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Posts posted by hsmom08

  1. I'm noticing lot of the math books say, Algebra 2 with trigonometry as well as Pre-calculus with trigonometry.   So is trigonometry taken with algebra 2 or pre-calculus?

    The only thing I remember about my math in highschool was that trigonometry was taken with algebra 2 in the same year. 

    11 minutes ago, regentrude said:

    I am not sure I understand your question. Precalculus contains trigonometry, usually a semester's worth, and is taken after algebra 2.

    So it sounds like if my dd takes algebra 2 in 10th grade, she can take pre-calculus which includes trigonometry in 11th and take calculus in 12th.

  2. I'll be teaching Algebra 2 at our co-op this coming school year.  Because of the students in the class, we will only be able to cover Algebra 2 during the school year using Brown/Dolciani book.  My question is...can my dd who only takes the algebra 2 as a 10th grader take pre-calc as 11th grader as long as it has trigonometry in it? (Currently thinking of continuing with the Brown.) I'm asking because in high school I took geometry, Algebra 2/trig, pre-calc, then calculus. My dd is also not interested (at this time) in pursuing science &/or math in college.  She says she wants to major as elementary ed. in college.  Someone said she could take trigonometry as a semester class, but then what would she do for the rest of the 1 1/2 years she would have left in high school.  I really want her to take 4 years of math because she is capable and she might change her mind.


  3. My dd will be taking the chemistry subject test this Saturday.  I know that depending on the college, an AP score of 3 and above can earn you a college credit.  Is there a score for chem. subject test that would be considered "good"?  We are not aiming for Ivy League or anything, most likely a state university or in-state liberal arts university.  Dd does well in science and math, but is not interested in pursuing any STEM career.

  4. On 5/14/2018 at 4:29 PM, regentrude said:

    I don't think there are any essential experiments that must be done. I preferred to do labs that are simple, because I liked to focus on the physics and the process of data gathering and analysis, rather than on a complicated setup with sophisticated devices - this often obfuscates the actual question.


    Any suggestions for chemistry along this line?

  5. Just now, hsmom08 said:

    Bury my heart at wounded knee.

    I don't remember too much of this, except that it was vey sad.  It was part of studying for a decathalon and the history section focused on Indians and what happened to them.  I felt like I learned a lot about the hardships experienced by the Indians. 

    Someone mentioned Joy Luck Club.  I am Korean and I could relate to many of the things that were in the book so I enjoyed

    it.  (accidently submitted it before I was ready.  :-)

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  6. Bury my heart at wounded knee.

    I don't remember too much of this, except that it was vey sad.  It was part of studying for a decathalon and the history section focused on Indians and what happened to them.  I felt like I learned a lot about the hardships experienced by the Indians. 

    Someone mentioned Joy Luck Club.  I am Korean and I could relate to many of the things that were in the book so I enjoyed

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  7. I tried R & S English 3 & 4 and gave up w/my oldest because dd didn't like diagramming.  I have a ds who loves to diagram.  He has used daily grams & easy grammar at home along with Jr. Analytical grammar at co-op.  He loves to diagram and wants to do more diagramming.

    Here is the problem.  English is my 2nd language and I learned it when I came to US when I was 9.  If they taught any formal grammar, I didn't learn it since I was trying to learn to speak English.  I don't necessarily want to learn grammar with my ds, I just want something that could be open & go.  My background is in chemistry and math so trying to figure out what is the best grammar is not my thing.  So I would love input to help to get started on the right direction.

  8. On 5/4/2018 at 9:56 PM, mom31257 said:

    I plan to make my own tests unless I find something very useful. I'm teaching this in a co-op where I'll have all the students 8th-12th grade. I will be basically giving two levels of assignments and tests because of the math abilities of the younger students. 


    I was wondering how you teach the class so it's enough for the older students with out overwhelming the younger students with less math abilities?  Do you call the class "conceptual" for the younger and "physics" for the older?  I'm curious because I am looking at teaching chemistry using the "conceptual chemistry" in the future but was going to limit it to the younger students because I didn't know how to do what you are planning.

  9. My dd will be taking her AP art history exam on Tuesday.  She is taking a regular art history class at our co-op but decided to ramp it up and take the test with another girl.  Next year, she will be in 10th and has decided that she would like to take AP European history or World History exam.  She also wants to get the AP credit on her transcript so now I'm trying to research and find a good textbook to use so I can submit the syllabus for approval by the college board.  (Until recently, she didn't know that she wanted to go to college and still doesn't know what she wants to do, so this is a nice surprise that she is motivated to take more challenging course work.)

