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Posts posted by cheryljill

  1. Count me in among those who are missing the old forums for buying/selling! I tend to buy things piecemeal throughout the school year as we are on a very limited budget. It certainly seems as if the listings have dropped off considerably since the switch to the new forums. I have bought through vegsource a few times before, but I always preferred buying here as there was a feedback system in place.

  2. Hi all,


    Just wondering at what age people start incorporating foreign language instruction? My older son is in 5th grade, and aside from the Hebrew that he is learning at our synagogue, we do not do any language studies. I know that I started studying French when I was in 7th grade, and I know that schools start much earlier than that now. I am thinking about starting French with him next year, but not really sure where to start. Any recommendations for good beginner programs?



  3. I purchased a used copy of Core F, and unfortunately it is missing one page! I'm wondering if someone who has this Core would be willing to scan the page and send me a PDF? Or mail me a photocopy? The page in question is from the History Study Guide, pages 71 & 72 (World Book: Pacific Islands). If you would be willing, please PM me and I will send my email address or snail mail.


    Of course I did not realize that we were missing the page until we needed it!



  4. My just-turned-10 year old son LOVES these books, and has read every one of them. I read the first one, and while I would not call it high art, it was very engaging and full of action. My son is very sensitive to violence, but these books were not frightening for him, if that is the sort of thing you are concerned about. And apparently they have some fairly intricate storylines.

  5. We also really like the "Summer" workbooks. My first grader and my fifth grader each have a book and we use them on days when one child has a lot more to do than the other, or on days when we have other events planned just to keep in the habit of doing schoolwork regularly. The ones we use are by Flash Kids and they cover lots of subjects in easily manageable chunks. I think a book of that sort would be great for your insatiable learner, and definitely good for filling in transitional times.

  6. Wow, thanks for all of the suggestions! I will be requesting a lot of these books from our library. I've got a stack of architecture books and it includes none of the ones mentioned in this thread. ;)


    You have probably come across this, but just in case...




    Question about the Calvert books: I see that this is a text, a set of cards, and is the third thing a workbook? Is it the kind of thing that I could use for take-home assignments? I'm very intrigued by this set, but it's a bit expensive. I could justify the cost if it will save me from having to reinvent the wheel (or rebuild the skyscraper, as it were....)

  7. Hi all,


    I will be teaching an Intro to Architecture class at our homeschool co-op for children who are between the ages of 8 and 11. I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations for resources? I have several good architecture books and am looking for ideas for hands-on projects that are not expensive and not terribly time- or labor- intensive. I haven't had much luck with the searching I've done online. Anyone?



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