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Posts posted by MommyMelissa

  1. Do you mean Mapping the World With Art by Ellen McHenry? If so, I can't say enough good things about it. My ninth grader is doing this and it's probably his favorite subject. We do it three days a week and I'm planning on giving him a .5 credit for the work. I'm considering calling it cartography since she's not only teaching geography but the history of how the world was mapped and explored.


    I'm not sure how long it takes him because he never complains about it (LOL) and he draws and draws. Now, he doesn't watch the video because he prefers to draw from the written instructions.


    My 12th grade dd is also doing it for a fun elective and she always watches the videos because she enjoys watching the instruction.


    I hope I'm answering questions about the right program :D


    Yup, Sorry! And thanks for the review! :D

  2. I just came across this. It looks like exactly what I want/need for my rising 6th grader and possibly 9th grader.


    How many days per week do you use this? And how long does it take? Is anyone using this with a 9th grader, she'll be doing seperate history but maybe use this as a .5 credit for geography/art?



  3. What does a homeschool mom do when shes sick and stuck in bed? Plan for next year. :tongue_smilie: I'm stuck between two plans for next year and I need help deciding and my husband is sick of hearing me think them through :lol:


    Plan A:

    9th Grade:

    AoPS Intro to Geometry

    OM World Literature

    World History I (BJU World History as the Spine, spreading it out over 2 years and adding to it)

    Apologia Biology


    6th Grade:

    OM 6th Grade History/English and Science

    Teaching Textbooks w/ LoF

    R&S Bible



    Sonlight Core 1

    Handle on the Arts (for hands on sugestions)

    Rightstart B

    All About Spelling

    Writing with Ease 1

    Elemental Science Biology Grammar Stage


    Plan B:


    9th grade:

    AoPS Intro to Geometry

    CLE English 1

    Reading List and a couple lit guides

    BJU Cultural Geography

    Apologia Biology


    6th Grade:

    Teaching Textbooks w/ LoF

    Apologia Jump In

    Growing with Grammar

    Sonlight Core 5/F

    OM Science 6th



    Same Math, LA and Science with Expedition Earth.


    Extras like Foreign Language, Art, Health, Typing and Logic will be the same for both. It's just the core subjects I can't decide on.

    I probably should do Plan A, I already own Core 1. My 5th grade son is using OM 5th grade and we love it.. but then theres Sonlight Core 5/F I really want to use it, we haven't done much world geography and this covers the eastern hemisphere which we haven't touched much. Same with my 9th grade dd, she also loves history and then she wouldn't miss BJU Cultural Geography. Expedition Earth also looks awesome for my 1st graders.


    Opinions? :bigear:

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