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Posts posted by Dstroiker

  1. Okay thank you for letting me know that. I am going look into this more, She is seeing some one for cranial manipulation, I She has gone twice now. today she hit a spot that she started ticing. once she moved it went away. I wonder what does a DAN proticol comsists of. Could you help me on that. What proticol did they put your girls on? I am trying to learn all I can. The meds she is going on hasn't seem to work. The clonidine I just took her off she said she was so tired and couldn't keep her eye's open. We don't want her to have a life of meds.. Any info would help that you all so much..



  2. Wow how amazing I think I will have my daughter tested for these. How is that done? and Yes there are times that her tics are worse then others I am going to have to pay more attention to what she has to eat.. Thank you for answering this is great help. What is a DAN Dr??



    DD 8

  3. My DD was diagnosed With OCD and ADD and Ticks. I am more concerned about the ticks. Since they are what other people see and kids. Which are mean. I do have her on Clonidine. This one she has been on for 4 days. The other was Tenex. Which doesn't help at all. Other women has told me to give her fish oil. I am going try that. She is doing behavior reversal. Well she is going to a new one that deal only with Children. The last one only told me what a bad job I am of raising her. I ended that one.. We are going to see a natural doctor Monday she is going try cranial manipulation. I read on it. It helps the body heal itself. has anyone heard of that?

    I guess I just feel so alone in this. It breaks my heart to see my DD going though all of this so young she is only 8. Would love to hear for anyone on this..

  4. Yes we are going to seeing someone to help build the steps she will need. I went through an few therapists I am going to one for peds only know. Thank you so much.. Is there alot of parents that go without meds is there alot of differents??? I am on the fence with it..

  5. I am new here and don't know how to post a new thread. So I thought that I would post here. My 8 year old daughter has been told she has OCD, T[Kicks and Add. I have tried one med already and it hasn't helped. Tenex was the med now she is on clonidine. We started it last night. She is been seen with the peds psychologist and been tested up and down. I have been looking into Cranial munipulation. We have a appointment for that.. On monday. I feel so bad I have taken her out of school so much. The reason I have taken her is that her teacher have made such a big deal about her paying attention.. She had great grades so I am wondering what the big deal is. She does have tick and they seem to be getting worse.. I think that is the only reason why I am taking her to the doctor! Does anyone have any experience with this??

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