    Does anyone have any experience, good or bad with any of the textbooks that they used?  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  I took APs but that was in PS so this is all new for me to try to help my dd get AP credit and do well on her test since we will be on our own. 

  10. I'll be teaching Jacob's 2nd ed. in the fall to 2 students, one being my dd.  I remember reading in the forum somewhere that you shouldn't skip problems because it wasn't written that way, that the student should do it all from beginning to end for each section.  Is this what everyone would suggest?  Just wondering if it is asking too much of the student and if they will be able to finish the program by the end of the year.


    Any insight or suggestions would be greatly appreciated since I haven't done geometry since high school, maybe it will come back quickly.  It was one of the easiest math classes I took besides Differential equations.  I could do that with algebra 1 by quickly looking at the ex. to refresh my mind but I probably need to do the homework myself before I assign it to the students.


    Thank you,


  11. Thanks everyone! Now I just need to decide if my soon to be 9th grader is doing geometry next year or if I will have her do-over Algebra. We worked through the first half of AOPs algebra this year. She really struggled and I'm not sure how well she has retained it.


    My dd struggled with AoPS algebra as well so I switched to Dolciani, then Lial's.  I had her take the test at the end of each chapter and if she didn't understand it well, then I made her complete the whole chapter.  Other chapters, she was able to skip.  Maybe you can just something along this line during the summer and be able to start Geometry in the fall.


    I've heard great things about Jacob's 2nd from a friend and she says she is keeping it for her grandkids and never selling.  :-) Right now, I'm trying to decide between Jacob's 2nd and Jurgensen.  Planning on looking at it after this week.



  12. ETA - Additional thought to ponder: at this age, a talent for math may not have turned into a love for it just yet.  I have a math degree, but until my second year of college, I had no interest in pursuing math.  I only did so because my degree required it.  Fortunately, I connected with the right professor, in the right class, and realized that I loved the artistry of the creative genius behind the theory.  If there is *any* chance of this, don't sell her short. 




    I completely agree with this.  I took AP chem just to bump up my GPA and my teacher told me I should be a chemistry major and I laughed it off.  I ended up being a pre-med and choosing chemistry because I didn't like biology.  After shadowing a doctor in the ER and attending summer research in chemistry at U of Arizona, I realized that I could never be a MD and loved lab research.  Ended up getting a Ph.D. in chemistry.  Who knew!!!

    • Like 3
  13. Perhaps take this one year at a time (if she liked Prealgebra, she will love AoPS Geometry :)).  


    Not to go on a rabbit trail but....My dd loved pre-algebra but struggled with algebra.  After 5 chapters, we had to switch to another book, around sept. of last year.  She is finishing up algebra with Lials and she is in 8th grade right now.  I was not planning on using AoPS geometry.  Maybe I should reconsider?????

  14. Thanks for everyone's insight!  I was toying around with having her study geometry next.  I'm hoping that things go well with geometry.  Since she had such a hard time with algebra, I'm a little apprehensive about the future.  I do want her to do proofs, so I have Jacob's geometry 2nd ed. and Jurgensen and am hoping that one of these is a good fit.  I never took statistics but I do like that suggestion. 

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  15. My dd is in 8th grade and is finishing algebra 1 with Lials.  She used AoPS for pre-algebra and loved it but hit a wall when using AoPS for algebra.  She ended up with Lials algebra 1.  Since we are pretty sure she will not be a STEM student, I was wondering what I should do. 


    I just remember taking: Geometry 9th, Alg 2/Trig 10th, pre-calculus 11th and AP Calculus 12th.


    If she used Lials for Algebra 2 9th, geometry 10th, then what should she take for 11th and 12th?  Would she need to take Trig for the whole year in 11th and pre-calculus 12th?



  16. This will be my first 9th grader.  We are in a co-op for all except math.


    Math-Algebra II (Lial's) or Geometry (Jurgensen)

    History-Omnibus II

    Lit/writing-Omnibus II (thinking of using Lost tools of Writing 1 during summer to add to the writing)

    Science-chemistry (Zumdahl) World of chemistry (I'll be teaching this and the lab)

    Foreign language-Spanish BJU (they will be finishing up 1 and starting 2, so 3 years to get BJU Spanish 1&2 done, also supplementing with Mango)



    Bible-I don't have enough faith to be an atheist 

    Art appreciation                                   

    debate (still trying to decide, they will be using a book from CAP)

    PE-summer swim


    Will summer swim be enough to count as 0.5 credit?  She was swimming 5-6 hours/wk last summer.




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