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  1. Sorry, I just found your message! I LOVE McRUffy. Very little prep and the lessons are very short and in full color. I just ordered our 1st grade set and it looks just as good.We will finish K next week and I am amazed with how well it worked.The set includes 30 readers, a teachers manual, 2 workbooks and games for K.The only thing that I left out was the writing assignments since my son doesn't like to be forced to write.I got tired of fighting with him about it, so I stopped asking. As a result he asks me for writing assignments on things he is interested in. I honestly don't care what he writes, as long as he is writing. That said, I think the writing assigments/spelling words do a great job in enforcing the lesson. Do you have any specific questions. Bottom line: It was much more affordable that SSRW and much more interesting than Explode the Code. Let me know if you want to know more.

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