totally didn't occur to me. I have, on occasion, painted them a light pink.

    LOL! I thought about that when writing the title but figured I could explain myself in the description.

  12. We celebrated yesterday since Dh had to work today.


    Dh brought home Chickfila for breakfast. Then he went to the grocery store and surprised me with my favorite flowers (daisies!). Then, he installed the new bamboo shades that have been sitting in the corner of the living room for almost 2 months. We had Cheesecake Factory (another favorite) for late lunch/dinner. And to top it all off, Dh folded 2 loads of laundry for me! It was awesome.


    Happy Mother's Day, everyone!

  13. Is there any way that you and your mom could meet somewhere for lunch or just to talk? You should be allowed to have time with just her. Especially on Mother's Day. And I agree that you should tell her about the performances. Don't let your father's behavior ruin it for you and your mom. Hugs!

  14. Dh and I met when we were both 17, moved in together after graduation, got engaged at 18, pregnant at 19 (Ds was born when I was 20) and married at 22. We just celebrated our 6th marriage anniversary last month but have been together for 10 years.


    I wouldn't change a thing. Neither of us have been to college but Dh makes good money, I get to be a SAHM, we have a house and very little debt (car loan).


    I feel truly blessed that we've been able to have this time together rather than meeting later in life.

  15. VP has samples of the self-paced online and they've been running deals like $99, etc. They may do free trials in the fall again.


    You can read till your eyes pop. I know I have, lol. The main problem is something can be great for someone else's kid and not fit yours at all. I think that's why I have my love affair with TOG, because I've researched it and know why *in theory* it ought to fit us and be great. I just know when the rubber hits the road and I get it in-hand, I have this "it's not quite right" feeling. And if I could very politely say, I think it's because I have a less than typical dc. Some kids just aren't going to fit into somebody's prescribed box, and if you're already saying you need xyz added, that may be where you're at. You're not doing something WRONG just because you can't find a curriculum to fit you're kid. It's sort of like saying what's wrong with my kid, I can't stuff them in this box... when they're these creative, amazing doers if you just let them be what they are. I don't know if your dc is like that, but if he is, don't stuff him in a box or think you need to to do it "right". I was so worried about that for so many years. The stuff my dd remembers is the stuff we DID and the stuff she did to herself.

    Yes, he is definitely just as you described. I'm not so much worried about finding the "right" curriculum for him as I am trying to find something that will work for him. Something that fits him.


    I think the VP self-paced courses might be good for him because he is very tech savvy. He loves video games, especially creative ones, like Minecraft. Also, I switched his math from MUS to an online course (A+ Tutorsoft) and he has been thriving. That alone gives me enough confidence to pursue some type of online approach.


    We still have one on one learning with our spelling, grammar, writing, etc. One thing I wanted to make sure was that I wasn't pawning him off on the computer all day. But for now, I think a few online courses will work.


    I'm still finishing up my research and am trying to not rush myself. I love the Christmas morning feeling of new school stuff, so it's been hard to not push that "purchase" button. LOL!


    Anyway, thank you for all of your suggestions and input.

  16. I have scoured the VP threads and tried to wrap my brain around their website, but I still can't understand it completely. I requested a catalog so hopefully that will make things a little more clear.


    Can anyone explain all they offer?


    I know they have live classes, self-paced classes and curriculum that I can use to teach with.


    I guess I'm a little unsure of what benefits of each program is. Like, why would choose their Diploma Program or their Scholars Academy program?


    I hope this wasn't too confusing. Thanks!

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